The moment Zero finished speaking, a holographic image quietly appeared in front of Lv Yongchang.

In the image, the positional relationship between the sun, the earth and the moon was clearly presented in front of him.

"Professor, the sun is expected to enter the red giant stage soon."

"According to the current observation data, within two months, the average temperature of the earth will rise by another 30 degrees Celsius, and by then, the maximum surface temperature in some areas will reach more than 100 degrees Celsius."

While Zero was speaking, the relative position of Mars also appeared in the holographic image.

"Professor, Mars is currently moving towards perigee."

"Therefore, considering various factors, now is the best time for us to go to Mars."

Lv Yongchang did not respond to Zero's words, but silently turned his head to look at the calendar beside him.


Time is indeed almost at its limit.

Lv Yongchang sighed again: "Zero, tell everyone."

"Start evacuating in three days."

The moment he said this, Lv Yongchang felt as if a piece of space was empty in his heart.

Three days later, the earth will no longer be the home of mankind, and mankind will be one step closer to wandering civilization.


Zero's calm voice sounded in the office.

The holographic image in front of him quietly disappeared, and Lu Yongchang slowly closed his eyes, preparing to lie on the chair to rest for a while.

The next second, the holographic image that was gradually dimming in the air lit up again.

"Professor, the signal came from the direction of Proxima again."


Four years ago, Proxima star system.

The door of Atoka's room opened for the fourth time.

He did not turn his head, but just sat quietly in the chair.

He knew that this time the door would take away his life.

Sure enough, the next moment, several strong Proxima people pulled him up from the chair.

Atoka did not resist at all, but just looked at the Proxima people in front of him quietly.

That was his superior, Karp, who was responsible for the Atoka in the entire Proxima civilization.

Karp's thinking organ was filled with fear and anger.

He swung his sturdy forelimbs vigorously and hit Atoka's thinking organ hard.

"Atoka, tell me, what information did you send to the solar system privately?"

The question was accompanied by a series of curses.

The content of the curse was nothing more than an attack on Atoka's birth method and social status.

The skin on the top of Atoka's thinking organ showed extremely obvious wrinkles.

He shook his thinking organ slowly.

Obviously, he was not going to tell the information he had transmitted.

Kapu's "face" suddenly became a little ugly.

He increased his strength, whipped Atoka in front of him a few times, and walked towards the control console.

"No need to look for it." Atoka's hoarse voice revealed a bit of madness, "I have deleted all the data!"

Kapu paused slightly, turned his head and looked at Atoka with contempt.

He did not speak, but silently pressed a few buttons on the console in front of him.

A scanning beam appeared.

After confirming the identity, lines of data suddenly appeared on the screen.

Looking at the familiar data, Atoka suddenly widened his narrow visual organ.

"No... I deleted it, I clearly deleted the data!"

"Stupid, Atoka is Atoka, only worthy of doing the lowest things!" Karp said mercilessly.

While cursing Atoka who caused trouble for him, Karp looked at the data content.

Just one glance, a dense knot appeared on the top of his thinking organ: "Damn it, how dare you do such a thing!"


"Gene data?!"

Lv Yongchang stood up suddenly and looked at the holographic image in front of him with an incredible face: "Zero, are you sure it's genetic data?"

Lv Yongchang's eyes were full of surprise and doubt.

That's genetic data!

This is almost a trump card of a civilization!

It's no exaggeration to say that if this genetic data is correct, then when humans face Proxima civilization in the future, they can completely attack it with genetic means.


This is like cheating!

Lv Yongchang couldn't help but burst out a swear word in his heart.

In the holographic image in front of him, countless dense data flashed by.

Zero's voice sounded again.

"Professor, if there is no problem with the dictionary they sent over, this is indeed the genetic data of the Proxima people."

"In addition to the genetic data, there are a few words."

Lv Yongchang swallowed slightly and asked softly: "What words?"

A line of Chinese appeared in the holographic image in front of him.

[Dear solar system civilization, let me introduce myself first. I am Atoka from the Proxima civilization...]

Lv Yongchang quickly read the text in front of him.

Then, he turned his head with a complicated expression and looked at the genetic data in the holographic image beside him.


Even he was a little caught off guard in the face of such a situation.

"Zero, do you think this genetic data is credible?" Regarding the issue between the two civilizations, Lu Yongchang seemed particularly cautious.

Zero responded quickly: "Professor, according to the situation described in those few sentences, that Atoka did have the motive to do such a thing."

Lv Yongchang frowned and asked again: "According to Atoka, he should be the lowest existence in the Proxima civilization. How did he get this genetic data?"

Zero was silent for a while.

"Professor, there is not enough information to analyze."

Lv Yongchang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Forget it, save the genetic data first."

"When we get to Mars, we will study it carefully to see the authenticity of this data."

"Anyway, this data can at least give us some basic understanding of the world 4.22 light years away."

As he said, he sat back in his chair again and closed his eyes to think.

Compared to the genetic data, Atoka's words gave him a greater shock.

The population is declining, the class differentiation is obvious, and the thinking is solidified...

It seems that these are the reasons why the Proxima civilization has encountered a technological bottleneck.

But, if you think about it the other way around.

A civilization that encounters a technological bottleneck and cannot continue to develop and can only consume surrounding resources will inevitably have this problem within the civilization.

This is unavoidable.

It is like a whirlpool that keeps getting bigger and bigger, and will eventually swallow up an interstellar civilization!

"Professor, do we need to tell Councillor Li about this?"

Zero's questioning voice sounded again.

Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment and nodded gently.


More than ten minutes later.

A series of hurried footsteps and the sound of the office door opening reached Lv Yongchang's ears.


Councillor Li's slightly hurried voice sounded.

Lv Yongchang hurriedly opened his eyes, stood up from his seat and greeted him.

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