Chapter 427 Assassination

Niu Niu also met Lin Jieyu in the palace in the past. At that time, this person always followed Concubine Li, but she was not like Liu Meiren who always took the lead in everything.

Now in the paddock, Niu Niu's impression of Lin Jieyu was neither good nor bad. Lin Jieyu's eyes were indeed unkind occasionally, but she was very attentive in teaching Niu Niu how to ride and shoot.

Niu Niu only felt that Lin Jieyu was like a contradictory person.

At this time, hearing the proposal from his beloved concubine, the emperor just thought about it briefly and agreed.

“This is Niu Niu’s first hunting. As long as she can draw the bow, she will be very good. You don’t have to worry about the accuracy.” The emperor also reassured Niu Niu in advance.

Lin Jieyu stood aside, looking at the emperor's gentle appearance. If Niuniu hadn't been so young, she almost thought she had seen the emperor and the imperial concubine getting along in the past.

 “Little fox Meizi.” Lin Jieyu cursed secretly in her heart.

When the emperor went hunting, he was always accompanied by many guards for safety. These people also had bows and arrows. If they encountered prey, they would also help shoot arrows.

Niu Niu rode the white pony given by the princess's palace and followed slowly behind the emperor.

The emperor has always hunted wildly, but today he seems to have changed his temper. He patiently walks slowly in the forest with the little girl.

Lin Jieyu rode on her horse and complained softly: "Your Majesty, our horses run too slowly and can't even catch up with the prey. I've been in the forest for so long, and I haven't seen a single rabbit yet." "

The emperor happened to feel that Lin Jieyu was beside him, buzzing like a fly. He waved his sleeves and said, "That's all, you can just move around in the forest by yourself. You don't have to follow us all the time."

Lin Jieyu acted coquettishly and asked the emperor to accompany her: "Your Majesty, Niuniu is so small and can't hunt much. Just let a few guards accompany her, and we can have a good time hunting together!"

It is true that the emperor did not do his best in hunting these two days, but he didn't know why. Even though the purpose of this trip was hunting, when he saw Niu Niu this time, he felt as if the lost treasure had returned to him.

 Compared with hunting that can be carried out at any time, he cares more about accompanying Niu Niu.

 “You can just go, I have other plans.”

When Lin Jieyu heard this answer, a hint of sinisterness flashed in her eyes, but she also knew that the emperor's words were not allowed to be refuted by others, so she could only choose a direction and ran over on horseback.

The emperor took Niu Niu and walked forward aimlessly as if they were walking in the woods.

Gradually, they walked deeper into the forest.

 It’s not that they want to go deep into the forest, but the prey on the periphery seems to have been eaten by something, and they rarely see prey.

"It seems that the boys had a big harvest yesterday, and they killed all the prey in the forest." The emperor sighed and didn't think much about it.

"Uncle Emperor, it feels weird here. I don't like it. Let's go back." Niu Niu suddenly said.

Niu Niu felt as if she was being targeted by something vicious in the depths of the forest, and her body felt cold.

The emperor looked at the little girl's pale face with distress, and was about to nod in agreement when he suddenly saw a white shadow flashing in front of his eyes.

 “Your Majesty, it’s a white fox!” said the guard beside him.

The emperor's heart moved. White foxes are rare. If you can peel off a complete white fox skin, you can make a coat for Niu Niu.

 “You guys go chase it!” The emperor ordered three guards to chase the white fox.

The others stayed where they were, waiting for them to come back. Shortly after the three guards left, another white shadow flashed in front of everyone.

This time the white shadow stopped in front of everyone.

 Two innocent and wet eyes looked at each other and ran away as if they were frightened.

 “Little white deer!” Niu Niu shouted excitedly.

The snow-white deer is auspicious. Now there is one in the zoo. Even the royal family regards it as a treasure. No one expected to encounter it deep in the forest.

The emperor thought that not to mention that it was a symbol of auspiciousness, but just because Niuniu liked it, it was worth sending people to chase the deer: "You guys go after it and catch it alive!" The four guards chased the white deer in the direction of escape.

Niu Niu suddenly felt that her surroundings seemed empty. The little girl looked around. Originally there were ten guards around the emperor, but now there were only three left.

The commander of the guards also realized that something was wrong and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, they will return to the team after they finish hunting. For your Majesty's safety, I kindly ask your Majesty to return to the palace."

 The emperor had no intention of embarrassing his subordinates and nodded in agreement.

Just as the horses turned around, a woman's shrill cry for help suddenly came to everyone's ears.

 “Help! Help! Your Majesty, save me!”

Niu Niu listened for a moment and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, uncle, it seems that he is the empress Jieyu."

It was impossible for the emperor to leave his woman alone, so the group hurried in that direction.

Coincidentally, Lin Jieyu was also running in the direction where they were.

Lin Jieyu, who was high-spirited before entering the forest, is now in a miserable state, with the clothes on her head scattered.

The emperor thought that his beloved concubine had encountered a ferocious beast, but he did not expect that there were several masked men with knives following her behind her.

As soon as they met each other, the captain of the guard shouted: "Protect Your Majesty!"

Together with the other two guards, he firmly protected the emperor behind him.

 The emperor stood in front of Niu Niu again.

 “Swish swish!”

The sound of several arrows sounded in the forest, and several masked men were standing high on the trees shooting arrows downwards.

The guards blocked in time, and the arrows shot at them were shot down one after another. Neither the emperor nor Niu Niu was injured.

 It's just that people have protection, but horses don't.

After several horses were attacked, they neighed and lost control.

Several people had no choice but to abandon their horses. Three guards formed a circle and hid behind a big tree, surrounding the emperor and Niu Niu in the center, and arrows could not reach them.

Lin Jieyu also wanted to run among them, but as soon as she made a move, the captain of the guard pointed at her with a long sword.

“Your Majesty, these assassins were brought in by Lin Jieyu. She is not innocent!” said the captain of the guard.

The emperor naturally understood this and looked at Lin Jieyu with unusually cold eyes.

Lin Jieyu still said she was wronged: "Your Majesty, I am wronged, please save me!"

 But after seeing the emperor, those masked men no longer cared about Lin Jieyu's life or death.

"Who are you? How dare you assassinate His Majesty!" the captain of the guard yelled loudly.

The masked men didn't answer, and the arrows couldn't hit them, so they gave up their bows and arrows, picked up their long swords, and attacked the emperor and his party.

 “His moves are deadly, his movements are neat, he looks like a man in the military!” The captain of the guard analyzed while blocking.

Niu Niu had never seen such a dangerous scene before. The little girl couldn't help thinking that every time she encountered danger, she would get a warning in her dream, so why not this time?

 She suddenly noticed something in her hand. When she lowered her head, she saw that it was half a tiger talisman.

“Take it and bring it back to the capital to your grandmother, the Queen Mother.” the emperor said.

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