Against the Gods

Chapter 1694: Xuan Wuyin

Yun Che's brain had never been so chaotic.

Master's two personalities don't just belong to Mu Xuanyin, but to two people?

Chi Wuyao, the Queen of the Northern Territory, she is another personality of Master...

How could such a thing happen? How could such a thing happen...

What an absurd dream, what a fantasy.

However, he didn't even have the strength to doubt it.

Because no matter her delicate words or her seductive charm, they all directly touched the figure and memory in the deepest part of her heart.

This kind of clear and complete soul touch can never be disguised or imitated.

Moreover, that is a secret that no one knows and will not let anyone know except him and the master.

However, the woman in front of her...she is clearly the Demon Queen of the Northern God Territory!

How could she have accepted him as a disciple in the Snow Song Realm... She personally captured him who made a mistake and escaped... before the Xuanshen Convention, she left the whole religion to teach him to cultivate alone... no one was allowed to bully him... Ming Mingwei Leng Wuqing indulged his blunders time and time again... To protect his master who would not even sacrifice the Snow Song Realm and his life...

and many more!

His heart and soul seemed to be pierced by a dark light, his whole body was cold, he suddenly raised his head, suppressed the confusion in his heart, and said in a low voice: "You hijacked... her soul?"

However, Chi Wuyao shook her head slightly: "Back then, I did think so. But, for some reason, I finally gave up and chose 'attachment'."

The turbulent gaze gradually narrowed, and Yun Che said in a low voice: "As expected... as expected... no, no! When did you infiltrate the Snow Song Realm! What did you do to her?"

Chi Wuyao was not surprised by Yun Che's reaction. With a long sigh in her heart, she said slowly: "I will tell you everything, and I will also let you...see all of me clearly."

Yun Che: "..."

The black mist moved, and Chi Wuyao walked slowly towards Yun Che, with a faint magic voice: "Yun Qianying should have told you that ten thousand years ago, I lured Qianye Brahma and Zhou Xuzi to the border of the Northern Territory, and A fierce battle."

"From the perspective of the emperors of the Eastern God Territory, as well as the two emperors Yan Mo and Fen Yue,

What I did back then was to test the strength of the two strongest god emperors in the Eastern God Territory after I became emperor, and it was also a manifestation of my ambition. "

"In fact, only I know that I had a special purpose in that battle, which was to lead them into the Northern God Territory, and use the dark breath to quietly complete a soul infiltration."

When Qianye Ying'er first mentioned the Demon Queen to Yun Che, she told him what happened ten thousand years ago. At that time, facing the two strongest god emperors in the Eastern God Territory, as well as the strongest guardian and Brahma God, Chi Wuyao retreated and escaped into the Northern Territory.

Qianye Brahma, Qianye Wubei, Zhou Xuzi, and Venerable Taiyu went straight to the Northern Territory. They wanted to take advantage of Chi Wuyao's defeat and kill her directly, but she attracted thousands of miles of devilish energy to devour her heart and soul. It also left an indelible shadow on these two strongest god emperors.

As Chi Wuyao said, when Qianye Ying'er mentioned it to him, she said that the battle was obviously Chi Wuyao's temptation, and it also revealed her great ambition.

This ambition to step out of the Northern God Territory is also the most important reason why Qianye Ying'er tried her best to promote the cooperation between Yun Che and the Queen.

But what Chi Wuyao told him personally was another answer.

"The Brahma Heaven God Emperor, Eternal Sky God Emperor, Brahma God, Guardians...they are the core existences of the Eastern God Territory, and those who can come into contact with them are the core powers and secrets of the Eastern God Territory and the Three-Party God Territory."

"If I can quietly possess one of them with my devil emperor's divine soul, then through his eyes, I can see clearly the true current situation of the Three God Realms, as well as many of the most important secrets."

"Unfortunately, after all, I underestimated the strength of the Brahma Monarch God Realm and the Eternal Sky God Realm. Even if I brought them into the border of the Northern Territory, I still couldn't find enough opportunities. Several forced attempts all failed, so, I had no choice but to take the next best thing and capture a person who accidentally entered the battle."

"It was a woman holding an ice sword, her whole body exuded an icy aura, and her eyes seemed to be able to freeze the soul. Her cultivation level had just entered the God Master Realm, but she obviously underestimated the situation of the battle and her opponent. She joined forcefully and was easily subdued by me. Brought into the Northern God Territory." ①

Yun Che's eyebrows twitched violently.

"I read her memory, and I also know the origin of her name - her name is Mu Xuanyin, and she is the new realm king of the Snow Song Realm."

Yun Che's eyes trembled again, but he tried his best not to speak, and listened intently to every word in his ear.

"The Snow Song Realm is the closest star realm to the Northern God Territory in the Eastern God Territory. It will often encounter dark mysterious people who escaped from the Northern Territory in despair. They are also known as 'devils' in the Eastern God Territory. As the leader of the Snow Song Realm, Many people from the lineage of the Realm King were buried in the hands of the profound practitioners of the Northern Territory, not only the ancestors, but also many close relatives who appeared in her life... Therefore, she has a deep hatred for the Northern God Territory."

"..." Yun Che clenched his hands slowly. Mu Xuanyin hated the devil very much, Yun Che knew this very well, because she and Mu Bingyun's father was buried in the hands of the devil.

Encountering demons must be killed with all their strength, this is also the most important ancestral rule and even creed of the Ice Phoenix Sect.

However, for him, a demon who possesses dark profound power and everyone wants to kill him, she...

"It was also because she was too close to the Snow Song Realm that she was aware of that fierce battle, and she, who hated demons so much, joined the battle without hesitation, intending to kill me."

"After robbing her, I wanted to rob her soul and make her completely my puppet. With her status, although it is impossible to get in touch with the real core, she is a realm king of the middle star realm after all, and has After all, one can become an excellent eyes and ears and pawn with a cultivation base in the Divine Master Realm."

"However, when I carried out the soul robbery, I suddenly discovered that in the depths of her soul, there was actually a very high-level divine soul hidden."

"And that divine soul is not simply fused with Mu Xuanyin's original soul, but is clearly connected to other independent wills. If I didn't have the soul of the Devil Emperor in my body, I wouldn't be able to detect its existence."

"..." Yun Che knew that it was the soul of the Ice Phoenix God.

It turned out that ten thousand years ago, while giving Mu Xuanyin strength, she attached her own will to it, and looked at the outside world through her eyes.

Later, because of him, he quietly interfered with her will.

However, the Ice Phoenix God didn't know that the ray of spirit she left behind in Mu Xuanyin saved her at that time.

"At that time, the independent will of the soul was in a deep sleep. If I forcibly robbed the soul, it would definitely wake up, and it was likely to attract an unpredictable counterattack. So, I finally chose to possess the soul... to take 10% of my demons The emperor's soul is attached to Mu Xuanyin's soul."

"..." Yun Che's body shook slightly.

The Ice Phoenix God has never mentioned the existence of the Devil Emperor's soul, and even expressed to him doubts about Mu Xuanyin's split personality... It's not that she is pretending, but that she has never noticed it for thousands of years. The existence of Guo Chi Wuyao.

Because, the Nirvana Demon Soul that Chi Wuyao bears is the only soul of the Demon Emperor in the world. Compared with the Ice Phoenix Divine Soul, it is a whole level higher.

Therefore, Chi Wuyao knew the existence of the Ice Phoenix Divine Soul; but the Ice Phoenix Divine Spirit never knew the existence of Chi Wuyao.

As for Mu Xuanyin...she was completely unaware of both.

Back then, when he knew that the Ice Phoenix God had interfered with Mu Xuanyin's will, he released uncontrollable anger towards the Ice Phoenix God who had always been extremely respectful and grateful... because it was too cruel for Mu Xuanyin.

He didn't expect that apart from the Ice Phoenix God, her will would no longer belong to him purely since ten thousand years ago.

Yun Che can think of the following things without Chi Wuyao's telling. She just needs to let Mu Xuanyin go naturally. Afterwards, the awakened Mu Xuanyin would return to the Snow Song Realm, totally unaware that another person's soul was attached to her soul—a demon emperor's soul that was so terrifying that she would never be able to detect it.

That means, from that day... from the very beginning, the people he knew, respected, got along with, and fell in love with... walked into the deepest world of his heart without knowing it, and disappeared from his life forever His master is not the pure Snow Song Realm King Mu Xuanyin. It's a combination of Mu Xuanyin and Chi Wuyao.

Two personalities... two personalities.


"Answer me a question." Yun Che finally spoke, his voice was difficult: "To what extent can you interfere with her will?"

"Very shallow." Chi Wuyao replied: "As shallow as you think. Even if it is the soul of the devil emperor, the soul attachment is only attachment after all. She cannot control her body independently, and cannot change her decision. The unique advantage is that you never need to worry about being noticed by her."

Yun Che: "..."

"I can see what she sees, hear what she hears, listen to what she thinks, and feel what she feels. My existence is also regarded by her as a second personality derived from her own heart. From rejection, to gradual acceptance, in the end, she will even enjoy it, will take the initiative to be led by my will...enjoy that kind of completely wanton release."

"But, no matter what, I am only attached after all. On non-principle matters. She will obey the decision of my 'personality', but what she firmly believes, no matter how much my 'personality' tries to interfere. Possibly a real stop."

"Your master, although not the pure Mu Xuanyin, is her body after all, and always, her will and her personality dominate."

Chi Wuyao closed her eyes, and her already soft voice became softer: "During the ten thousand years, I have seen a lot of things through Mu Xuanyin, and it also made me fully understand that with my own power, I want to change the Northern God Territory." Your fate is but an idiotic dream."

"Just when I was about to release the demon soul from her, you appeared. The evil god aura on your body attracted all my attention the moment you stepped into the Divine Ice Phoenix Sect."

"So, under my wish, she (me) met you, she (me) accepted you as a disciple, she (me) was curious about your evil god power and dragon god spirit, and after that, she (I) developed more and more affection for you Deeper and deeper... the deeper and deeper curiosity, also unknowingly, fell into a deeper and deeper dangerous abyss."

Yun Che: "..."

"During that time, I noticed the will interference from the Ice Phoenix Divine Soul. It was a will of 'I must treat you well'. She didn't notice it, and I didn't stop it, and I couldn't stop it."

"However, this interference from the divine soul of the Ice Phoenix is ​​actually superfluous."

"Especially... after going through the God Burial Inferno Prison, I sensed a huge change in her state of mind. During the time when you escaped and she couldn't find you, that was the time when her mind and soul were the most confused and restless in ten thousand years. And I know very well what is the reason for her confusion."

The closed charming pupils gently opened, the refracted pupils were as blurred as crystals embedded in the stars.

When she was telling about the past between Mu Xuanyin and Yun Che, behind every "she", there was an "I" hidden.

At that time, she had laughed at Mu Xuanyin as the King of the Snow Song Realm, and also practicing the Ice Phoenix God Conferring Canon that freezes emotions, but gradually fell into the trap of a little man who was careless everywhere, and was still her direct disciple in identity.

However, soul attachment is essentially the silent grafting and fusion of souls, with mutual understanding and common feeling.

While she was laughing at Mu Xuanyin, she didn't realize that her will was affecting Mu Xuanyin. Also being influenced by her in reverse.

Moreover, everything that Mu Xuanyin experienced about Yun Che was also everything that she and Yun Che experienced.

Mu Xuanyin is quietly sinking, and she is also quietly sinking...even if her real body and source soul are in the distant Northern God Territory.

Especially above the God Burying Inferno Prison, in the Primordial Profound Ark...

When Yun Che insulted Mu Xuanyin, Mu Xuanyin's mind was in a coma. Although Chi Wuyao, who is attached to Mu Xuanyin's soul, cannot independently control her body to wake her up or resist, but her part of the demon soul's will is always awake.

That time, Mu Xuanyin's body was defiled while she was in a coma, but her soul was defiled the whole time.


①: There have been foreshadowing and mentions in Zhoutian and Taiyu, if you forget, you can go back to Chapter 1621.

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