The two people's argument attracted Joey in the No. 2 Mars cabin.

After hearing Bruno's last words, Joey was slightly stunned.

After a few seconds, she reacted.

"Captain, Bruno is right."

"NASA recommends that we give you some antidepressants."

Andrew: "..."

He looked at Joey with a face full of resentment: "There is no need to be so exaggerated..."

Joey nodded seriously: "Captain, this is not an exaggeration."

"Even in the Earth Space Station, there are many astronauts suffering from mental illness, not to mention that we are now on Mars."

"In order to prevent unexpected situations, NASA even equipped us with tranquilizers, when necessary..."

"Okay, okay!" Andrew shuddered slightly and said unhappily, "I just said the wrong thing, okay?"

As he spoke, Andrew turned around and said again Looking at the computer screen in front of him: "It's almost time, we should send the drilling results of the past few days to NASA."

"Hey..." Bruno beside him sighed slightly and rubbed his sore shoulders, "Why do you think we drill holes on Mars every day?"

Joey continued: "Didn't NASA say it was to find traces of life on Mars?"

"Tsk..." Bruno rolled his eyes unhappily, "Do you really believe NASA's nonsense?"

"Look at how many holes we have drilled in the past few days?"

"I see, there is nothing else under the Utopia Plain except the ice layer!"

Just as Bruno was complaining, a piece of data was transmitted to the earth via satellite.


After returning from the chairman of the parliament, Lu Yongchang sat behind his desk and quietly looked through various research data and papers on quantum communication.

Time waits for no one. Even if it is not yet time to conquer quantum communication technology, he needs to continue to learn relevant knowledge.

"Professor, I have intercepted the latest data of the US Pathfinder Project."

Zero's unique electronic synthesized voice broke the silence of the office.

"Hmm?" Lv Yongchang raised his eyebrows slightly and said softly, "What did you find?"

"Drilling data in recent days."

As Zero's voice fell, the computer screen in front of Lv Yongchang suddenly lit up, and a series of detailed data appeared in front of him.

"Wow! The United States is well prepared!"

Lv Yongchang sat up straight and looked at the computer screen in front of him with excitement: "With so much drilling and testing data, it seems that the US Pathfinder Project this time, in addition to the so-called colonization experiment, also has a part of the purpose to find traces of extraterrestrial life?"

After a short silence, Zero's voice sounded again: "Sorry, professor, I didn't find anything about this plan on the Internet."

Lv Yongchang waved his hand nonchalantly.

It's normal not to find it.

Most of these truly confidential documents are saved in paper documents.

"Zero, what are the results of the data analysis?" After a moment of silence, Lv Yongchang asked again.

"Professor, according to the drilling data sent back by the Pathfinder program, combined with the location of the US Mars module..."

Zero said as he quickly enlarged the satellite map on the computer screen.

Finally, the picture was fixed on a meteorite crater.

"...Inside this meteorite crater, 5-10 meters underground, the possibility of life has reached 75.2%!"

Looking at the meteorite crater only a few hundred meters away from the Mars module, Lv Yongchang's breathing suddenly became rapid.

"Too close..."

He muttered to himself.

With a distance of only a few hundred meters, according to the current drilling speed of the United States, it is estimated that it will not take long for them to complete the exploration of the area near the Mars module!

By then, NASA will definitely turn its attention to the meteorite crater only a few hundred meters away.

Even if the task of drilling inside the meteorite crater is more difficult, NASA may put its drilling order at the end.

But this will not delay much time!

A rough estimate is that in about a month and a half, it is estimated that the three astronauts will go to the meteorite crater with drilling equipment!


We have to speed up the development of Xuannv II!

Lv Yongchang stood up from his chair.

"Zero, how is the development of Xuannv II going?"

Perhaps sensing the urgency in Lv Yongchang's tone, Zero's reply was much faster.

"Professor, the laboratory in charge of Academician Cao Liangcai has proposed three different plans and is currently being demonstrated."

"So slow..." Lv Yongchang frowned slightly and said quickly, "From now on, all resources will be given priority to the research plan of Xuannv II!"

As he spoke, Lv Yongchang pushed open the door of his office and walked towards the laboratory in charge of Cao Liangcai.


12 o'clock in the evening.

The first laboratory of Xiaguo, the aerospace division was brightly lit.

Lv Yongchang hurried to the door of the laboratory and pushed open the door of the laboratory.

Quickly passing through the corridor filled with cold light, Lv Yongchang came to Cao Liangcai's office.

"Lao Cao!" Lv Yongchang knocked on the office door and shouted, "Lao Cao, are you there?"

A few seconds later, Cao Liang opened the door with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

"Professor Lu?!"

The moment he saw Lv Yongchang, Cao Liangcai's eyes flashed with surprise: "Why are you here?"

Looking at the pen in Cao Liangcai's hand, Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately you didn't sleep, otherwise I would have to call you to wake you up today..."

Cao Liangcai's expression changed slightly.

He had never seen Lv Yongchang so anxious!

"Professor Lv, what happened?"

While speaking, he opened the door and turned sideways to welcome Lv Yongchang into the office.

Lv Yongchang did not enter the office, but stood at the door, looking at Cao Liangcai in front of him with a serious expression: "To make a long story short."

"Old Cao, I heard from Ling that you have proposed three blueprints for Xuannv II?"

Cao Liangcai was slightly startled, then nodded quickly: "Yes."

"But... we haven't decided which plan to adopt yet, and these plans have not been verified by Ling."

As he said that, he suddenly realized something: "What? Something went wrong?"

Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, nodded vigorously, and said in a deep voice: "We need to land Xuannv II on Mars within a month!"

"Now, hold a meeting immediately, and the plan must be finalized tonight!"

Cao Liangcai's breath suddenly choked.

He subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the wall clock.


"Okay!" Cao Liangcai nodded seriously, "Some researchers may have a break, give me 15 minutes!"

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