Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 140 Second Generation Quantum Computer

The [Tower of Babel] project has had a significant impact on the Human Union.

Although the construction order of the space elevator is from top to bottom, the engineering team building the foundation has already gone to the designated location in advance.

In order to save time, various engineering consumables are allocated nearby.

Although the Human Union was established only two weeks ago, with everyone working together (strong military pressure), the barriers between countries quickly dissipated.

Just as the engineering team set off, a piece of good news came from the computer sub-laboratory of the Human Union First Laboratory (formerly the Xia State First Laboratory).


"The second-generation quantum computer has been successfully developed?!"

Lu Yongchang stood up from his chair suddenly, looking at Mo Zeyang in front of him with burning eyes: "How is the effect? ​​How much computing power is there?"

Because of excitement, he asked a series of questions at once.

Because of the existence of Zero, computer technology has become the top priority of the development of the Human Union.

It can be said that the limit of computing power is the limit of the productivity of the Human Union.

As long as the computing power is large enough, Zero can completely manipulate trillions of robots at the same time to perform construction and production tasks!

Seeing Lv Yongchang's excited expression, Mo Zeyang chuckled and stretched out his hand to count.

"Fifty thousand quantum bits?" A trace of disappointment flashed in Lv Yongchang's eyes, "Only increased five times?"

"What a pity..."

"But it's also a good thing, keep working hard."

Mo Zeyang looked at Lv Yongchang with a strange look on his face, "Ahem... I mean five hundred thousand quantum bits."

The moment the voice fell, Lv Yongchang's body suddenly stopped.

His eyes widened slightly, and he looked at Mo Zeyang in disbelief: "Five hundred thousand? Are you sure it's five hundred thousand quantum bits?!"

Seeing Mo Zeyang nod, Lv Yongchang's breathing suddenly became rapid.

He excitedly put his hands behind his back, turned around in the office, and muttered to himself.

"Fifty times!"

"It actually increased fifty times the quantum bits!"

Suddenly, Lv Yongchang stopped his steps and turned around abruptly: "Has Zero tested it?"

After all, this quantum computer is made for Zero.

The most important thing is naturally Zero's "living experience".

"Professor, the second-generation quantum computer is very good." Zero's electronic synthesized voice sounded just right.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lv Yongchang's mouth, he nodded gently, turned his head and said to Mo Zeyang.

"In that case, prepare to move Zero!"


Inside the quantum supercomputing center.

The second-generation quantum computer has been manufactured.

Compared with the first generation, the second-generation quantum computer occupies a larger space, so the original quantum supercomputing center was forced to undergo a transformation.

Lv Yongchang stood in front of the main console and turned his head to the left.

Behind the glass curtain wall is the first-generation quantum computer.

Looking at the flashing indicator light on the quantum computer, Lv Yongchang said in a deep voice: "Zero, get ready to start."


Zero's tone was calm: "Cut off all control signals..."

In order to ensure that there would be no accidents during the "relocation", Zero cut off the control signals of all robots and robotic arms in the factory.

Various computing tasks in the laboratory were also archived and suspended.

"Control signal cut off successfully!"

"Main program is being transferred!"


The progress bar began to read.

Looking at the progress bar slowly advancing on the big screen, Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed with excitement.

500,000 quantum bits!

You know, if the quantum bits increase by fifty times, the computing power will increase by far more than fifty times!

He even had some doubts about where to use this computing power!

Just like an ordinary person who bought a lottery and won the first prize, he didn't know what to buy for a while!

The waiting time was not long. After about ten minutes, various indicator lights on the second-generation quantum computer lit up one after another.

Zero's voice also sounded.

"The main program transfer is completed."

"Algorithm optimization..."

Just like the first time Zero was activated, after entering the new environment, the first thing Zero did was to transform the environment in which he "lived".

"Optimization completed!"

Lv Yongchang's expression was lifted, and he looked at the camera beside him happily and said, "How is it?"

"How is the situation?"

Zero didn't reply immediately.

But the CPU usage rate on the main console continued to soar.

Obviously, it was testing its own limits.

A few seconds later.

"Professor, I feel good."

Lv Yongchang raised his eyebrows sharply.

Then, he took a deep breath and calmed down his inner excitement.

"Zero, can you be responsible for the space elevator construction project now?"

When asking this question, Lv Yongchang couldn't help holding his breath.

Human efficiency is too slow.

Even Xiaguo, which has the title of infrastructure maniac, seems a little overwhelmed when facing such a great project that spans the sky and the earth.

The CPU occupancy rate increased again.

This time, Zero was silent for a little longer.

About five minutes later, the electronic synthesized sound sounded again.

"Yes, professor."

"The performance of the current mechanical arm and robot is enough to complete most of the construction tasks of the space elevator."

Lv Yongchang was refreshed when he heard the answer!

"How long will it take?"

Perhaps because he had calculated all the problems when he was calculating just now, Zero answered very quickly this time.

"If all computing power is invested in it, more than 90% of the construction tasks can be completed within a year."

"Of course, this requires a breakthrough in cable technology."

Lv Yongchang's expression froze.

Well, I have to admit that he has not yet completed the most important technical reserves for the space elevator.

He has not yet solved the material for making cables.

"Ahem!" Lv Yongchang coughed awkwardly a few times and changed the subject, "What if the laboratory and other manufacturing tasks are ensured?"

Obviously, Ling did not understand Lv Yongchang's embarrassment just now, but just said to himself: "It will take about 3-5 years."

Lv Yongchang was stunned.

"So long?!"

"And... why is the time span so long?"

3-5 years.

This estimated time span is a full two years!

"In the past year, the laboratory's computing tasks have increased dozens of times. If the current growth rate is maintained and the performance remains unchanged, it will take me about three years to complete the space elevator construction task."

"However, according to my observations and calculations, the growth rate of the laboratory's computing tasks is increasing."

"Adding the manufacturing tasks of the Xuannv series of aerospace planes and other manufacturing tasks, five years is already a conservative estimate."

Zero said slowly.

Lv Yongchang's face suddenly became ugly.

Just a few minutes ago, he was still struggling with how to spend this exponentially growing computing power.

A few minutes later, he felt that this mere 500,000 quantum bit computing power was not enough!

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