After Academician Kong left, Lv Yongchang returned to his office, with a thoughtful look on his face.

As the creator of Zero, Lv Yongchang naturally knew how powerful Zero was.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is precisely because of the existence of Zero that the so-called Heavenly Court Plan can be realized!

As for computing power, it is not a particularly big problem.

From zero to one is always the most difficult step.

Since the first generation of superconducting quantum computers has been successfully developed, it is expected that Academician Mo Zeyang will also have good news about the second generation of quantum computers soon.

Therefore, communication delay has become the biggest obstacle.

Lv Yongchang closed his eyes, and his consciousness came to the technology tree system space again.

[Quantum Communication Technology]

The starship manufacturing technology has a matching status with it.

In other words, these two technologies have basically reached the ceiling of the so-called first-level civilization.

Looking at the dim cursor on the upper layer of the first-level technology tree, Lv Yongchang sighed softly.

He tried to focus on the extremely dim cursor, trying to get some simple hints.

A strong sense of dizziness came from the depths of his mind.

Lv Yongchang groaned.

The next moment, his consciousness was ejected directly from the fluorescent green space.

"Professor Lv?"

There was a burst of hurried footsteps and calls from the side.

"Professor Lv, are you okay?"

Perhaps because of the impact of dizziness, Su Yutong's voice seemed particularly distorted.

Lv Yongchang struggled to open his eyes.

His vision was blurred.

A warm feeling came from near the philtrum.


A short scream came: "You, you have a nosebleed?!"

A burst of hurried footsteps gradually faded away, followed by a chaotic shout.

He subconsciously wanted to reach out and wipe it, but his eyes went black and his consciousness gradually collapsed.


"Drip... drip... drip..."

Consciousness returned.

The buzzer sound and the pungent smell of disinfectant around him all reminded him of his location.

Lv Yongchang slowly opened his eyes, and a bit of bitterness appeared in the depths of his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the backlash effect of getting prompts at a higher level was so great.

Not only did he not get any information, he was also sent to the hospital...

Just when Lv Yongchang was secretly annoyed, the door of the hospital ward quietly opened.

"Professor Lv, are you awake?"

Su Yutong's voice came.

Looking at Su Yutong standing at the door of the ward with a cup of water, Lv Yongchang smiled bitterly and nodded at her, saying: "Thank you for your help."

"How long have I been unconscious?"

Before Su Yutong could speak, the voice of the chairman of the council came from outside the door.

"Three days!"

The next moment, Councillor Li appeared at the door of the ward: "Yutong, go out first, I'll talk to Yongchang."

Hearing this, Su Yutong hurriedly put down the cup in her hand and left the ward.

Lv Yongchang was slightly startled and subconsciously wanted to get up.

"Hey! Don't move!" Seeing this, Councillor Li stepped forward quickly, stretched out his hand and pushed him back to the bed.

Councillor Li frowned slightly, looked at him carefully, and asked softly: "What happened to you?"

"I heard from Fang Xu that you were sitting on the chair when your nose suddenly started bleeding. Your face was as white as a piece of paper, which scared the people in the laboratory."

Lv Yongchang smiled awkwardly: "Chairman, did the doctor say anything?"

Councillor Li glanced at Lv Yongchang meaningfully and said softly.

"In the past three days, almost all the top doctors in Xia Country have come to check."

"But they didn't find any problems."

Lv Yongchang's eyes flickered slightly, and he said nonchalantly: "Maybe it's because I've been overusing my brain these two days. It's not a big deal."

"By the way, Mr. Councillor, can I be discharged from the hospital?"

"In the laboratory..."

Member Li frowned and interrupted Lu Yongchang's words directly: "Isn't this a big deal?"

"If you can't wake up, do you know what it means?!"

"Okay, you don't need to worry about the laboratory. Fang Xu and the others will manage it well. You should have a good rest these days."

Member Li turned his head and shouted to the outside of the door: "Doctor Wen, take him for a check-up!"

Lv Yongchang: "..."


More than two hours later.

Lv Yongchang lay on the bed with a look of despair on his face and was pushed back to the ward.

In just over two hours, he almost went through a full range of examinations, and was almost sent to the operating table for autopsy!

"Doctor Wen, what are the results of the examination?"

Seeing Lv Yongchang and the doctor return to the ward, Councillor Li hurriedly stood up and asked solemnly: "Is there anything abnormal with Professor Lu's body?"

Dr. Wen faced Councillor Li and said respectfully: "Member, no problems have been found so far, but..."

"But?" Councillor Li frowned and spoke in a heavier tone: "Doctor Wen, if you have any questions, just say it directly!"

Dr. Wen showed some hesitation on his face and whispered: "Member, although it has declined at present, Professor Lu's brain activity... is still several times more active than normal people."

Member Li was slightly stunned: "This... shouldn't it be a good thing?"

Dr. Wen smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Member, if it is within the normal range, it is indeed a good thing."

"You mean..." Councillor Li's expression changed slightly.

"Mr. Councillor, let me give you an analogy. If you compare the brain to the engine of a car, within the normal range, the stronger the engine performance, the better."

"But what if you install an aircraft engine on a tractor?"

Dr. Wen smiled bitterly and shook his head: "During the examination, we noticed that Professor Lv Yongchang's physical fitness is much higher than that of normal people, but that is also within the normal range."

"But his brain is different. It has completely surpassed the level of normal people."

"When Professor Lv was first sent here, his brain activity was almost more than ten times that of a normal person. Although it has declined at present, it is still three to five times that of a normal person."

"So, under normal circumstances, Professor Lv may not be abnormal, but once the situation a few days ago occurs, he will..."

Lv Yongchang, who was lying on the bed, moved slightly in his heart.

He understood a little.

The so-called prompt of the system did not appear out of thin air.

It just stimulated his brain with the help of means he was not aware of.

When the brain is highly active, knowledge of various disciplines is quickly called up, and a conclusion is formed in the subconscious mind.

Then, this conclusion was presented to his conscious mind by the system.

In this way, his coma this time was also normal.

After all, the consequence of "brainstorming" without any theoretical basis...

It was simply courting death.

It was good that this "CPU" did not burn out.

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