Age of Adepts

Chapter 0878 Wizard Civilization

It's a whole different world!

Every time he travels in the wizarding world, this strong feeling can bring Greem a unique feeling.

In the previous life of the earth, since the source of photosynthetic energy all came from the sun, the climate, environment, temperature difference, dryness and humidity of the entire region... All factors are layered and rhythmic.

But in this strange high-magic world, the growth and topography of all things in the heaven and earth are affected by the flow of magic power, showing various strange and treacherous landform features.

Generally speaking, due to the influence of the high magic environment, the plants and animals here are extremely strong and tall. Tall plants over 100 meters abound, and many of them show a tendency to become demonic. As for the animals, they are even more ferocious and terrifying. Even some little white rabbits that were loved by everyone on the earth in the past may evolve into carnivorous magical creatures, which are even more terrifying than wild wolves on earth.

Although in such a high-magic environment, human beings have evolved stronger than their counterparts on Earth, run faster, have longer endurance, and have more developed muscles, but compared with wild monsters, they are still at a serious disadvantage.

If it weren't for some strong human beings who have crossed the physical and mental limits and mastered some extraordinary power, it is absolutely impossible for human beings to become the masters of the plane.

As for the living and living environment of human beings, due to the abnormal flow and accumulation of magic energy, strange traces have been left on the vast land.

The vast and boundless black forest, the magical swamp with wet and dense fog, the vast desert that covers the sky and the sun, the desolate and dilapidated wild jungle, the towering and steep mountains, the snow-capped ice and snow kingdom...

The Wizard Continent under the flying boat is like small and small magical continents. From a distance, you can always find some strange places in the remote mountains and swamps, inaccessible places. The climate and environment of these places are obviously incompatible with the surrounding areas, like magic pearls sprinkled on the Wizarding Continent, which is sighing and surprising.

Most of these places are caused by the abnormal gathering of magic energy due to the special structure of the terrain. Later, after vigorous transformation by the wizards, they were turned into resource points that are conducive to the growth of magical plants or animals.

Since then, there has been a stable and long-term source of a large amount of wizarding resources needed by wizards!

It can be said bluntly that the stable and robust growth of the wizard community is closely related to the development and utilization of a large number of resource points.

Therefore, when the airship flew high above the clouds and had a panoramic view of hundreds of miles of mountains, rivers and rivers, a strange emotion slowly grew in the bottom of my heart.

Under the clouds, the terrain of the mainland stretches in a winding manner, with tall and undulating mountains everywhere, some stretching for tens of thousands of kilometers, while others are rugged and steep, with many dangerous peaks. Dots of human villages, towns, and large and small cities are scattered among them, together with dotted lakes and rivers, reflecting an extremely perfect human world.

However, this extremely perfect human world is actually controlled by various wizarding organizations or forces, large and small.

In the world of wizards, due to the existence of large areas of undeveloped primitive ignorance and vast black forests, if the country established by humans lacks the protection of powerful wizards, it is almost difficult to resist the invasion of powerful monsters, savage aliens, and mutant creatures.

Therefore, there are almost no pure human kingdoms. Most of the people in power in the city-state system will choose to attach to a powerful wizard organization, and exchange year-round offerings in exchange for security guarantees. The two complement each other and blend together.

Therefore, the real owners of this seemingly peaceful and beautiful land are not ordinary humans who work hard on it, but a huge group of wizards who stand on top of the pyramids of the human world.

Originally, with the difficulty of being a wizard, this peak should belong to a small group of people who have mastered the ultimate power. However, due to the earth-shaking increase in the lifespan of wizards compared with humans, after tens of thousands of years of accumulation, this "small group" of people has surprisingly become an extremely large group.

If these guys are still gathered in the wizarding world, it may be difficult to carry such a huge demand with the size of the wizarding continent. Therefore, out of long-term considerations for the development of the wizarding world, these top wizards have left their hometowns, either actively or under compulsion, to create an alternative world deep in the void of the plane.

And those who stay in the wizarding world, to put it bluntly, are just the seeds of the wizarding camp!

Every hundred years, the wizarding world must send a certain amount of fresh blood to the wizarding camp outside the territory, and in this way continue the entire wizarding civilization!


Slowly closed the book in his hand.

Greem closed his eyes, silently thinking about his understanding of the entire wizarding civilization.

Although the ancient wizards he came into contact with were not secretive, it did not prevent him from watching and thinking about the development of the entire wizarding civilization from a third-party perspective.

And this is also a way and a means for high-level wizards to recognize themselves and the world!

Without grasping the mainstream of the development of the plane world and not conforming to the original will of the plane world, it is simply wishful thinking for high-level wizards to break through the boundaries of the plane and master the power of a higher level of rules.

Take Greem for example!

Since he chose the flame specialization, he can only try his best to master the law of fire.

To achieve this goal, there are two ways to choose.

One is through years of speculation and practice, constantly polishing the original compatibility between oneself and the law of fire, and using the accumulation of time and experience to break through the threshold of the rules.

Seriously speaking, most creatures on the Fire Elemental Plane are promoted in this way.

However, this approach has advantages and disadvantages.

The good thing is that once you break through the threshold of the rules, your own strength can improve by leaps and bounds, and you can quickly become a member of the rule wizards. The downside is that the time it takes to consume is simply too long to crash. It is almost difficult for a guy who is not an elemental creature who has no concept of time to survive the long and painful years.

Although Greem's life span has been greatly extended, it still cannot reach the near immortality of elemental creatures. Therefore, the advancement method of elemental creatures is obviously not suitable for him.

The second is to use foreign objects to shorten the process of experience and speculation in a disguised form, so as to complete the accumulation of the necessary law of fire.

As far as Greem knew, most high-ranking wizards were actively involved in the conquest of the planes. On the one hand, it was for the development and growth of the wizard camp, but on the other hand, it was to obtain the "origin of the plane" that cherished abnormalities.

The origin of the plane is actually the law of the plane that is realized in the plane world.

These plane laws were originally nihility and abstraction, born from the original consciousness of the plane world, and then weaved into a net of nothingness that wrapped the entire plane world, including all the matter and life inside the plane.

Under normal circumstances, all matter and life in the plane will be born, sprouted, grown, grown, aged, and died in an orderly manner according to the laws of the plane... Although every stone, every piece of soil, and every life , Every soul has its uniqueness, and will perform scenes of unique life.

However, behind the real world, there is still a big and tight net, secretly controlling everything.

And this big net is the all-encompassing and all-encompassing law of the plane!

But the above mentioned is just normal situation.

At certain times, under certain abnormal circumstances, the law net of the plane world will also appear to be malfunctioning and the laws are turbulent. These abnormal situations will easily cause the abnormal death of millions of creatures in the plane world, which in turn will cause the loss and damage of the law net.

Once this part of the dissociated power of law is combined with certain substances inside the plane, it will form some 'source quality'. The so-called 'source quality' is actually a strange substance impregnated with the laws of the plane!

If such source quality can be obtained, using special means to extract the power of the plane law embedded in it will undoubtedly have an effect of getting twice the result with half the effort for wizards to understand the plane law.

If a high-ranking wizard doesn't want to endure the end of his life without truly comprehending the laws of the plane, finding this kind of source quality is undoubtedly a feasible shortcut!

In a plane world, this kind of source quality is of course very rare.

However, in those plane worlds that have been ravaged by feet, due to the invasion of foreign races, due to the shock of the plane's origin, the probability of breaking the law net and producing source quality will also increase sharply. Even some radical wizards will deliberately destroy the stability of the law of the invasion plane, and actively promote the birth of source quality.

As for the large-scale death or extinction of plane creatures that will be caused in this process, it is definitely not on the wizards' attention list.

The reason why the wizard group is listed as the evil camp may be related to this cruel and terrifying act!

Based on what Greem has seen and heard in the spiritual illusion, all items with the word "source quality" belong to the resources of level 4 wizards, and wizards below level 4 simply don't have the financial resources and strength to get their hands on them.

As for their prices, they are worthy of their names, and they are so high that it is frightening.

And although I have a chip to assist, I can shorten the experience accumulation time by a hundred times when I understand the law of fire, but it is still impossible to succeed without the long accumulation of thousands of years.

Therefore, if you are lucky enough to advance to level 4, I am afraid that you will have to embark on the bumpy road of searching for the fire attribute 'source quality'!

After briefly thinking about his future, Greem adjusted his posture on the recliner, letting the warm and soft sunlight shine on his body, and his body was filled with something called coziness and laziness.

Fighting and killing these days kept his spirit in a tense state.

Going out to perform a mission this time, there wasn't any urgent goal that had to be achieved, so Greem regarded it as a sightseeing trip, and it was rare for him to completely relax his mind.

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