Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 115 Albert: I have to find a chance to abdicate

Immediately after the press conference ended, the people of Xia State were once again in shock.

"What the hell?! Is this the second Xuannv?"

"Mars exploration plan? For scientific exploration?? Understand, we all understand!"

"Am I the only one who noticed the data of Xuannv 2? Eighty-density payload, top speed ten times the speed of the third universe... Good guy, why don't you make a science fiction movie?!"

"So, with Xuannv No. 2 looking like this, can it really fly into the sky?"

"Everyone, please be quiet. Let me say something! The first flight will be broadcast live at noon tomorrow. Bingbing is mine!"


Although no foreign media were invited to this press conference, for such a big event, foreign media are naturally not vegetarians. They immediately learned about the specific content of the press conference through various channels.

The White House of the United States.

Albert stared blankly at the newspaper in front of him, his face gradually turning red.

“Holy shit…”

"William Blair! Tell me, why does the CIA not know anything about such important information?!"

"You, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, are worse than a newspaper vendor on the roadside!"

William Blair grimaced and sighed deeply: "Your Excellency, I don't think this is a CIA problem."

Albert's eyes twitched sharply, and the anger in his heart grew higher and higher: "What do you mean? It's not the CIA's problem, is it my problem?!"

William Blair's expression changed slightly and he shook his head repeatedly.

After hesitating for a moment, he took out a document from the briefcase beside him and handed it to Albert.

Albert frowned and took the document and looked at it carefully.


"In recent months, no spy has successfully infiltrated the Xia Kingdom's No. 1 Laboratory?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Albert's eyes: " is this possible?!"

William Blair smiled bitterly and said: "Your Excellency, we don't know the reason."

"Not to mention the number one laboratory in Xia Kingdom. Currently, our spies in Xia Kingdom are decreasing rapidly."

"Even some core spies who grew up in the Xia Kingdom were discovered by the Xia Kingdom!"

"It's like... Xia Guo has the specific list!"

As he said this, a trace of fear flashed in William Blair's eyes.

After losing a large number of spies and spies, the current CIA is like a blind man trying to figure out the situation in Xia Kingdom.

" did Xia Guo do this!" Albert's face darkened, "Has the CIA's archives been invaded?"

William Blair shook his head repeatedly: "This is impossible!"

"Technical staff have been checking every day during this period, but... we have not found any traces of intrusion so far."

Albert's face became increasingly ugly.

"Let's put this aside, what do you think of Xia Guo's Mars exploration plan?"

"And that damn Xuannv No. 2!"

Moulton on the side saw Albert looking towards him and sighed deeply.

"Your Excellency, if all the information officially announced by Xia Guo is true, I suggest..."

Saying that, Moulton shrugged: "We might as well just admit defeat."

"This is not the same level of technology at all."

"I even suspect that Xia Guo got help from aliens!"

Albert's eyes slowly swept across the people in front of him, he slowly closed his eyes, then waved his hand gently and said weakly.

"Everyone, please go out, I need to be alone."

After everyone left, Albert opened his eyes slightly, looked at the splendid office in front of him quietly, and then sighed deeply.

The United States must not fall into his hands!

At least, during his term of office, the United States cannot fail!

However, judging from the current situation, the rise of Xia Kingdom seems to be an unstoppable momentum.

Thinking of the scene where he was nailed to the pillar of shame in history, Albert shuddered violently.

Suddenly, an idea came to Albert's mind.

How about... find an opportunity to abdicate?

Leave this mess to the next president!

At 11 o'clock sharp the next day.

The live broadcast of Xia Guo News started on time.

Because the last live broadcast was good, the host this time is still Bingbing.


Different from the last live broadcast, in this live broadcast, almost everyone's attention was focused on the black "cuboid brick".

"I bet a pack of spicy strips won't be able to fly by then!"

"Took it! How do I pay for the preparations upstairs?"

"I heard that after the news came out yesterday, Twitter in the United States was as quiet as a library. Is it true?"


Amid everyone's barrage of chatter, time passed bit by bit.

The hour hand slowly points to the number 12.

Xuannv No. 2.

Still the same cockpit, still the same driver.

The only difference is that there are far fewer buttons on the console.

This is thanks to Zero's great help.

Zero has made a lot of optimizations to the program. Without affecting the performance, the control difficulty of Xuannv 2 has dropped by a whole level.

"Captain, do you think we can say hello to our American friends when we go to Mars this time?" Hong Fan's voice was full of smiles, "How will they react when they see this thing of ours?"

Bai Yixuan rolled his eyes in annoyance and poured cold water on Hong Fan beside him.

"Forget it!"

"Professor Lu has repeatedly told us not to mess around. This is also what the chairman of the senator meant. After all, the United States is not dead yet!"

Hong Fan curled his lips, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

But soon, his eyes turned slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"What if we just circle around their heads twice?"

Bai Yixuan was slightly stunned.


"Captain, think about it, if we drive this thing around people's heads twice, how cool would it be?!" Hong Fan looked "weird" and kept whispering "devil's whisper" from his mouth.

After a moment of silence, Bai Yixuan turned on the radio switch: "Calling the ground command center, Professor Lu, are you there?"

Soon, Lu Yongchang's response was heard by everyone.

Bai Yixuan hesitated for a while and said what Hong Fan had just thought: "Professor, can we go to the top of the US Mars cabin and take a few turns?"

"We promise that there will be no trouble!"

"Of course, this is Hong Fan's suggestion." At the end, Bai Yixuan hurriedly added.

There was a silence on the radio.

A trace of cold sweat appeared on Bai Yixuan's forehead, and he turned his head and glared at Hong Fan on his left!

Just as he was about to say something, Lu Yongchang's faint voice came from the radio.

"What are you talking about?"

"Isn't that your normal driving route?"

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