Age of Adepts

Chapter 1357 Women and Offspring

That night, Greem and his party entered the Anemdo Academy.

In the middle of the night, Greem sat alone at the wooden table, frowning slightly as he examined the parchment in front of him.

"Grimm, Mary Crimson Family

Clara  Denell Family

Alfred   Molten City

Declan   Fabres Family

Nicholas Entom Family

Matthew   Bane Family

Milwa  Annemdo College

Monash? Gaia Golden Family

Andrews  Ardern Family

Ashton  Smiley Family

Ariza   Manceau family

Adria  Claire Family

Mila    Kunis Family

Roderick  Hill Family"

A small piece of parchment records the situation of the fourth-level wizards in the central part of the continent and the wizard families they belong to. And at the end of this list, Fried and his Yomo family have been crossed out by a heavy red line.

It's not just one or two names crossed out, but thousands of lives and thousands of heads.

With Fried's downfall, the elimination of the remaining forces of the Yomo family is also proceeding simultaneously. The Yomo people in the secular territory were gathered and publicly executed, and even those wizards with Yomo blood were in the process of "cleaning up" in a planned way.

Ordinary Yomo people fled and fled, and the Crimson Clan didn't have that much time and energy to hunt them all over the world. However, those descendants of Freed's direct lineage who have the talent of wizards and escaped Keslin's backlash must die!

The Crimson Clan has sent a large number of blood clans to hunt down these escaped fish, even if they escape to the ends of the earth, they must hunt down and kill them to the end.

This...maybe the coldest and cruelest scene in the Wizarding Wars!

Although Greem has always cherished life's attitude, he didn't want to leave any bad hidden dangers for the grand career he created.

The Yomo family is easy to deal with. Without Fried, they are just a group of pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered, and they don't even have a chance to resist. The only thing bothering Greem now is the 'allies' on this list.

Looking at the list from the beginning to the end, and then from the end to the beginning, among the densely packed names, the only person Greem can trust is Mary. Even Greem, who was the most active witch Clara during this time, didn't dare to put too much trust in her.

In the list, Mary is her own, and Clara, Declan, and Alfred can be counted as real allies. As for the rest, they are either forced by Crimson's popularity, or are afraid of death threats... In short, we must not place too many expectations on them.

Once Crimson loses power, or if there are some changes in the middle, these guys are likely to be the fastest group of people to turn back. However, as long as Greem remains strong, no matter how much ambition or mischief they have, they can only hide it in their hearts and dare not reveal it.

In addition, among the remaining group of people, Milva, Nicholas and Matthew are undoubtedly the most unstable factors. They were the latest to surrender, and they had a lot of grudges with themselves before... With these two points alone, it was impossible for them to settle down sincerely.

It's just that the central part of the mainland urgently needs to be stabilized now, so as not to give the group of wolves outside a chance to sneak in. Therefore, even Greem could only accept the surrender of the three against his will.

When necessary, Greem even pretended to appease them in order to avoid aggravating the situation.

The three of Milva chose to surrender at the last moment, obviously still unwilling in their hearts. If punishment is not given properly, it will not be able to deter those duplicitous people. But if the punishment is excessive, it will arouse their common hatred, and it will cause unnecessary trouble for the subsequent integration...

Although Greem has chip support, he is still a bit powerless in such a complicated and treacherous situation. Most of the past years were spent in meditation and laboratories, and he was really not familiar with things like 'politics'.

But fortunately, the wizarding world is a world that respects power. As long as he firmly holds the strongest force, the other party will not dare to make any excessive moves.

And time is always on his side!

Just as Greem was silently thinking about how to deal with the three of Milva, there were muffled conversations and rustling footsteps outside the residence where he was resting.

"Billis, what's going on?" Greem asked displeased.

The door of the secret room opened, and the worm witch Billis stood at the door with his head bowed, and replied with his strange worm hiss: "My lord, it is the Mirva wizard who is worried about the lack of servants on your side, so he specially sent a few maids... ..."


Greem looked through the side of Billis, and saw a few tall and graceful figures behind him.

"Let them come in!" Greem's heart moved slightly, and he whispered.

"Yes!" Bliss the Worm Witch turned around, and his green and densely packed strange compound eyes quickly swept across the girls, and hissed, "You can go in now!"

Greem also made some careful preparations for his stay at Anemdo College this time.

Level 4 Thunder Lord Amos is stationed in the Crimson Fleet, Meryl acts as the commander of the fleet, and Greem is accompanied to the academy by the current level 3 Intermediate Worm Witch Bliss.

There was a Tier 3 Worm Witch guarding the door outside, and a Tier 4 Shadow Fiend inside. Although Greem's own strength hadn't fully recovered, his dual artifacts were not something an ordinary Tier 4 wizard could match. It was precisely because of such confidence and certainty that he was invited to live in the academy and take a rest here for the night.

There were five girls who came in, all of them had outstanding appearance and figure, and two of them still had striking witchcraft fluctuations on their bodies, which seemed to have the qualifications of wizards.

Greem raised his head and slowly swept over them, a faint smile appeared on his face.

maid? Just looking at their clothing and etiquette, one can deduce that they are not real maids, but noble ladies who are usually pampered. As for those two, they were simply witches with level 2 strength.

That Milva sent them...

Peeking at Greem sneering and sneering, the two girls with witchcraft fluctuations took a step forward at the same time, bowing and saluting.

"Master Greem, please don't doubt that our family head has no malicious intentions..."


"The patriarch was worried about the lack of servants here, so he asked me to come here." Speaking of this, the girl pulled down the clothes on her shoulders, revealing a witchcraft rune that resembled a brand, and said in a low voice. Said: "In order not to misunderstand my lord, we have been sealed by the witch seal before we come here. If you don't believe me, you can check the integrity of the witch seal for yourself..."

The other witch also pulled down her upper body shirt, revealing the round witch seals on both shoulders and her beautiful white and snowy upper body. She bowed her knees and saluted, "Please rest assured, my lord, we are witches who have been carefully cultivated in the family. The specialized training in this area is guaranteed to satisfy you!"

It didn't matter to the two witches, but the three mortal girls were all blushing, blushing, and their heads were almost stuck in their chests.

Ever since they stepped into this residence, they also had a sneak peek at this frightening wizard in legend.

What they didn't expect was that the legendary fire witch who was well-known in Tallinn turned out to be an extremely young and handsome man.

As it was approaching the time of sleep, Greem was not wearing a witch robe, but was naked, with only a light and soft spider silk nightgown wrapped around his body.

Greem, who is less than 400 years old, is in the first half of his life. Although his strong physique has been greatly damaged by the heavy injuries some time ago, his tall and strong body is still so smooth, full of muscles, and his limbs are well proportioned. called perfect.

More importantly, immersed in magical energy all year round, every inch of skin and every piece of flesh and blood around Greem's body is filled with explosive flame energy. The flame energy and life energy condensed together, fused into a kind of evil charm full of strong masculinity!

Coupled with the infestation and transformation of the law of fire over the years, Greem's every move, every breath that comes out of his body is filled with a sense of law that one dare not violate.

Greem was reclining lazily on the wooden chair, with long dark red hair hanging behind him, and the open opening of the nightgown revealed a large piece of chest skin shining with dark red luster. Looking from a distance, Greem's amber-like crystal clear skin can vaguely see a layer of dark red energy flowing and lingering.

Even after deducting the halo blessings of legendary fire witches and superpowers, Greem's male body full of vitality alone is enough to attract the hot eyes of all girls and young women.

At least, the three carefully selected girls and the two equally beautiful witches couldn't help breathing fast, and their faces jumped with enthusiasm.

All of a sudden, the sense of shame that they were forced to send over as lowly women before they came disappeared inexplicably. Licking their red lips lightly, they suddenly felt that this act of dedication for the sake of the family and the clansmen might not be as difficult as they imagined...

"You guys go down first! Billis, find them a room for them to stay in first..." Greem, who was able to detect every trace of their psychological changes with the subtle perception of the chip, sneered, and simply sent them out.

Of course, Greem is not the abstinent Liu Xiahui, but at this critical moment, he doesn't want to spoil the good situation in front of him because of his mere lust.

After the five girls were taken away by Billis with disappointment on their faces, Greem put away the parchment, and then began to concentrate on thinking about a new problem that had just been born.

So far, he doesn't seem to have a descendant who could be called his direct bloodline. This... I am afraid that it will become a huge problem in the near future!

You must know that the core of any wizard family is the original blood.

Now, the crimson family he founded has grown so huge, but what is the real original blood? Of course it should be his direct descendant!

In this way, even if Greem advances to level 5 one day and is forced to leave the region, the Crimson Family will hug his direct bloodline closely and continue to contribute to the Crimson Family.

But now, he doesn't seem to have any descendants, and there is no sign of direct descendants in the short term... Thinking about it this way, this problem is also a problem that needs to be solved immediately!

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