Chapter 432 Childhood sweethearts

 The words that Mrs. Xianguo blurted out made Qin Er's eyes darken.

 “Mother, I will not marry a sinner!” Qin Er retorted.

But Mrs. Xianguo was not as concerned about her second son's feelings as before. Instead, she eagerly grabbed the eldest son's sleeve, not daring to take any chances, and said:

"Ah Jing, you are the eldest son of the Duke of Guo. This family will count on you sooner or later. Since you feel that Rongjia is pitiful, then our Duke of Guo will marry her. Don't worry, mother will treat her well and let the whole capital know that we show off. Guogongfu is a family that values ​​trust and justice.”

When Qin Er heard this, his dissatisfaction reached its peak, and he said: "If mother wants to coax my eldest brother, do I have to sacrifice me? My eldest brother cares so much about Rongjia County Lord, who knows if they have something going on..."


Before Qin could finish his words, there was a slap mark on his face. He looked at his mother in disbelief. This was the first time in his life that he had been beaten.

Mrs. Xianguo looked away with a guilty conscience, and then reprimanded: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will ask your father to punish you!"

Qin Er stared at her, then ran out without saying anything.

Qin Jing frowned and said, "Mother, I'm going to see my brother."

Mrs. Xian Guo immediately pulled her eldest son and said, "He has a bad temper. I will go and coax him later. You are busy with official duties during this period. It is rare for you to go home. Take a good rest. Your mother made a special trip to stew soup for you. Once you Will have to try it.”

Qin Jing shook his head and said: "I still have official duties in my yamen. I heard about the incident of Rongjia County Lord, so I took the time to come back for this trip."

"Well, since there are many things going on in the Yamen, you should go back quickly. I will go to your brother's place to persuade him." Mrs. Xian Guo said.

Qin Jing thought that his second brother and his mother had always been close, so he didn't think much about it. He only warned: "Mother, a man should rely on himself, not his wife's family, to establish himself. You have to explain this to his second brother carefully. Shen Changfeng said earlier Like his second brother, he has the reputation of being a **** in the capital. Now he is working as an errand in the Ministry of Industry and has done several beautiful errands and won many praises from His Majesty. "

Mrs. Xianguo also heard about this. She curled her lips and said, "Shen Changfeng is your majesty's nephew. Your majesty prefers him. Who knows if he has really changed his gender?"

Qin Jing said: "Mother, these are all rumors that everyone has said. Your Majesty really wants to give him a good title. Why is it wrong that so many officials are watching the important events of the court? Besides, Shen Changfeng is also Only by having a famous teacher and discipline him can he be successful today.”

Mrs. Xian Guo's heart was moved and she said: "Ah Jing, you and Gu Mingda are officials in the same dynasty and have a close relationship. Otherwise, you go ask him and I will send your second brother over and let him teach you for a while. "

Qin Jing shook his head: "Master Gu has a lot of things to do now, and even Shen Changfeng has not continued to teach. Don't worry, mother, your son will pay attention and choose a strict teacher for the second brother."

Mrs. Xianguo nodded and said, "Okay, Ah Jing, your second brother will be counting on you in the future."

Qin Jing originally wanted to talk about Qin Jingshu's situation in the palace, but until he went out, his mother never asked about his sister, so he still didn't speak.

When Mrs. Xianguo rushed to Qin Er's yard, the house had been smashed to pieces.

"My son, mother knows that you are angry, so there is no need for you to vent your anger on these things." Mrs. Xianguo persuaded her in a good voice.

 Seeing his mother lower her head, Qin Er still didn't look good, thinking about the slap on his face.

Mrs. Xianguo's eyes flickered and she said, "You are a man, not a woman. If you get married, you will get married. Why don't you let me do whatever you want when you enter the house?"

Qin Er said, "Why did my brother marry a girl from my hometown after I married the guilty minister?"

Mrs. Xianguo said directly: "Can you be the same as him?" As soon as she said the words, she realized something was wrong and quickly made up for it: "You were born to enjoy happiness. Your eldest brother is carrying the entire family on his back, and his wife She is a wife of a clan, so she has to choose the right one. If you really don’t like Rongjia, I’ll go back and find some good ones for you. With Rongjia’s family’s virtue, she won’t dare to say anything.”

Qin Er lowered his head and stared at the broken porcelain on the ground. After a long time, he said: "I want the coral in the eldest brother's yard."

Mrs. Xianguo frowned and said, "That's what my mother prepared for your eldest brother. This needs to be spread..."

Qin Er turned around directly.

Mrs. Xian Guogong immediately said: "Okay, okay, Mom will think of a way for you. When the time comes, you can say that Coral can't stand the loneliness and seduce the man."

Qin Er then turned around.

Mrs. Xianguo took the tonic soup brought by the servants and said, "Drink it while it's hot. Mom specially asked the kitchen people to stew it for you. Among the three children, you are the one who loves me the most. Why don’t you understand my mother’s painstaking efforts?”

Qin Er took it casually and frowned after taking a sip. The tonic soup was chicken stewed with cordyceps. Obviously he didn't like chicken soup, and the person who loved chicken soup in the family was his eldest brother. He immediately understood the so-called tonic soup. Who is the soup for? His heart, which was softened by Mrs. Xianguo's words, suddenly hardened again.

As expected by Qin Jing, the emperor didn't care at all about the marriage of his children. After cleaning up the Qi Prince's Mansion, he also beat up the princes and nobles in the capital one by one. The emperor was finally able to sleep peacefully at night.

 At this time, the emperor was summoning Gu Mingda in the palace.

"Your Majesty, I am incompetent. When I arrived, the building was already empty. Although there were some traces in the secret room, no trace of the Imperial Master was found." Gu Mingda bowed to apologize.

After interrogating several thieves in Baiyun Town that day, he rushed to Jingui Lane with his troops without stopping. The family of the thief leader may have thought that this place was not exposed, so they failed to evacuate in time.

Gu Mingda guessed that the thief leader valued his family so much that he would not reveal the secrets of the person behind the scenes to his subordinates, but he would definitely explain something to his family.

The interrogation went smoothly this time, and the wife of the thief leader quickly revealed a house in the city.

However, when Gu Mingda arrived at the house, even if he found the hidden secret room, he only saw traces of blood sacrifices and various talismans that made people frightened at a glance. There was no sign of the national master.

“That’s all, you’ve done a great job, Gu Aiqing, for being able to discover so many clues through these details.” The emperor’s eyes were full of close appreciation when he looked at Gu Mingda.

Although Gu Mingda's main job is still to teach children, the emperor has promoted his official rank again. Now the entire officialdom knows that Gu Mingda is a popular figure in front of the emperor and will be reused in the future.

 After the emperor finished handling the affairs of the court, he went directly to Shoukang Palace.

 But Niuniu was not in Shoukang Palace.

“Where did the little girl go to play like crazy again?” the emperor asked the queen mother with a smile.

The Queen Mother smiled with an aunt's smile on her face and said: "She and Ah Xuan were watching fish in the Royal Garden. The two of them really didn't know each other, but now their relationship is good and they play together all day long."

 The emperor felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this.

Who would have thought that the Queen Mother would actually continue to say: "Emperor, when the Ai family looks at these two childhood sweethearts, the more they look at each other, the more they look like a couple."

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