Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 143 Weak Artificial Intelligence: 1

Faced with Bai Yixuan's extremely brief words, Hong Fan was full of the desire to complain.

But seeing that both teammates turned around and walked towards the quantum computer in the cargo hold, Hong Fan had to curl his lips and follow.

With one-sixth of the gravity and electric handling tools, it is not difficult to move this big thing to the destination.


After opening the door of the silver-white "little house", the three astronauts were stunned.

Densely packed lines, plus all kinds of fancy components whose uses are unknown.

"Captain, are you sure we can dismantle this thing?"

Hong Fan swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty in the team's radio channel.

Bai Yixuan's eyes twitched, and Lu Yongchang's words came back to his mind.

'Well, this thing is very simple. All you have to do is connect the wires of the same color and tighten the screws! ’

Looking at the colorful, at least thousands of various lines in front of him, Bai Yixuan's mouth twitched wildly.

"Should, it should be possible?"

He swore that he would never believe Professor Lu's nonsense again!


After stopping the old quantum computer in front of him according to the steps given by Professor Lu, all the surrounding equipment suddenly stopped.

The surface rock collection vehicle stopped quietly in place.

The automatic mining equipment also stopped its drill bit that kept "tapping".

The moon's surface, which was originally a little "lively", returned to a "mysterious" silence.

It seemed that the three astronauts were also affected by the external environment.

"Ahem!" Bai Yixuan coughed lightly, breaking the silence in the radio, "We should prepare to dismantle it!"

Xia Wanyi, who was staring at the mining equipment in the distance, trembled slightly, as if she was frightened by the sudden sound.

She turned her head suddenly, glanced at her teammates with complicated eyes, opened her red lips, and sighed faintly.

"I didn't feel anything when these devices were working just now, but now that they suddenly stopped, I realized that the moon is really desolate!"

Bai Yixuan and Hong Fan, as men, are naturally not as emotional as Xia Wanyi.

The two looked at each other, shrugged helplessly, and then turned their eyes to the old quantum computer in front of them again.

Start disassembly.

Although it looks complicated, it is not difficult to do.

To be precise, Lu Yongchang didn't even say the wrong thing.

What they have to do is to loosen the screws and pull out various wires.

It's just that...this number is really a bit overwhelming.

Especially, each wire is marked with a small number corresponding to the corresponding interface.

As for what the result of plugging the wrong wire is...Bai Yixuan and the other two naturally don't want to know.

As a result, a strange scene appeared on the moon.

The three astronauts crouched in front of the small house, squinting their eyes through their helmets to carefully identify the numbers on the line...


"My old waist..."

Hong Fan stood up and reached out to gently pat his lower back through his space suit.

"Finally it's done, Captain, how long did it take us to install this thing?"

As he spoke, he cast his eyes on Bai Yixuan who was standing beside him.

Bai Yixuan raised his wrist, looked at the watch integrated into the space suit, and curled his lips: "3 hours and 52 minutes."

"..." Hong Fan's eyes were filled with resentment, "Captain, did you make Professor Lu angry?"

Bai Yixuan was stunned, and subconsciously said: "How is it possible?! Why do you say that?"

"Otherwise, why is our mission always such hard work..." Xia Wanyi's faint voice sounded on the radio, "Captain, I agree with Brother Fan's statement, I think you should reflect on it."

Even though the temperature inside the space suit has always been maintained at the most comfortable temperature, Bai Yixuan still felt a drop of sweat slowly sliding down his forehead.

"Well, it should be, probably not..."

Looking at the increasingly strange expressions of the two teammates, Bai Yixuan hurriedly changed the subject: "The computer has been installed, we should report!"

As he said, he directly adjusted the radio frequency.

"Call the ground command center!"

"This is the Moon Palace Base on the Moon, and the second-generation quantum computer has been installed."

After a short wait, Fang Xu's voice came from the radio.

"The ground command center received it."

"Start the computer immediately!"

Bai Yixuan's face became serious after hearing the order. He responded with a "received" and walked quickly towards the second-generation quantum computer.

"Tsk... I was fooled by him. I was originally thinking of extorting a hot pot meal!"

Listening to Hong Fan's soft complaints on the radio, Bai Yixuan's body suddenly paused.

This kid... is he crazy about eating hot pot?

"Okay, okay, I'll treat you when we get back!" Bai Yixuan said unhappily.

Hearing this, Hong Fan and Xia Wanyi's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Wuhu!" Hong Fan exclaimed softly, "Captain, I'll help you!"

"Leave this kind of small matter to me!"

As he said, Hong Fan jumped and chased after Bai Yixuan.


More than ten minutes later.

Looking at the flashing indicator light on the second-generation quantum computer, Hong Fan subconsciously reached out and scratched the "glass mask".

"This... should be okay, right?"

Bai Yixuan took out a document from the backpack of his space suit with some doubts and read it carefully.


Hong Fan subconsciously leaned over to take a look.

"Second Generation Quantum Computer Maintenance and Installation Manual"


Hong Fan looked at Bai Yixuan with a strange expression: "Captain, this thing should be made by Professor Lu, right?"

Bai Yixuan carefully compared the color illustrations on it and nodded casually: "Yes, it was made by Professor Lu."

"In addition to this, there is also a Xuannv series aerospace aircraft maintenance manual, which just came out a few days ago. It is now under our seat. Don't you know?"

Hong Fan: "..."

Although it is a bit outrageous, thinking that it is Professor Lu's masterpiece, he suddenly felt that everything was logical.

"Huh!" Bai Yixuan breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to touch a colorful illustration in the booklet, "It's okay, it's okay!"

"This is a self-check. To be precise, it's the weak artificial intelligence inside that is building a suitable system."

Hong Fan nodded, not quite understanding, "So... how long will this take?"

"...I don't know. Professor Lu doesn't know the capabilities of weak artificial intelligence either." Bai Yixuan frowned slightly, "But it shouldn't take too long."

As he spoke, the indicator lights on the second-generation quantum computer suddenly went out.

The next second, the indicator light showing the working status quietly lit up.


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