Age of Adepts

Chapter 0712 advanced data

"Alice, level 2 junior, professional status: leader of the witch of fate, basic physical data: strength 4, constitution 3, agility 5, spirit 22, professional skills: fate perception, divination, fate interference..."

Gradually suppressing the strange blue glow, Greem closed his eyes wearily, and rubbed his slightly tingling temples with his fingers.

Just now, Greem seriously overdrawn the detection and scanning capabilities of the chip, and only then did he fully describe Alice's basic body data. Of course, this was only achieved after Alice deliberately suppressed her body's instinctive defense and counterattack.

Otherwise, as the leader of Alice's Destiny Witch, there are not many people in this world who can detect her reality from a distance.

"How... is there any conclusion?" Alice yawned a little, stretched lazily, and ignored Greem's blue-maned victory just now.

Everyone has their own privacy and little secrets, there is no need to make everything so clear, otherwise life will be too boring!

"Your body is too weak!" Greem mused angrily, "Could it be that your status as a witch of fate also has the basic attribute of devouring you? Except for your mental power reaching 22 points and exceeding the threshold of the second level, the rest of your physical attributes are still the same. It's at level 1, and it's even slipping slightly..."

"Has my spiritual power reached 22 points? I thought it was only 21 points... Hehe, it seems that the prophecy scepter is really suitable for me!"

"Don't change the subject, pay attention to what I'm talking about..." Greem rubbed his temples more vigorously: "Analyzing your basic physical data, I doubt that your special profession has certain energy-absorbing properties. "

"How to say?"

"That is to say, your occupational characteristics are biased towards spiritual power, similar to most elemental wizards. Moreover, your occupation will slowly absorb the remaining physical attributes to fill up your spiritual power, which will enable you to have far higher It is due to the speed of the elemental wizard's spiritual power!"

"Huh!" Alice was undoubtedly very interested in this topic: "Doesn't that mean that my spiritual power improves much faster than yours! This... this is a good thing!"

"Don't just look at the benefits!" Greem reprimanded angrily: "It can also affect your strength, physique, and agility. In the end, you will really be powerless and your body will be fragile. Like a sheet of paper, slow as a snail..."

"What's the matter? Anyway, I'm the Witch of Destiny. I just need to point out and do some behind-the-scenes work. I'll let you do the fighting and killing." Alice still had a nonchalant attitude.

"No, you're wrong..." Greem shook his head and said, "Your fate witches in the past may have tried many ways to improve your spiritual power. According to the characteristics of your profession, probably only the means of nourishing your spiritual power are the most effective. Even if you use the means of cultivating your physique, the effect will not be great, and you will even experience regression. That's why you have developed the bad habit of only focusing on mental strength..."

"You mean..."

"I made it very clear. According to your professional characteristics, you should formulate a more optimized and comprehensive physical fitness improvement plan for yourself. Whether it is nourishing the spirit or nourishing the body, it will make your mental strength Benefit from it!"

Alice couldn't help being surprised.

" don't want me to promote the practice of body-training wizards in the witch of fate, do you?"

Thinking of a group of delicate fate witches being locked in a mechanism room, sweating and beating their bodies, soaking in poison pots to temper their bodies, Alice felt dizzy and her future was bleak.

This kind of life is probably only liked by that big guy, Sophia!

Greem obviously guessed what Alice was thinking, and said with a smile: "As long as you are willing, it's not impossible."

"No, I absolutely do not agree!" Alice panicked immediately: "I... we... can take supplements..."

Uh... well, food supplements are indeed a solution!

"By the way, other than my physical data, what else is wrong with my promotion this time?"

Greem pondered for a while, and couldn't help but distressed: "You Fate Witches have almost abandoned all defense and combat witchcraft, and only retained a few professional skills. So I guess, your Fate Witches' professional skills must be very terrifying!"

Alice closed her eyes when she heard the words and felt it, and finally opened her beautiful eyes after a while: "Before I became the witch of fate, I mastered divination. After becoming the leader of the witch of fate, I also mastered the ability of perception of fate. This time I only got one new ability, Fate Intervention... Its ability is very illusory, and I'm not sure..."

"Oh? What does it probably do?"

"It is limited to change the fate trajectory of a tiny thing. To use this ability, you need to consume 1500 points of destiny."

"How much power of destiny do you reserve now?"

"13511 points!"

"How is it possible that there are so many?" Greem couldn't help but said in surprise: "I remember you said that the last time you turned the goblin plane upside down, you got less than 4000 points of Destiny..."

"Maybe it's because of it!"

Alice smiled mysteriously, flipped her slender fingers, and conjured a palm-sized delicate card out of thin air. The card flipped and danced in her tender white fingers, and Greem could clearly see that the strange and exquisite prophecy scepter was engraved on the surface of the card.

"Drip, a strange high-energy fate aggregate was detected...Existence form: magic scepter...sealed..."

What exactly is fate? Shouldn't it be ethereal? And how is it possible for an almost materialized energy shell to appear...

Greem shook his head in distress, deeply confused by the data detected by the chip.

If... If Alice can lend him the prophecy scepter to study for a period of time, maybe he can get a further answer. But now, Greem could only sigh deeply, shake his head helplessly and smile wryly.

With his current power, it is not enough to study such an unfathomable power. Even Alice, the leader of the Fate Witch, uses it more instinctively. But she is probably also ignorant of the essence and origin of the power of destiny!

Greem is only at level 2 now, and is still in the stage of using and mastering the power of elements. Only after reaching the 4th level and initially mastering some laws of the underlying plane, can it be possible to continue to study the top-level power of the power of destiny.

Greem lowered his head to recall, and guessed secretly: "It is said that this prophecy scepter was once a semi-divine weapon bestowed by a human god of prophecy on the Faen plane. Later, with the death of this prophecy god, During the war between humans and elves, this scepter of prophecy fell into the hands of outsiders. It may be related to the fall of the god of prophecy that you were able to obtain so much power of destiny in one breath!"

"These things are too deep and unfathomable, let's study them slowly in the future. By the way, you just saw through my body data, so what about your and Mary's body data?" Alice asked curiously .

Greem smiled slightly, waved his hand, and the fire elements gathered quickly, forming lines of text in front of Alice's eyes.

Greem, Tier 2 Intermediate, Occupational Status: Elemental Sorcerer (Fire Specialization), Basic Physical Statistics: Strength 11 (18), Constitution 13 (20), Dexterity 10 (8), Spirit 26 (29), Note: The brackets are after transformation Stats, Class Skills: Body of Fire, Balrog Transformation

Apprentice level: fire arrow, fire snake, burning hand, witchcraft fireball...

Level 1: lava fireball, fire meteor, fire core meltdown, flame storm, flame cage...

Level 2: Doomsday Volcano, Scarlet Flame Storm, Blazing Demon Wall, Meteorite Skyfall...

Compared to Alice's professional skills, Greem, as a level 2 fire witch specializing in fire, doesn't have too much fire witchcraft. Whether it's the auxiliary flame jet, the defensive lava shield, or the aggressive Doomsday Volcano, Greem's dense list of skills makes Alice dazzled, and her delicate cherry mouth is getting bigger and bigger. It is so big that it is difficult to close it again.

Mary, 2nd-level junior, professional status: bloodline wizard (vampire), basic physical data: strength 13 constitution 14 agility 26 spirit 17, professional skill: first embrace

Apprentice level: blood mist, blood bomb, bat transformation, blood-sucking self-healing, blood perception...

Level 1: Blood Contract, Blood Rage, Blood Control...

Level 2: Erosion of Blood Qi, Bloody Claws, Boiling Blood...

Compared with Alice, Mary's physical data is simply perfect. In her previous life on Earth, she was already a superhero comparable to Wonder Woman. But in the wizarding world, although Mary does not belong to the bottom of the wizarding group, there is still a huge gap from the top combat power.

And the so-called top layer here only refers to the fourth-level wizards.

But Greem knew very clearly in his heart that even a Tier 4 powerhouse who could dominate the wizarding world was nothing compared to those great wizards who stepped out of the plane.

The great wizards who can freely walk in the void outside the territory, travel through energy storms, search for suitable planes everywhere, and plunder resources are the real core combat power of the wizard camp!

Compared with them, wizards in the wizarding world are like a group of ants hiding in an ant nest, perhaps one to two times the difference in size. But in the eyes of great wizards, no matter how big an ant is, it is still an ant, and it is impossible to threaten them at all.

If the ant jumps too happily, it only takes one finger to destroy it!

So even now that he has become a Tier 2 wizard, Greem still keeps a low profile as much as possible, just not wanting himself to fall into the sight of those super powerhouses prematurely.

Otherwise, my fate can only be pinned on the momentary joy and anger of those super strong!

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