Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 156 Hibernation Chamber Technology

"Academician Mao, I have brought some white mice."

The researcher placed the cages in his hands on the experimental table and said softly.

Mao Zhengzhi nodded, thanked him softly, and then said to Lu Yongchang again.

"Professor Lu, look."

"There are a total of 13 mice here, and they survived in the deep sea fluid for 24 hours to 312 hours."

"So far, we have not seen any sequelae."

Lu Yongchang leaned down and looked at it carefully.

"Not bad, not bad!"

Lu Yongchang nodded with satisfaction: "Has the gorilla experiment been done?"

Mao Zhengzhi shook his head: "There is not enough time. We are going to start experiments on gorillas next week."

"As for human experiments, we are planning to apply for the use of those extremely vicious death row prisoners."

"Don't worry, let me think about it." Lu Yongchang pondered for a moment and then said, "I'll look at all the experimental data first."

In Mao Zhengzhi's office.

The holographic projection clearly displays the information on deep-sea fluids and purification and filtering devices.

Relying on the brain that the system has continuously strengthened for a long time, Lu Yongchang completely mastered this knowledge in just a few hours.

He slowly exhaled a breath and closed his eyes.

His consciousness sank into the fluorescent green space again.

As the white light point slowly lights up, the originally dim cursor begins to glow with bright white light.

[Overweight state balance technology: preliminary mastery]

Then, the white light began to extend again.

A slightly dim cursor appeared "in front of" him.

[Hibernation cabin technology]

Based on the brightness of the cursor, he made a rough estimate.


In other words, they have mastered 80% of the so-called hibernation cabin technology.

He opened his eyes again and looked at Mao Zhengzhi, who was sitting aside and waiting.

"How is it?" Mao Zhengzhi looked a little nervous, like a student waiting for the teacher to correct his homework, "Are there any mistakes?"

Lu Yongchang smiled and shook his head: "There is no problem."

"You did it perfectly."

Mao Zhengzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"The gorilla experiment can be postponed." Lu Yongchang continued, "Currently, what we should consider is to combine hibernation with deep-sea fluid."

Mao Zhengzhi was slightly startled.

"The reason is very simple." Lu Yongchang did not sell out and explained straightforwardly, "Currently our technology is not developed enough."

"Not only that, but we are not given enough time to develop."

"Interstellar travel is extremely long."

"With a population of 8 billion in the world, if not all of us, we have to bring at least half of them with us." Lu Yongchang said solemnly, "This is the guarantee for future productivity and technological inheritance."

"With a population of several billion, coupled with the consumption of hundreds of years... let alone fifteen years, even if we were given fifty years, we would not be able to build such an exaggerated spaceship!"

"Therefore, we need a hibernation life-sustaining capsule that can provide nutrition, protection, and all necessary supplies."

"Except for the necessary security personnel, the vast majority of people enter the starship and immediately begin hibernating for hundreds of years."

Mao Zhengzhi nodded thoughtfully.

"I probably understand what you mean."

"This technology is not difficult. I can provide you with a solution now."

In the laboratory.

A white mouse was injected with a standard dose of hibernating hormone and then placed in a glass container.

The purified hibernin is so powerful that in just a few seconds, the mice entered a state of "suspended death."

Subsequently, Mao Zhengzhi injected the light yellow deep-sea liquid into it, and then opened the filtration and purification device connected to the container.

The instrument is started and the deep-sea fluid begins to circulate.

"Well, now we just need to add some nutrients to it to meet your requirements."

"As for the hibernation life-support cabin you mentioned, we only need to modify the filtration and purification device and design it into a box-shaped container."

There was a hint of suspicion in Lu Yongchang's eyes.

Is it that simple?

Is the 20% gap in the technology tree system just a problem of container design?

"Just wait and see."

He said in a deep voice: "My intuition tells me that it won't be that simple."

Obviously, things are not as simple as Mao Zhengzhi thought.

At first, everything went smoothly. The white mouse lay quietly in the solution, like a corpse soaked in formalin solution.

But more than an hour later, something changed.

"Academician Mao!" The face of a researcher responsible for monitoring the vital signs of the mice changed. "The vital signs of the mice are declining rapidly!"

"The heartbeat stopped too!"

"Get it out quickly!" Mao Zhengzhi's expression changed drastically, and he quickly stood up from the seat beside him and ordered.

After some tossing, Mao Zhengzhi announced the result with an ugly expression.

"Professor Lu, failed."

"The guinea pig is dead."

Lu Yongchang sighed slightly.

Sure enough, this thing is not that simple.

"Let's do an autopsy first to see what's going on."

"Professor, the autopsy results are out."

Mao Zhengzhi walked up to Lu Yongchang holding a report with a strange look on his face.

"The mice died from lack of oxygen."

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang suddenly froze in place: "Lack of oxygen?"

"Is there something wrong with the deep-sea fluid?"

"Or is there something wrong with the filtration and purification device?"

Mao Zhengzhi shook his head: "We checked, and there is no problem with either. The problem is with the mouse."

"During the autopsy, we found that there was basically no deep-sea fluid in the mouse's lungs."

Speaking of this, Mao Zhengzhi patted his head with annoyance: "I should have thought of it earlier."

"After this mouse entered the hibernation state, the breathing frequency and strength decreased by an unknown amount. It was fine when breathing air, but it was a problem when it was switched to deep-sea fluid!"

Lv Yongchang's expression was a little gloomy.

Now, it's back to the original problem.

The density of the liquid is too high, and humans, or creatures, cannot "breathe" this liquid.

But now, this problem is getting more serious.

In the deep hibernation state, the breathing strength approaches zero.

Unless the density of the deep-sea fluid is like air, otherwise, this problem cannot be solved.

But does this liquid really exist?

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