Age of Adepts

Chapter 1184 Doomsday

Have enemies?

A mysterious enemy actually sneaked into its bedroom, and launched a surprise attack on it without it being aware of it.

This kind of rare thing happened to me...

The surprise and horror at the moment of the attack even overwhelmed the anger for a while, making Feathered Serpent God a little at a loss!

In the Haisen plane, it is a god, and it is the supreme king of the plane.

No creature has ever dared to disobey its majesty and dignity so much, and no creature has dared to show its teeth and claws in front of it...

The long-term comfortable and enjoyable life has made him a frog in the bottom of the well, and he really regards himself as a powerful king who can issue orders to the whole world, roaring proudly, and shaking the plane!

And how does it know that in the distant world of wizards, even real gods are divided into three, six or nine grades in the value system of wizards. In the eyes of high-ranking wizards, something like it, which is between a demigod and a true god, is nothing more than a pile of walking wizard resources and materials.

In the knowledge system of wizards, the classification of gods, the analysis of godhead, the study of priesthood, the analysis of divinity... have reached a peak. Therefore, in the eyes of high-ranking wizards, an indigenous god like it who thinks it is aloof is just a slightly advanced divine creature.

Divine creatures are still creatures!

After destroying its soul, it still cannot escape death.

It was precisely because he knew too much about divine creatures that Greem didn't have the slightest awe and softness towards this Feathered Serpent God, and drove the Shadow Demon to play his big move as soon as he came up.

Dark Summoning + Shadow Strike + Infinite Shadow Arrow + Blade Thrust...

The Dark Summoning comes from the Ring of Shadows of Tier 4, which can summon a Tier 4 Shadow Killer...

Shadow Strike comes from the 4th-order dark breathing earrings, which can condense a non-light dagger to continuously attack the enemy...

The Infinite Shadow Arrow was contributed by the fifth-order Shadow Orb...

Only sharp blade thrusts are physical attacks launched by the shadow demon itself...

So many high-level witchcraft erupted in an instant, even with the demigod physique of the Feathered Serpent God, it was unbearable. Almost in an instant, it was severely damaged by this storm-like attack of the dark system!

But even such a swift attack could not kill it.

The Feathered Snake God couldn't care less about matters outside of the God's Domain space, and the entire broken snake body stood up straight, and the thunder and lightning waves that seemed to destroy the world instantly flooded the open-air temple.

A violent and ferocious lightning storm raged crazily around its snake body, crackling the exposed body of the Shadow Demon, and the scorching lightning and the crackling sound of tearing eardrums could be seen everywhere.

However, this kind of berserk electric current, which is enough to burn a fourth-order creature into charcoal, fell on the Shadow Demon, but it seemed a little weak. The strange body made of all metal has unparalleled magic resistance and damage reduction against elemental witchcraft.

Although the Shadow Fiend's body was almost transparent by the electric scorching, it still did not affect the frenzied attacks of its sharp claws and claws. Almost instantly, the Shadow Demon's claws and claws entered and exited the Feathered Serpent God's body seven times, almost smashing it into a sieve.

Damn it, it's a high-level golem...

Although the Feathered Serpent God was a bit rebellious, he was not stupid.

Instantly discerning the Shadow Demon's identity, he also knew that it would be impossible for him to use lightning power to deal with it. To deal with this kind of iron lump with an anti-magic metal body, head-to-head hand-to-hand combat is more likely to be effective.

With a scream, the Feathered Serpent God summoned the Feathered Serpent guards outside. And it pounced on itself, attacking the enemy with its sharp fangs, stubby and sharp front claws and powerful tail whip.

And just as the space in God's Domain was in chaos, space waves overflowed from the far entrance.

Groups of terrifying servant corpses poured in like a tide, and fought with the Feathered Serpent guards who were waiting there. And mixed among the servant corpses, Mary led many blood clans to take advantage of the situation and kill them.

Wounds for injuries, and attacks for attacks, fought with Feathered Serpent God for a while. When he realized that the damage dealt to him was serious enough, the Shadow Demon left the battle with a flicker of his body, and instantly disappeared in the endless darkness. .

The Feathered Serpent God who was hit hard slammed his spirit, thinking that the other party would launch such a terrible sneak attack, he quickly gathered a violent lightning storm to protect himself, and then flooded the Shadow Killer and the Shadow Killer with the thunderstorm That dull dagger.

Destroyed the opponent's two helpers, but still did not notice the opponent's trace.

The Feathered Serpent God listened to the increasingly fierce battles and killings outside the temple, and with his weird vertical pupils glared, he planned to rush out to help.

But as soon as this idea came up, a black light shot out from the shadow of a stone pillar not far away, aiming at the defenseless giant egg.


Feathered Serpent hurriedly protected the giant egg with his body, breathed out lightning to annihilate the black light, then waved his wings, and smashed the stone pillars and black shadows to pieces with violent and incomparable lightning power.

But unfortunately, nothing!

"Bastard, you bastard, come out and fight me if you have the ability..." Feathered Serpent God was furious, and he was no longer stingy with the power of lightning. As violent thunderbolts fell from the sky, every stone pillar in the open-air temple was smashed to pieces and collapsed into a pile of rubble.

And the Feathered Serpent God's body was blazing with lightning, illuminating every inch of the surrounding space as bright as day, and never gave the other party a chance to suddenly jump to his side.

But driving the power of thunder and lightning to such a degree, even with the physique and power of the Feathered Serpent God, the loss of individual energy is extremely astonishing!

However, the enemy is now completely ignored.

Without the help of the Feathered Serpent God, even if there are hundreds of Feathered Serpent guards in the space of God's Domain, even if each of them is an elite, it will be difficult to resist the impact of thousands of servant corpses. What's more, those terrifying blood races are still hiding in the crowd of servants and constantly launching sneak attacks.

In the situation of attacking with more and fighting in groups, the number of Feathered Serpent guards is also rapidly decreasing.

At the edge of the God's Domain space, Mary and the old fox Wenlier fought side by side, observing the situation in the space silently, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

To be honest, this is the first time in their life that they have broken into the kingdom of a 'god'. If they say that they are not panicked or apprehensive, they are deceiving themselves and others.

However, even though they made all kinds of worst-case plans, they even prepared several sets of various tail-docking escape plans. But the situation in front of them is obviously developing in the direction that is most beneficial to them.

They have already hit the door of the enemy's house, and the feathered snake god is still guarding in his temple, allowing his guards to be slaughtered by the opponent... What kind of situation is this? Is it crazy, stupid? Or is there really something in the temple that it can't give up?

The old fox Wenlier's eyeballs rolled around, and he was obviously disturbed by the great situation in front of him.

Only Remy, the poisonous plague spirit, and the old poisonous woman who followed behind the two seemed a little leisurely.

Relying on the soul connection, Remy knew everything the moment Greem landed on the Haisen plane. However, under Greem's request, it could only keep silent, pretending to be as ignorant as Mary.

After a day and night of killing, hundreds of Feathered Serpent guards finally fell under the siege of the corpse army. After drinking a feast of blood, Isa, the second-level blood elf mage among the blood clan, was finally promoted to the third level with a sharp and ear-piercing scream.

As for one of his subordinates advancing to the third level, Mary, who is the blood lord, would naturally not stop her.

Correspondingly, with the soaring strength of many blood subordinates, traces of pure blood energy gathered on Mary, making her strength also increase, getting closer and closer to that terrifying threshold.

A bloody and hot breath rolled in Mary's heart, making her crystal-clear ruby ​​eyes turn scarlet like blood.

Mary flapped her delicate leather-like bat wings and slowly rose into the air, stretched out her hand and pointed at the open-air temple in the distance, and screamed loudly.

"The breath of blood, the breath of life... attack me!"

Blood Rage...

Following Mary's clamor, all the corpses and blood slaves roared to the sky at the same time, and then rushed towards the temple desperately. For a time, on the ground, on the treetops, on the rock wall, one can see flying figures everywhere.

And all the vampires with independent intelligence also felt their blood boil, and the blood-sucking fangs in their mouths grew wildly, protruding from their lips in anger. They flapped their bat wings, followed closely behind the cannon fodder army, and began to rush towards the temple.

Sensing the arrival of the servant corpses and blood slaves, the Shadow Demon opened his mouth and sucked in all the dark matter densely covered in the temple, and then quietly escaped into the darkness.

The Feathered Serpent God was slightly taken aback.

Before it could understand why this mysterious enemy escaped, thousands of beasts ran wildly in the corridor in the distance, and crowds of people crowded together. One by one, grotesque beasts rushed into the open-air temple, rushing towards it like an overwhelming mountain.

Bastard, a mysterious Tier 4 enemy made me so miserable! Now, it's the turn of a group of weak birds and ants who dare to look for cheap...

The furious Feathered Serpent God spread his broken wings and floated above the giant egg. Thunder and lightning raged all over his body. A lightning storm like a world-destroying thunderbolt instantly turned the servant corpses and blood slaves pouring into the open-air temple into one. Heaps of coke.

However, such Shishi Tianwei not only failed to scare the enemies, but made the enemies rush in faster and more swiftly. Those hot snorts, those extremely twisted and ferocious mouths, those ugly and ferocious figures...

The Feathered Serpent flapped its wings without hesitation, and launched several lightning storms one after another, destroying wave after wave of enemies.

Finally, behind the dwindling cannon fodder corps, the Feathered Serpent God saw pairs of fierce eyes that were as scarlet as blood, and strange blood races with grinning faces.

See you in the picture!

At this moment, the two sides have no room for maneuver, either you die or I die!

Therefore, there was no need for anyone to issue an order, and all the blood races rushed forward, cooperated with Mary, Soros, and the plague poisonous spirit Remy, the old poisonous woman, and fought with the Feathered Serpent God whose power was almost exhausted...

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