Chapter 91 Cutting

Liu Erni quickly retorted: "You're talking nonsense, you're talking nonsense!"

When Chen Chunhua saw Liu Erni's guilty look, she suddenly realized something and asked, "Why are you in such a hurry? Did I tell you what was wrong?"

Liu Erni suddenly hesitated. The whereabouts of her eldest daughter from her eldest sister's family really cannot be disclosed to outsiders.

Gu Laosan broke the guard on the spot, looked at Liu Erni with red eyes, and asked: "Where is the girl from your eldest sister's family? Tell me, tell me!"

Chen Chunhua pulled the corner of Boss Gu's clothes with excitement on her face and looked at the three-bedroom couple as if they were watching a good show.

Liu Erni was forced to retreat by Gu Laosan. She stumbled and said: "I was sold and went to work as a maid in a wealthy family... My life is good..."

Although Gu Laosan frowned when he heard this explanation, he still felt that it was not too difficult to understand.

However, the old lady was well-informed and asked directly: "If you sell to a wealthy family, you should come back to visit your relatives one day. Why hasn't anyone come back for several years? Even if they don't come back, according to the temperament of your mother's family, she will I went to ask my daughter for monthly payment, but why did I never see your mother’s family?”

Liu Erni's expression suddenly changed when she was asked this question.

Mrs. Gu looked at Liu Erni as if she were looking at a pebble hidden in her shoe. She also stung her along the way.

Now that it was finally time to let go of this stone, Mrs. Gu asked in a deep voice, "Did your family sell you to the land of fireworks?"

Liu Erni didn't expect that Mrs. Gu could guess such a hidden thing, so she took a step back in fright.

Gu Laosan's expression was extremely ugly. He grabbed Liu Erni and asked, "Mother is asking you, tell me, is this the case?"

After Liu Erni's mind went blank for a moment, she quickly organized her words, trying to make up a seamless lie.

Mrs. Gu sighed and said, "No wonder the Liu family suddenly became rich during that time and got Liu Laoer a fairy-like daughter-in-law."

These words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Gu Laosan's heart.

The three brothers of the Gu family are all influenced by their parents and treat their daughters much better than ordinary families in the village. Although they value their sons more, they also hope that their daughters can live a good life and have never thought of paving the way for their sons by sacrificing their daughters.

The tip of the iceberg exposed by the Liu family at this time was far more cruel than they imagined.

Chen Chunhua murmured softly: "Liu Erni has never been used to Xiaoya. She can make the child vomit out the meat she eats. If something happens in the future, she will definitely not feel bad if she sells her child."

Liu Erni also didn't expect that one day she would be judged by everyone for being mean to her daughter. She hurriedly said: "Lao San, don't listen to my sister-in-law. Xiaoya is a piece of flesh left from my body. Can I not hurt her? I I just value Xiaobao more..."

Chen Chunhua did not tolerate her, and said: "You are still a piece of flesh that fell off your mother's body. Does your mother love you? It's a joke that you value Xiaobao more. You can still send Xiaobao's things to your mother's house."

After hearing this, Gu Laosan rushed back into the house to rummage around. When he came out, his face was ashen.

Liu Erni was in charge of everything at home. The last time her secret tofu recipe was stolen, Liu Erni said it was an accident, but he believed it. Now, in the quarrel with Dafang, more problems have been exposed than imagined.

"Ms. sir, believe me, I really don't..." Liu Erni came over and softened her voice, trying to coax him like she had done countless times in the past.

Gu Laosan only asked: "Where is the set of wooden swords I made for Xiaobao?"

Liu Erni felt in her heart that it was just a set of wooden swords and not worth much at all, so she told the truth: "Zhuzi liked it very much after one look at it, so I gave it to him."

Zhuzi is the youngest son of Liu Dashan's family. Gu Laosan glanced at Liu Erni intently. After a long time, he felt exhausted both physically and mentally, and said, "Go back to your parents' home."

Hearing this, Liu Erni asked in disbelief: "It's just a pile of wood, and you want me to get it back? Gu Laosan, why are you so stingy!"

Gu Laosan said: "You go back, you don't have to come back again."

Liu Erni was stunned for a moment, and after a moment she jumped three feet in the air: "Gu Laosan, are you sick? It's just a pile of wood, and you still want to divorce your wife! Are you crazy?"

Chen Chunhua didn't expect that things would turn out like this, but that didn't stop her from fanning the flames: "Not only a pile of wood, but also thirty taels of silver, and our tofu recipe."

Liu Erni got angry when she saw Chen Chunhua and said, "It's all your fault. I'm not done with you!"

Gu Laosan said, "Whether it's reconciliation or divorce, whatever you say is up to you."

"Gu Laosan, what do you mean? Do you think I am too old? You are ungrateful, you have no conscience, you..."

Before Liu Erni could finish her words, she was interrupted by Gu Laosan: "I don't want to be with you, do you understand?"

Liu Erni looked at him blankly. She had always felt that everything she controlled Gu Laosan was natural, but she never thought that her husband would abandon her one day.

"I won't leave, we are husband and wife..." Liu Erni murmured.

Seeing her like this, Mrs. Gu suddenly felt that she was quite pitiful.

"Mom, please say something quickly. Do you also want the third child to reconcile with me, and do you want Xiaoya and Xiaobao to live without their mother?" Liu Erni turned around and began to beg her mother-in-law.

Mrs. Gu asked, "Can you get the thirty taels of silver and the wooden sword back?"

Liu Erni hesitated for a while and said, "I'm trying to get the wooden sword. As for the money, my brother hasn't married yet..."

Mrs. Gu said: "If you give me some silver today, I will have children tomorrow. Erni, if you don't change your bad habits, no one will dare to live with you."

But Liu Erni was still defending herself: "My father passed away early, and it was not easy for my mother..."

The Gu family members had already heard these words, and Mrs. Gu said directly: "It is not the fault of the third child in our family that your mother is not easy, and it is not the fault of the third child in our family that your brother is not up to expectations. No matter how pitiful you are, My mother-in-law can’t use my third child to fill this hole.”

"I..." Liu Erni was speechless.

Gu Laosan looked at his wife who still looked helpless, and the last struggle in his heart disappeared, and he said, "I'm going to find my second brother to write a divorce letter."

Liu Erni rushed forward to stop him.

"You can stop me for a while, but you can't stop me for the rest of my life. I will go find him sooner or later." Gu Laosan is resolute. He may not leave the family property to Liu Erni, but he cannot stop his children from contacting her. What if one day he sells Xiaoya while he is not at home?

Gu Laosan had seen the couple running around looking for a son over the years, and he didn't want to become like them.

Liu Erni begged: "Then what do you want me to do so that I won't mention the divorce? At worst, I won't send anything to my parents' house in the future, isn't that okay?"

First update

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