A few days later.

Inside the [Jianmu] spaceport.

Bai Yixuan and the other six wore space suits and sat quietly in the cockpit of the modified Luanniao I starship.

Looking at the silver-white spaceport made of high-strength alloy outside the porthole, Bai Yixuan's eyes showed a bit of sighing.

Before he could say anything, Hong Fan's voice interrupted his interest.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is Luanniao!"

"I have only seen it in the simulated cockpit!"

"This simple control panel! This seat!"

"Our previous Xuannv II is really... rubbish in comparison!"

Bai Yixuan's mouth twitched, and he glared at Hong Fan sitting on his left and turned on the radio.

"Command center, preparations have been completed and we can set off at any time."

Lv Yongchang's response came quickly.


"Allowed to set off."

"[Jianmu] Spaceport No. 1 hatch will be opened in one minute, please pay attention."

The radio communication was hung up.

Bai Yixuan took a deep breath and said in the team radio channel: "Everyone, cheer up."

"This is the first mission of our new team, I don't want any accidents to happen!"

Hearing the responses of five teammates in turn in the headset, Bai Yixuan gently pressed the button on the console in front of him.

A holographic image instantly appeared in front of him.

In the center of the holographic image, it was the overall modeling diagram of the Luanniao I type.

And around the image, there were detailed data of various parts of the starship at this time.

"Captain Bai Yixuan, the Hall thrusters of the Luanniao I type starship will be activated in one minute."

A slightly mechanical voice sounded in the cabin.

That was the weak artificial intelligence clone made by Zero.

For convenience, the entire human union, all weak artificial intelligence, are called One.

"One, the target location has been entered into the onboard computer, calculate the optimal flight method." Bai Yixuan leaned back, lying on the wide captain's seat, and said with a comfortable face.


"Destination: Moon. Calculating the optimal flight route."

"Flight route calculated successfully."

Without waiting, the holographic projection in front of them quietly changed.

A star map of the Earth-Moon system appeared in front of everyone.

In the star map, a semicircular white dotted line connects the [Jianmu] spaceport and the moon on the other side of the earth.

The dotted line even marked the acceleration and deceleration points, as well as the instantaneous speed of every minute and every second.

"Captain Bai Yixuan, do you want to fly along this route?"

Yi's inquiry followed.

"Okay, get ready to take off!"

Seeing the tightly closed hatch in front of the Luanniao starship slowly crack open, Bai Yixuan sat up straight and spoke directly to confirm.


As Yi's voice fell, a slight vibration and recoil were transmitted to everyone.

Because it had not yet left the spaceport, the Luanniao starship was flying very slowly at this time, and the light of the Hall propulsion device at the end was particularly dim.

Through a dark passage full of signal indicator lights, the boundless universe picture appeared in front of everyone again.

The distance between the earth and the moon is not far, so the Luanniao I did not use the highest propulsion power, but just "slowly" flew towards the moon at an acceleration that everyone could bear.

Under the control of Yi, the whole journey seemed particularly leisurely.

It is no exaggeration to say that even without these six pilots, the Luanniao starship can land safely on the surface of the moon.

Of course, according to Hong Fan, he never wants to encounter a time when he needs to manually operate the starship in his life.

With the help of weak artificial intelligence One and strong artificial intelligence Zero, manual operation of the starship will only occur in two situations.

One, the starship is damaged and loses some important functions.

Two, war.

In most cases, these two situations can even be combined into the same situation.

"Call the ground command center, we are here."

Bai Yixiuan skillfully turned on the radio switch and reported to Lv Yongchang far away on Earth.

After a short delay, Lv Yongchang's voice came: "Received, proceed as planned."


Bai Yixiuan took the lead in unbuckling the seat belt on the seat and started the electromagnetic boots under his feet.

A suction force firmly pulled him to the floor of the starship.

He stood up and walked towards the cabin of the Luanniao starship as freely as if he were on Earth.

The other five people also quickly stood up and followed his footsteps.

Pushing open the cabin door, a huge machine was placed in the slightly modified cabin.

Because the technology is still in the experimental stage, the quantum long-distance communication equipment at this time seems particularly bulky.

Looking at the machine in front of him, which is about 50 meters square, Andrew, who is following behind Bai Yixuan, sighed subconsciously.

"Is this the long-distance communication equipment that Professor Lu mentioned... It's really big!"

Hong Fan on the side nodded silently: "No wonder we have to drive the Luanniao starship."

"This thing will probably not fit in Xuannv II."

Amid the sighs of the crowd, Bai Yixuan stepped forward and turned on a few buttons according to Professor Lu's previous instructions.

The equipment started to operate.

The indicator lights lit up one by one.

When all the indicator lights turned green, Bai Yixuan turned on the radio again: "Professor, the preparations are complete."


Ground control center.

In a separate laboratory, several researchers in white coats stood in front of an equally large machine.

"Ah." Lv Yongchang smiled bitterly at the huge equipment in front of him and shook his head helplessly.

"Too big!"

"The size of this thing is almost as big as the quantum supercomputing center of Zero."

Tang Wenshan, who was standing by, also smiled helplessly in the face of Lv Yongchang's complaints.

"Professor Lv, there is no way."

"The efficiency of transmitting data with just a pair of photons is too low. Unless you can tolerate a speed slower than dial-up Internet access, otherwise..."

Thinking of the telephone line dial-up Internet access method that only exists in books, Lv Yongchang shuddered slightly.

This won't work!

At that time, it will take several minutes to transmit a piece of audio data. What's the point of developing this thing?

"Professor, the preparations have been completed."

Bai Yixuan's clear voice came from the speaker next to him.

Lv Yongchang's face became serious, and he quickly walked to the quantum super-distance communication device, gently pressed the keyboard, and sent out a long-edited speech.

At the same time, he asked on the radio channel: "Did you receive the message?"


The moon.

Just a few seconds after Bai Yixuan finished speaking, a message appeared on the display in front of him.

"Hello, human."

1.26 seconds later, Lu Yongchang's voice sounded in everyone's headphones.

"Did you receive the message?"

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