The TV screen switches quietly.

The national speech is over.

Zhao Zijie stared at the TV in front of him distractedly.

After a long time, he suddenly woke up, took out his cell phone and opened his scarf.

Sure enough.

The entertainment industry news that was originally on the hot search list was wiped out.

On such a huge list, there is only one hot search left.

"National Address, Xia Kingdom has entered a state of first-level combat readiness!" 》

Looking at the big black and red characters, Zhao Zijie swallowed slightly and reached out to open the hot search.

The page starts loading.

Perhaps because too many people are browsing, the web page is obviously lagging.

But luckily the server didn't go down.

The trending content is nothing interesting.

It is nothing more than a retelling of what Congressman Lee said.

Zhao Zijie quickly dragged the screen to the comment area below.

He glanced at it casually, and a high praise reply quickly attracted his attention.

[Oolong tea seasoning]: "Fuck! I completely understand!"

"Starting from controllable nuclear fusion, all Xia's actions are to pave the way for this natural disaster!"

"The Moon Palace Plan, the Nantianmen Plan, and even the Heavenly Court Plan, the purpose of these plans is to take the people of Xia Kingdom to escape from the earth!"

"If you don't believe it, you can take a look at the deadline of the Heavenly Court Project, which is in 15 years!"

"In addition to these plans, you can think about it. In the past year, great changes have actually taken place around us. Many light industrial factories have gradually disappeared and been replaced by some heavy industrial factories!"

Zhao Zijie's expression was slightly suffocated, and he subconsciously thought about it in his mind.


After such a reminder, he immediately recalled the changes in ore exports he had discovered before.


There was a hint of worry in his eyes.

If Xia Guo does this, will it attract prying eyes from other countries?

Facts have proved that Zhao Zijie's concerns were correct.


"Is Xia Guo crazy?!"

Albert looked at the documents in front of him with horror.

"Your Excellency, President, let's not talk about whether Xia Guo is crazy or not. There are more people protesting outside the White House." At this point, William Blair paused slightly, "In addition to those who have objections to the Mars Rescue Plan, there are many People asked about the authenticity of what Xia Guo said. "

"Not only that, according to the CIA's investigation, there are already some unharmonious voices in the country."

William Blair's eyes were full of worry: "Your Excellency, I think that at this point, we no longer need to keep it secret."

Albert took a deep breath.

After thinking for a short time, he asked in a deep voice: "How was the discussion with those professors?"

"After such a long time, I don't want them to come up with a reliable plan!"

Facing Albert's question, William Blair hesitated for a while.

"Your Excellency, their conclusion is the same as NASA's. According to the current rate of change, the sun will enter the red giant stage sooner or later, but..."

"Just what?!" Albert frowned suddenly.

"It's just... we don't know how Xia Guo came to the conclusion that the sun will have a helium flash within 15 years."

William Blair's eyes were full of doubts: "According to the calculations of NASA and these professors, a helium flash will occur on the sun at least decades later!"

"So, have they discussed a solution?" Albert waved his hand impatiently, "After such a long discussion, they won't only discuss this little thing, right?"

"Your Excellency, they believe that building an underground shelter is a better option."

Seeing Albert's impatient look, William Blair lowered his eyes slightly and whispered: "The underground city can effectively isolate the high temperature. As for the helium flash, we have decades to build an interstellar spacecraft to avoid it."

Albert nodded thoughtfully.

"In this case, we can't make this public!"

Albert's eyes flashed with a fierce light: "The technology in the United States is not that high."

"Dungeons and starships are destined to only accommodate a portion of Americans."

“Let’s start population screening from now on!”

"Remember, only the most elite are needed!"

William Blair nodded solemnly.

Although he knows that this decision is cruel to most Americans, he also knows that at this time, sacrificing some people is the most correct choice.


U.S. White House Press Secretary: "NASA has not observed any abnormal data. The authenticity of the information Xia Guo said is questionable. Please treat it rationally!"

Like the United States, Gili and Gaul also made the same choice.

Geely News Spokesperson: "We have not observed any abnormal data!"

Gallic Spokesperson: "+1!"

The three major rogue countries spoke out at the same time, which suddenly calmed down the originally turbulent world.

Except for Su State.

The emperor sat in his office with a heavy face, quietly looking at the documents just sent by Xia Guo.

"How's the verification going?"

The emperor reached out and pressed the communication button on his desk, and asked in a deep voice: "Are these data from Xia Guo reliable?"

Soon, a series of urgent responses sounded from the speakers placed nearby.

"Sir, after comparison, we can confirm that this data is completely correct."

"It's just that... we need to spend more time to verify the mathematical model."

"I, our mathematicians don't understand some of the transformation steps..."

Hearing this, the emperor nodded gently and rubbed his eyebrows vigorously.

"Please contact Councillor Li for me. I need to discuss countermeasures with him."


Ten minutes after several major Western countries issued statements, the National Astronomical Observatory of Xia quietly changed its homepage.

All the fancy links and pictures were removed from the homepage, leaving only two documents.

One document is all the observation data of the sun in the past year.

The other document is naturally the mathematical model of the sun after the mutation derived by Lv Yongchang.

As the first country to announce the solar crisis, Xia has attracted the attention of 232 countries and regions around the world at this moment.

The documents uploaded by the National Astronomical Observatory of Xia were naturally downloaded countless copies at the first time.

Every country has started the verification work.

Even many private bigwigs have begun to mobilize their small astronomical telescopes to verify the data.

Time passes bit by bit.

After more than ten hours of fermentation, the whole thing broke out!

First, the Su country took the lead in expressing its position.

"After multiple verifications by our side, the data provided by the Xia country is completely true, and the judgment on the sun is completely correct!"

"Here, I call on every country to put aside their prejudices and sit down to discuss countermeasures together!"

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