After the external disinfection work was completed, Bai Yixuan and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xuan Nu No. 2, please note that you should not leave the cabin after opening the hatch. Someone will collect the samples!"

Lv Yongchang's command came from the radio.


A few minutes later, Bai Yixuan and others sat in the driver's seat blankly, watching several staff members wearing tight protective clothing walk into the cabin and carry all the samples out.


Hong Fan's voice was full of resentment: "The script should not be like this, right?"

"Shouldn't we be attending the celebration banquet at this time?"

"Ahem..." Bai Yixuan's eyes twitched again, "Don't, don't rush."

"Maybe when we get to the quarantine point, we can have a big meal!"

As soon as the voice fell, several staff members wearing protective clothing and carrying medical boxes walked into the cabin.

Looking at "Dabai" walking straight towards them, the faces of the six astronauts became stiff.

"Captain Bai Yixuan, please cooperate."

"We need to conduct a comprehensive examination of you."

The leading staff member opened the medical box and took out a bunch of bottles and jars.

"Please provide urine and feces samples, and blood tests will be required later."

At the end, the staff member added: "These are all arranged by Professor Lu."

Hong Fan looked at the various instruments in front of him with a pale face and swallowed slightly.

"Excuse me, can we eat hot pot after these examinations are completed?"

Several staff members paused slightly, and then raised their heads to look at Hong Fan together.

Even through the protective mask and mask, Hong Fan could feel the smiles in the eyes of several staff members.

"What are you thinking about?" The leading staff member said unhappily, "There is a special diet at the quarantine point. In order to prevent accidents, you can only eat specific foods during these 14 days."

"What's more, such inspections must be carried out every day within 14 days, which is also to eliminate the interference of diet on the test results."

Bai Yixuan and six others: "..."


Xiaguo's first laboratory, the biological sub-laboratory.

As a laboratory that has just been built, the equipment inside is naturally the latest and most advanced.

After all, the role of biological laboratories is not only about hibernation technology.

The improvement of human genes, the extension of life span, and the treatment of alien viruses or bacteria are all inseparable from biotechnology.

It may not be felt on Earth.

But once humans really enter the universe and become an interstellar civilization, the average life span of humans of more than 70 years is completely not enough.

Lv Yongchang, wearing protective clothing, slowly walked into the laboratory.

"Professor Lu!"

A slightly excited male voice came from a distance: "This way!"

Lv Yongchang's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly looked in the direction of the voice.

Looking at the figure waving at him from a distance, he smiled.

Even through the thick and tight protective clothing, he recognized the man at the first time.

Mao Zhengzhi, an academician of the Academy of Sciences, a big shot in the biological science community of Xiaguo.

At only 36 years old, he is considered one of the youngest academicians of the Academy of Sciences.

Like Fang Xu, the generation gap between Mao Zhengzhi and this 21-year-old young man is not that deep, and their relationship is much more harmonious on weekdays.

Lv Yongchang quickened his pace, walked quickly to Mao Zhengzhi, nodded and smiled: "Brother Mao, how is it, have you taken out the sample?"

The "large protective suit" opposite nodded repeatedly, with a bit of excitement in his tone: "Of course!"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

With that, Mao Zhengzhi turned and walked towards an isolated laboratory.

After a meticulous disinfection process, the two entered a brightly lit laboratory.

At the first moment, Lv Yongchang was attracted by the sample on the laboratory table.

He quickened his pace and quickly walked to the laboratory table.

Through the protective mask, he carefully looked at the creature in front of him.

The whole body was dark brown, and the surface was dry and wrinkled, just like a dry branch.

However, the degree of distortion of this "branch" was obviously much higher.

The whole "branch" was twisted into a ball of thread.

Lv Yongchang frowned slightly, but a guess arose in his heart.

This should be its self-protection measure, right?

Lv Yongchang subconsciously picked up the tweezers beside him, clamped both ends of it, and gently pulled it.

There was a clear sense of resistance.

In order to avoid damaging the sample, he gave up the urge to untie this "ball of thread" himself.

"Before you came, we measured the length." After entering the laboratory, Mao Zhengzhi's tone became more serious.

"We measured dozens of samples in total, and the average length was about 20 centimeters."

Lv Yongchang was stunned, and subconsciously muttered to himself: "So long..."

"Although it is not confirmed yet, we estimate that this fungus should be similar to mushrooms on Earth." Mao Zhengzhi's voice continued to come.

Lv Yongchang nodded thoughtfully.

"Have you done any slice observation?"

Mao Zhengzhi shook his head quickly: "Not yet."

Lv Yongchang nodded gently.

Yes, the samples were delivered only a few dozen minutes ago, how could the research speed be so fast.

It's good enough to be able to measure the basic data.

"Then let's do slice observation first!"

As he spoke, Lu Yongchang reached for the equipment from the side, carefully tore off a bit of fungal tissue with tweezers, and placed it on a glass slide.

The surface of the fungus was very hard, and he felt extremely obvious resistance during the tearing process.

But as the saying goes, great efforts can produce miracles.

After tearing hard, the fungus sample was still torn open. The floc-like tissue inside is exposed.

Then, lay it flat, cover it with a coverslip, and stain it...

A series of operations flow smoothly.

In order to accurately observe fungal samples, Lu Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi made several temporary mounts of different parts of the fungi.

When the image of the optical microscope was projected onto the computer screen, both of them were stunned.

"This structure..."

Mao Zhengzhi took a breath and said, "It's similar to the fungal cell structure on Earth."

Lu Yongchang nodded solemnly: "It's roughly the same, but there are still some differences."

"At least its cell walls are much thicker than species on Earth."

"And...haven't you noticed that the cells of this fungus only occupy one-tenth of the entire cell wall?"

As he spoke, Lu Yongchang adjusted the magnification of the optical microscope so that it could display more cells.

Mao Zhengzhi looked startled.

Sure enough, some cells even shrank to one-twentieth of the cell wall space!

He subconsciously wanted to move the slide to see more cells.


There was a bit of surprise in Lu Yongchang's voice: "They are absorbing water!"

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