Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 161 The beginning of the disaster


Lu Yongchang looked at the holographic projection calendar on his desk and sighed slightly.

"It's so fast..."

He sighed softly, then turned to look at the sky outside the window.

There was not a single cloud in the blue sky, just the blazing sun.

The solar mutation has progressed to this point, and ordinary people on the earth can detect something strange even without observing it through astronomical means.

The weather is getting hotter.

The reason is also very simple.

The sun enters the aging period, and due to the massive consumption of hydrogen, the core of the sun becomes smaller.

The decrease in hydrogen content causes the solar core to be further compressed.

The hydrogen fusion in the core becomes more and more intense, and the energy released becomes more powerful.

In just two years, the average temperature of the earth has risen by two degrees.

It's just a small two times, but it has a huge impact on the human living environment.

All kinds of extreme weather began to appear.

Wildfires, floods, melting glaciers, rising sea levels...

Countless low-altitude coastal cities were submerged, and as for some island countries, needless to say.

"Zero, calculate the temperature increase trend during this period."


As the electronic synthesizer sounded, a colorful holographic projection appeared above the desk in front of Lu Yongchang.

After the breakthrough of the second generation holographic projection technology, the originally blue holographic projection finally gained color.

Looking at the rising slope of the curve, Lu Yongchang sighed slightly.

"It's getting faster."

Zero said nothing, but quietly presented the temperature growth curve in front of Lu Yongchang.

After a moment of silence, Lu Yongchang spoke again: "Zero, what stage of development has the sun reached now?"

The holographic projection screen changes instantly.

A round fireball glowing with crimson flames appeared in front of his eyes.

This is a "live" picture from eight minutes ago.

"Professor, it is completely consistent with your prediction model."

"The sun is currently aging at an unprecedented rate."

Several curves appeared next to the fireball.

"According to your model predictions, the sun's aging rate will increase rapidly in the next three to six months, and it will officially enter the red giant stage two years later."

Lu Yongchang's eyes moved slightly: "Two years later...that is, August 2034."

"Zero, calculate the change in the earth's temperature in the next year."

A steep curve appeared in front of him.

Looking at the temperature displayed above, Lu Yongchang's expression darkened slightly.


The situation in the previous life happened after all.

The global average temperature will rise by 20 degrees, and the temperature in some areas will rise to over 70 degrees!

Such temperatures mean that most areas around the world are no longer suitable for habitation!

In their last life, they chose to build underground cities to escape the high temperatures.

This life...

"Zero, ask Fang Xu to come to my office."

"Yongchang, are you looking for me?"

Just as Lu Yongchang was in a daze facing the holographic projection on his desk, the office door quietly opened, and Fang Xu's voice came from the door.

"Yes." Lu Yongchang came back to his senses, reached out and grabbed it in the air, and then made a throwing motion towards Fang Xu, "Look, this is the simulation data for the next three to six months."

The holographic projection originally on the desk instantly shrank, "flyed" in front of Fang Xu and expanded again.

Fang Xu was not surprised at all by such a sci-fi scene.

He was minding his own business and said hello to the robot on the side: "Zero, make me a cup of tea."

After finishing speaking, he sat on the chair and looked at the data.

"20 degrees Celsius?!" Fang Xu exclaimed, "Are you sure there was no miscalculation of zero?!"

"Academician Fang, please believe in my ability." Before Lu Yongchang could speak, Ling's voice sounded from the robotic arm on the side.

Afterwards, a cup of tea was delivered to Fang Xu.

Fang Xu sneered, reached out to take the tea cup, thanked him and quickly asked Lu Yongchang: "Yongchang, do you know what it means for the average temperature to rise by 20 degrees Celsius?!"

"Of course I know." Lu Yongchang reached out and pinched his eyebrows, and whispered: "The sea level will rise about 60 meters."

"Not to mention other disasters, the living space alone will be compressed a lot."

"That's why I called you here. We need to determine a plan."

Fang Xu raised his eyebrows: "Determine a plan? Do you think you have several other plans?"

Lu Yongchang nodded silently.

"The Tower of Babel should be built soon, right?"

A proud smile suddenly appeared on Fang Xu's face: "Thanks to Academician Mo, they successfully launched the third generation quantum computer. The power of two million qubits is really exaggerated."

"It is estimated that the Tower of Babel will be officially completed in a few days."

"By the way, you haven't seen it live, right? That scene... tsk tsk tsk!"

"There will be opportunities in the future." Lu Yongchang breathed a long sigh of relief, "This is the best news I heard today."

"Get ready to launch the spaceport plan."

"The Luanniao series of starships should also be put on the agenda."

Hearing this, Fang Xu's eyes gradually became filled with doubts: "Do you mean to start the Heaven Plan in advance?"

"Our current technical reserves should not be enough to support interstellar navigation, right?"

Lu Yongchang shook his head and said: "Of course not."

"The main purpose of the Luan Bird Starship is immigration."

"Immigration?" Fang Xu suddenly realized, "You mean Mars?"


Lv Yongchang waved his hand in the air: "Zero, give me the solar system map."

The colorful holographic projection instantly enlarged and filled the entire office.

Then, the solar system map appeared.

Among them, the fiery red sun occupied most of the space in the holographic projection.

Although they knew that this thing had no effect on reality, looking at the huge fireball, the two still swallowed slightly.

"Zero, make the sun smaller, there is no need to present it 1:1."

As Lv Yongchang's words fell, the fireball that occupied most of the two people's sight shrank instantly.

"Look, this is the Earth." Lv Yongchang pointed to a blue planet in front of him, "In two years, the sun will officially enter the red giant stage."

"According to calculations, from August 2034 to 2045, in these 11 years, the sun will gradually expand and swallow Mercury and Venus."

"Among them, according to Zero's calculations, in 2040, the sun will completely swallow Mercury."

"In 2045, the sun swallowed Venus."

"In the same year, the sun will explode with a helium flash."

The holographic image also changed synchronously, and the projection of the fireball symbolizing the sun became larger and larger, swallowing Mercury and Venus step by step.

The original blue planet became a veritable fireball.

A flash of white light passed, and an extremely ugly lava ball appeared in front of the two.

Looking at this simulated scene, Fang Xu subconsciously took a step back.

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