Age of Adepts

Chapter 1168 Honor Challenge

A massive and terrible plague has broken out in the jungle!

Despite the desperate efforts of the witch doctor to rescue them, more than half of the troll warriors were still infected with the plague spores, turning into bloody wretches who only knew how to roll all over the floor and scratch their bodies.

The trolls are not stupid people either.

Although their brains are not as good as human wizards, they are also well-deserved rulers of the Haisen plane.

Through various tests, they finally discovered some flaws or deficiencies in this plague cloud.

That is... afraid of fire!

The plague cloud is not a dead thing, but a living organism composed of billions and billions of tiny plague toxins, so they are also afraid of fire.

After discovering this, the trolls immediately lit the torches one after another, and began to burn these lingering poisonous clouds with flames. Sure enough, as the flames surged past, there was an incomparably tiny crackling sound from the plague cloud.

Most of the plague cloud was incinerated by the flames, but the trolls infected with the plague could not be burned like this. Therefore, the troll leader could only send people to gather them in a forest clearing, and ordered the witch doctor accompanying the team to hurry up and treat them.

In order to help these companions suffering from the plague, more than 20 troll witch doctors gathered together, set up a huge iron pot in the middle of the glade, and began to quickly boil the soup that could drive away the plague.

They are dressed in weird costumes, with strange patterns painted on their faces and bodies. They dance around the iron pot nervously and throw all kinds of mysterious herbs into the iron pot at the same time. The bubbling boiling soup was steaming, and a pungent and choking terrible smell permeated wantonly in the forest.

But don't tell me, this witch doctor method full of primitive ignorance really has a certain effect.

After inhaling the scent of this decoction, the plague-infected people who were struggling in the dense forest unexpectedly calmed down a little, and their screams of pain became much lower.

Mary and Remy, who were hiding in the dark and silently observing the troll's movements, couldn't help shaking their heads secretly.

After all, the plague can only be used as a side method to assist the war, but it has never been able to become the main axis of the war. One of the most important reasons is that the true meaning of plane wars is to accumulate resources, plunder population, and establish a stable colonial system that can continuously "transfuse" one's own family.

In this process, the indigenous forces of the old world must not be completely destroyed, but they must be preserved as much as possible.

It is conceivable that if all the trolls were killed in one go by means of plague or other witchcraft, then the Crimson family would lose tens of thousands of slaves who generally had the strength of Tier 1 fighters. Whether it is to establish a huge plantation or develop a mine in the later period, a large number of strong slaves are needed.

Could it be that in order to develop this Hessen plane, the Crimson family has to transport a large number of slaves from other worlds?

Leaving aside the huge teleportation costs incurred, the harsh environment here alone can kill most of the outsiders.

All things considered, this is a staggering amount of family expenses!

Therefore, when the wizards invaded those small planes, they would only selectively carry out surgical precision strikes against the high-level indigenous forces. Use cruel and terrifying means to remove the stubborn and head-headed people in the indigenous forces, but their underlying structure must still be preserved.

Once they are all eliminated, the wizard family will not be able to spare so many people to re-establish a power system that can firmly rule the world. Therefore, the head of the troll kingdom must be cut off, but its body must be preserved.

In this way, it is convenient for wizards to replace them and establish a ruling class that is rare in number but can deeply control the natives of the plane.

Therefore, when launching the plague war, the wizards also had to strictly control the spread area and degree of the plague, but they couldn't just go fishing and mess up the world.

The plague controlled by the plague poisonous spirit Remy is undoubtedly very powerful!

However, this is a different world after all, and the laws of planes and the way elements operate are completely different from each other. Therefore, the contagiousness, lethality and survivability of the plague have been suppressed to varying degrees.

In addition, all the trolls are physically strong, generally possessing tenacious vitality and not weak magic resistance. This also caused the plagues that Remy spread to never reach the level of transforming them into plague creatures.

In the human-dominated plane world there, Remy only needs one person, and he can easily transform every plane native he meets into his plague slaves.

One man becomes an army!

Poison Spirit Remy can even confront the entire plane alone.

Of course, if all the powerhouses in the plane world gather together, Remy, who doesn't have much combat skills, may have to pay a big price to survive the opponent's counterattack.

Therefore, the difference in plane system and power level also made the terrible plague spread by Remy that could have ravaged the entire plane fall on the troll army, but it only became a kind of slowly consuming their vitality. 'Disease'!

The deadly effect of the terror of the plague was not shown, but it also successfully reduced the overall strength of the troll army.

The troll legion has stopped searching for the intruders, and instead entrenched together, starting to treat those companions infected with the 'bad disease' with all their strength. With the assistance of the witch doctor, the condition of the infected was brought under control, and there was no large-scale transformation into servant corpses.

Therefore, in this dense forest, the offensive and defensive postures of the two sides have changed unexpectedly.

The troll army, which had an absolute advantage in numbers, was the main defender, while the blood clan, which was flexible and led by two Tier 3 vampires, became the attacking side.

Every time, taking advantage of the darkness, Mary led a group of vampires to continuously attack the temporary camp set up by the trolls, hoping to break through the encirclement and kill those troll witch doctors who were 'in the way'.

And the trolls are on guard.

On the periphery, they set up simple camps, lit piles of bonfires, and then carried out strict defense around the bonfires. Anyone who dares to appear within their line of sight will be greeted with a storm of spear-throwing attacks.

In fact, in terms of strength alone, the strength of troll warriors is not weak, and even jungle combat can reach the strength level of the middle plane. They generally have Tier 1 strength, strong physiques, and tenacious vitality. They are not even weaker than ordinary Tier 1 body-refining wizards in close combat.

For close combat, they have exotic wooden spears and poisoned spears as hard as steel; while at medium and short range, the spears they throw are powerful and accurate. All things considered, the trolls on the Hessen plane have extremely good warrior potential.

Once this plane is taken down, the Crimson Clan will have a slave army with good strength in disguise!


Night fell.

The whole jungle fell into a strange silence.

The night wind was blowing, and the sound of the branches and leaves scraping and rubbing was undulating and continuous like the tide hitting the shore.

Underneath this calm, I don't know how many people are quietly moving, lurking, and vigilant...

On the outskirts of the troll camp, clusters of tall and bright bonfires were lit.

At this time, a troll leader with a level 3 primary strength was standing alone between two bonfires, roaring and roaring at the dark and dark jungle.

Rows of wooden throwing spears were planted upside down on the ground in front of and behind it, and five clanging metal spears hung from its waist.

In the dark place of the distant jungle, within the luxuriant canopy of a tall and ancient tree, Mary silently looked at this daring troll leader through the gap between the swaying branches, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"Who knows what the bastard is yelling about?"

When you first arrive at a different plane, look for the natives of the plane, absorb their knowledge and memory to master the basic modality of the plane. This is also the ability that every qualified wizard must possess.

In the witchcraft system, extracting memory fragments and extracting language abilities are relatively common witchcraft methods!

It's a pity that Mary doesn't seem to have any intention of learning the crude and primitive native language of this plane.

Therefore, seeing a troll leader smeared with flowers, willows and greens all over his body, standing there and roaring loudly, in Mary's eyes, the other party is no different from a gorilla roaring with its chest pounded.

intelligent life...

Bah, they are also worthy of...

"Master, this guy seems to have launched an honor challenge..." Wen Lier, who was hard-formed and promoted to a second-level vampire because of Mary's favor, explained softly beside him.

"Honor challenge?"

"This is a strange rule in the sacred code of the troll kingdom. Any troll noble has the right to challenge his enemies with honor. This challenge is limited to both parties, and no third party is allowed to intervene, otherwise it will be regarded as Challenge the authority of that Feathered Serpent God."

"Oh..." Hearing this, Mary became slightly interested: "Then what about the outcome?"

"The victor will have everything, and the loser will become the other side's slave!"

"It seems that this troll country is also a society that pays attention to the survival of the fittest. The guy who can occupy a high position must be the strongest individual in the whole group. They like to use force to determine the status. No wonder their own knowledge and civilization system is so weak. Already!"

"Yes, master! This Haisen plane only has primitive and crude hunting skills, and even large-scale planting and breeding have not appeared, so it is no wonder that they cannot support the height that a civilization should have. Look, there are 3 Super trolls are blocking the way, shall we go around and take a look in other directions?"

Mary's beautiful narrow eyes narrowed slightly, as if she was thinking about something seriously.

Finally, she spoke.

"Wenlier, tell me, if I accept this troll's challenge, will their Feathered Serpents project their own power?" When she said this, Mary's eyes were already narrowed. , which faintly reveals a chilling murderous intent.

"This...Master, the trolls play faith worship. The power of this troll leader has reached level 3, and he must be a well-known figure in the troll kingdom. It is also a high probability that he can borrow the power of the Feathered Serpent to a certain extent. Fighting against such an opponent rashly, the situation may be difficult to grasp!"

"That's what will happen? Humph, sooner or later we'll have to fight that pretender. Instead of going to its lair to fight, why not try to get acquainted with it wait here, I'll meet you." Meeting that bastard!"

After saying that, with a vertical leap, Mary turned into a blood shadow and appeared on the battlefield!

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