Chapter 48 Surprise

Hearing this, Gu Mingda and the other five were all shocked.

It happened that the commotion over there came to an end at this time. Several sergeants swarmed up and held down the candidate who was still noisy.

The examinee was still struggling to defend himself, but was dragged directly by the sergeants into a nearby hut along with his examination basket.

"Do you think he was wronged?" Zheng Qi asked in a low voice.

As the first person among the five to find the cheat sheet in the test basket, when Zheng Qi saw this situation, he would inevitably have a feeling of hurting others.

"He may have been framed accidentally." His companion said with good intentions.

Gu Mingda looked at them. The oldest of his companions was only twenty-five years old. They were all still young and would not speculate maliciously on others.

Unlike him, he has been taking exams for many years and has been in the examination room for a long time. He has long been accustomed to seeing all kinds of people. Every year, there are young men who are just starting out and gray-haired old boys who are still determined to achieve fame.

There are gentlemen who are magnanimous, and there are villains who are concerned.

Gu Mingda originally believed in his heart that it was Zhang Guangzong or Wang Yaozu who was responsible for the harm, but now looking at the fraudulent scholar who was dragged away, he was not sure.

After all, in the scientific examination room, there are too many people who have failed repeatedly because of the annual exams. No one can guarantee how many water ghosts there will be who love to pull people into the water.

"Whether it's true cheating or being wronged, it's up to the superiors to judge. This is not something we can comment on at will. If we talk too much, it will attract the attention of the officers. Let's take care of ourselves first." Gu Mingda Warn your companions softly.

"Brother Gu is right."

"We all listen to Brother Gu."

Unknowingly, the companions all changed their names to Gu Mingda. This guarantee team had a vague tendency to regard Gu Mingda as their big brother. After checking the test basket, they really regarded Gu Mingda as their eldest brother. I am very convinced by what he said.

They waited for a while, and finally it was their turn to undergo the initial inspection.

Perhaps it was because a fraudulent scholar had just appeared, and the inspections after this person were extremely strict. Gu Mingda and the five of them were checked over and over again, and even their hair was pulled out several times for fear of missing something.

Fortunately, the five of them had self-examined themselves in advance, so this level was considered a near miss.

After the initial inspection, there was a bailout. The scribes in the private yamen compared the contents of the bail bonds one by one to confirm that the appearance of the five people was consistent with the description in the bail bonds and that they had not been impersonated.

After the pledge was completed, the five people could finally enter the examination room. They would not be grouped together, but their seat numbers would be determined by drawing lots.

"God bless, God bless, never be the toilet number! Never be the toilet number!" Zheng Qi muttered in a low voice.

The so-called toilet number refers to the number near the departure point, that is, the number near the toilet.

There were thousands of candidates in the examination room, but there were only about a dozen buckets. The buckets were all placed in one place. The buckets were mixed with feces and urine, and the smell was unmistakable.

Every time there is an examination, there are always some unlucky ones who get the toilet number next to Gongtong, and there are always some candidates who faint in the examination room because they can't stand the strong smell.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally extremely difficult to achieve good results.

"Zheng Qi, No. A 22."

Hearing the clerk announce his seat number in the examination room, Zheng Qi immediately looked at Gu Mingda, who was very familiar with this examination room, for help.

Gu Mingda nodded and said, "Don't worry, it's not the toilet number."

Zheng Qi let out a cheer and then followed the officer into the examination venue.

Gu Mingda thought about the difficulty of walking to the examination room today. He felt that his misfortune was far from over, and he would have to be assigned a toilet seat when the examination was about to begin.

"Gu Mingda, Bing41..."

Listening to the clerk read out the seat number, Gu Mingda had a feeling that this was indeed the case. The bucket was placed in Area C of the examination room, and he would probably need a toilet number.

But the next second, the clerk suddenly said: "I took it by mistake. No. C has been released. Gu Mingda, you are No. 51 D."

Gu Mingda was stunned when he heard this and followed the officer to District D. His mood was as if after years of haze, the sky above his head suddenly turned cloudy and foggy appeared. District D had nothing to do with the toilet number. The examination room was still so narrow and shabby.

Gu Mingda carried the examination basket filled with pens, inks, paper and inkstones and stepped in.

He immediately checked the furnishings inside.

The table is good and the bench is not broken.

The top of the head looks airtight to the naked eye.

Such an exam booth that was in good condition and not a toilet was almost unique in his nearly 20 years of exam-taking career.

When he was admitted to the Tongsheng Examination, it was rare that he didn't have an accident before the exam. However, it rained during the exam and the exam booth leaked. He struggled to finish writing the exam paper and became seriously ill after he came out.

Gu Mingda secretly told himself in his heart that now that he was in a normal examination room, he was afraid that the candidates around him were abnormal.

He also once encountered a situation where the candidate next door, who had done well on his paper, collapsed while answering the question, suddenly went crazy, and randomly splashed ink on the examination papers of the candidates around him.

He was chosen by a crazy candidate and ruined the test paper.

Gu Mingda had been sitting in the examination room for about a month when he heard the sound of Yun Ban coming from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy door of the examination room was closed.

"Lock the door, sit quietly and wait for the test." This sentence was shouted several times to ensure that nearly a thousand candidates in the examination room could hear it.

Not long after, officers came to hand out red checkered rice paper for writing answer sheets. Gu Mingda checked it carefully.

The rice paper is smooth and flawless, with no missing corners or stains.

He had just finished writing his name and other information when he saw several officers patrolling the entire venue holding wooden boards. Pasted on the wooden boards were the test questions for this session.

Years of experience of failing in scientific examinations have made Gu Mingda develop an extremely cautious temperament.

He read the test questions several times, and after he read them word by word, making sure he didn't miss anything or read them wrong, he started to think about how to solve the questions.

It was the first day of the exam. The exam started at Chenchu ​​and ended at Youchu (5 p.m.).

At noon, Gu Mingda picked up the cooking cakes Zhang Yunniang had prepared in the exam basket in the morning and swallowed them one bite at a time.

He has almost answered the test questions. He will copy them on the answer sheet in the afternoon and hand it in in advance.

Yes, submit your papers in advance.

Gu Mingda did not intend to stay in the examination room for a long time. According to his luck, he felt that the longer he stayed, the more likely it would be to have an accident.

Before I finished eating the pancakes, an accident happened.

"You can't pass the exam! You can't pass the exam! You all can't pass the exam!"

Gu Mingda watched helplessly as a middle-aged man in his forties emerged from the examination booth next to him.

He put down the cooking cake immediately, grabbed a pile of papers in front of him and hid it behind his back to prevent the madman from destroying his answer sheet.

The middle-aged man suddenly rushed to Gu Mingda's examination booth and stretched out his hand as if to grab the paper.

He looked at the pile of miscellaneous items on Gu Mingda's table, except for the paper. His eyes widened and a question mark slowly appeared on his forehead.

"Paper! Where is the paper? Where is your paper!"

(End of chapter)

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