Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 136 The United Nations Conference Begins

Lv Yongchang was silent for a moment and said softly.

"Brother Mao, I need a lot of mice!"

Mao Zhengzhi couldn't help but freeze in his tracks when he heard what Lv Yongchang said.

A few seconds later, he realized the meaning behind Lv Yongchang's words.

His expression changed drastically, he stepped forward, got close to Lv Yongchang, and said in a low voice: "You are not going to let the mice produce antibodies to this protein?!"

Lv Yongchang didn't speak, but through the protective mask, Mao Zhengzhi got the answer from his face.

"Damn..." Mao Zhengzhi's eyes flashed with fear, "Do you know how big the consequences will be?!"

"That's an alien creature!"

"We don't know what kind of reaction it will trigger with Earth creatures!"

"Once the sample is leaked, do you know what will happen!"

Lv Yongchang's face showed a bit of bitterness.

He nodded gently.

"Of course, I know what the consequences will be!"

"But this is the only method that can be effective quickly."

"Brother Mao, do you know how long it took to sequence the human genome?"

"From the first discussion of this plan to its final completion, it took nearly 40 years!"

"In 1984, the United States first proposed a sequencing plan, and in 1990, the plan officially began."

"In April 2003, the genome sequencing plan was announced to be completed, but the completion here only completed the sequencing task of the genome [euchromatin] region, which accounts for about 92% of the entire genome, and there is another 8%, which is the so-called [heterochromatin] region, which has been stuck for 19 years!"

Mao Zhengzhi fell silent.

After a long time, he said hoarsely: "But our current biotechnology has..."

Lv Yongchang interrupted him directly.

"Not enough!"

"This is an alien creature. You and I don't know how difficult it is to analyze its genes."

"I can't bet on this possibility."

"If the research progress is stuck for another 19 years, humanity will be finished!"

"Besides... I believe in the power of life. Even in the face of unknown antigens, the immune system can still make some reactions."

"This can be seen from the mice injected with a lower concentration of the mixture. They did not fall asleep quickly."

Mao Zhengzhi's eyes showed a trace of hesitation.

After thinking for a long time, he sighed suddenly and said in a mosquito-like voice: "Just do as you say..."

After saying this, Mao Zhengzhi seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and his eyes were distracted as he looked at the fifteen mice in the cage that were "fake dead".

"I really don't know where we will take humanity by doing this..."

He muttered to himself.


That night.

With the help of Zero, several remote large factories were transformed.

All the production lines in the factory were evacuated, leaving only a few robotic arms.

The entire factory is filled with densely packed cages.

And the cages are full of lively little white mice.

"How many little white mice do we have now?" Lv Yongchang, wearing protective clothing, asked in a deep voice as he scanned the cages in front of him.

"About 500,000." Mao Zhengzhi's voice came from the side, "There are probably nearly 10 million mice on the way, and they will be delivered in the next few days."

Lv Yongchang frowned slightly: "Not enough!"

"Ten million is too few."

"At least 100 million are needed!"

Mao Zhengzhi was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "I will apply for allocation."

The next moment, Lu Yongchang turned his head to the camera beside him and said: "Zero, continue to transform the factory, I need enough space to accommodate 100 million mice!"

Zero's voice sounded quickly: "Yes, professor."

"Also, list this area as a high-risk area. Once mice escape, kill them immediately!!" A trace of cruelty flashed in Lu Yongchang's eyes, "If there are abnormal personnel, notify the army immediately and kill them without mercy!"

Hundreds of millions of mice carrying alien life, once a leak occurs, the consequences are unimaginable!

Although there is only an unknown protease in the mice, who knows if there will be abnormal changes?

If the original viruses and bacteria on the earth mutate, humans may not even survive until the moment of the helium flash!

The next day.

The UN interim meeting was announced.

Member Li slowly walked into the huge conference venue.

After finding Xia Guo's seat, he sat on the chair silently.

The old man looked at the UN logo in front of him expressionlessly and slowly closed his eyes.

After a long wait, the voice of the UN Secretary-General sounded.

"Now, I declare that this UN interim meeting officially begins!"

The moment he heard this, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his slightly turbid eyes!

The Secretary-General's voice sounded again: "This UN interim meeting is to deal with the upcoming solar anomaly."

"In the face of natural disasters, I hope all countries can put aside prejudices and disputes, unite, and work together to find a way out for 8 billion humans."

"First, please let Mr. Albert, the President of the United States, speak."

Seeing Albert, who spoke slowly with a head of blond hair, a trace of disdain flashed in the old man's eyes that others could hardly detect, and he closed his eyes again.

"Everyone, the sun is about to change, and human civilization only has the last 15 years left."

"The United States has always been committed to finding a way out for mankind."

"Such a huge crisis will never be resisted by a country or a region alone."

"Therefore, here, I appeal to all leaders to form an Earth Human Alliance to jointly resist this natural disaster!"

Albert said excitedly.

After Albert finished speaking, the Secretary-General of the United Nations spoke again.

"Then, let's vote on this draft."


The old man slowly opened his eyes and reached out to gently press the voting button on the side.

More than ten minutes later.

Xia Guo: ×

Su Guo: √

US Guo: √

Geely Guo: √

Gaul Guo: √


Looking at the voting results in front of him, Albert's mouth twitched twice.

As a permanent member of the Security Council, Xia Guo's opposition directly drove this draft into the ground.

"Congressman Li!" Albert was a little impatient and shouted with the microphone, "To deal with this crisis, the only way for mankind is to unite. Why..."

Congressman Li raised his eyelids slightly and said softly: "The draft is too rough. What should be done with the existing national political system? Who will lead it? How should resources be allocated?"

Albert's face froze, as if he was poked in a sore spot.

"This, these, can be discussed later!"

PS. Add one more chapter...

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