Chapter 82 Noisy

 Chen Chunhua also felt bitter.

She had long taken Gu Mingda's dedication for granted over the years. If the old lady didn't mention it, she almost forgot that her family had taken so many advantages.

She also didn't expect that the few angry words she said just to divide a few chickens would lead to a divorce.

However, Gu Mingda has already given up such a huge benefit, and Boss Gu can no longer fight for his parents.

After all, they are not willing to give up so much wealth for a pair of old men and women like Gu Mingda!

After a brief moment of regret, Dafang and his wife thought about it. Compared with other things, the one-third of the family property they were about to receive was more important than anything else.

They happily calculated that by taking the money, they would have enough money to marry their sons.

But Liu Erni's brain circuit is obviously different from ordinary people.

"Since the second brother and second sister-in-law have given up the family property, will my father and mother still want their share a hundred years from now?"

After listening to Liu Erni's words, everyone present looked at her in surprise.

After a brief moment of confusion, Chen Chunhua's eyes suddenly lit up and she immediately said: "My parents' retirement land will naturally belong to our eldest family in the future. After all, we are the eldest grandson of the eldest family member!"

Liu Erni immediately became unhappy and said, "Your big house doesn't support your parents, so why do you take so much of it? They are all your parents' children and grandchildren, and we can take the third house too!"

Gu Lao San and Gu Lao San originally wanted their daughter-in-law to stop making noise, but when they thought that the land was a real benefit, they still made no move.

Mrs. Gu glanced at her two sons with disappointment, and then stopped the farce: "I haven't died yet, and you have started plotting. Do you want me to die in front of you now to be happy?"

Seeing that my mother was losing her temper, Gu Lao San and Gu Lao San stopped their wives.

Seeing the two daughters-in-law looking miserable, Mrs. Gu brought up the old matter again: "Yesterday's medicine money and carriage fee, you haven't paid me yet. Since you want to pretend to be dead, then just deduct it from the family division money."

"The second brother is capable, and he is not short of money..." Chen Chunhua muttered in a low voice.

Mrs. Gu glared at her, then took two or two and a half coins and handed them to Gu Mingda.

Gu Mingda didn't want to take it, but looking at his old mother's stern eyes, he finally took it and handed it to Zhang Yunniang.

After a big fight, they were finally able to continue their separation.

All the belongings in the house are clearly visible. There are only a few rooms in the house, and they are still divided as before.

Gu Mingda took the initiative and said: "After the New Year, we will move to the county."

In this way, the second bedroom originally lived in two rooms, and the third bedroom in the big bedroom was divided into one room each. Now, the second bedroom will be occupied until after the new year.

There is plenty of money and it is easy to divide it.

But there was another commotion when the fields were divided.

There are high-grade fields and low-grade fields, and the areas are also large and small. Both the big house and the third house want to eat more and occupy more. The brothers-in-law of the two families come into play at this time.

Seeing the big room and the third room quarreling so hard that their faces turned red and their necks thickened, the two brothers, who had a deep relationship with each other, all turned red for a few minutes. Gu Mingda and Mrs. Gu couldn't be happy at all when they saw this lively scene.

Zhang Yuniang held her husband's hand comfortingly.

She knew very well that although her husband studied abroad all year round, he actually cared about his family very much. If not, he would not have wasted his studying time to educate his nephews and nieces.

Several people crowded together noisily, and after half an hour they finally came to a conclusion.

When the property was divided, the atmosphere between the first and third bedrooms was wrong again. Many old things were uncovered for the sake of a few broken pots and bowls.

We were arguing, but I don’t know who figured it out first. Chen Chunhua and Liu Erni suddenly turned their heads and pointed at Mrs. Gu: "Mom, you and dad are going to the city to enjoy life soon, why do you need these bowls and chopsticks?"

Not only did they not want to share the property with Mrs. Gu, they were even concerned about the room where the old man and old lady lived.

"Mom, there are so many people in my family that we can't live apart." Chen Chunhua confidently wanted to occupy the room.

Liu Erni immediately said: "I'm still young. Maybe I'll get pregnant sometime. I might be as fertile as my mother. Where will the children live then?"

Mrs. Gu knew that in the next step, the two daughters-in-law would feel that the pension land should be divided. She slammed the table on the spot: "A bunch of short-sighted people, no one can take the dishes and chopsticks that belong to me! Mine is mine!" Even if I lock the house and let it fall into dust, I won’t share it with you!”

The two daughters-in-law could only curse "partiality" in their hearts.

After such a noisy fight, when it was getting dark, the rations were finally distributed, leaving only the last highlight.

"Mom, if our tofu shop is going to be reopened, it must be our eldest brother's job. If it really has to be left to Liu Erni, she still doesn't know how to supplement her parents' family." Chen Chunhua said first.

Liu Erni wanted to speak, but Mrs. Gu waved her hand.

She was tired and said directly: "Whoever wants to drive can drive alone, I don't care."

The three bedrooms of the Gu family can make tofu, and the Gu family's tofu shop actually only has a few tools.

The two sisters looked at each other, their eyes filled with desire to fight.

"Okay, now that the house is divided, let's go cook." Mrs. Gu urged her three daughters-in-law.

As usual, after the family separation is over, relatives and friends who come to help are invited to a family separation meal. Mrs. Gu has also reserved the ingredients for the family separation meal.

After listening to the noise all afternoon, the heads of the clan leader and his two brothers-in-law were buzzing. At this time, they were all exhausted physically and mentally, and they were eager to go home and lie down after dinner.

But Chen Chunhua and Liu Erni didn't move.

"Mom, the six chickens raised by dad haven't been divided yet." Chen Chunhua proactively reminded.

Mrs. Gu glared at Chen Chunhua. She didn't expect that after all that had happened, Chen Chunhua would still have the nerve to share the chickens raised by the old man.

She immediately darkened her face: "That's the chicken your father raised for Niuniu. How do you divide it?"

"Even if it was raised by dad, isn't it still our chicken?" Liu Erni, who has always been a cheeky person, also helped, hoping that her family would get a share of the benefits.

Chen Chunhua also nodded.

Mrs. Gu said: "These chickens didn't cost the family a penny, and they didn't eat a grain of chaff from the family. Why are you so embarrassed to share them?"

"If the chickens didn't eat the food at home, didn't dad eat it? Over the years, my dad has spent a lot of money on medical treatment and medicine," Liu Erni said.

Perhaps because she already knew what Liu Erni was, Mrs. Gu didn't even get angry when she heard this.

She looked at the two daughters-in-law with heavy eyes and said, "You have been arguing all afternoon and almost got into a fight over sharing more things. Did you forget something?"

Chen Chunhua and Liu Erni both looked confused.

Mrs. Gu said: "What about the filial piety between me and the old man? We are just separated, not severing ties. How much filial piety you should give us during the holidays must be explained in front of the big guys."

When Chen Chunhua and Liu Erni heard this, they felt as if they were struck by lightning.

Second update

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