Inside the black disc-shaped hall, there was silence.

Only the sound of air coming in and out of the breathing holes remained.

Every Proxima person was thinking about the meaning of this news.

"So, what should we do now?"

Rex's voice sounded again, attracting the attention of all the Proxima people present.

Faced with Rex's question, Lyle restrained his disdain and contempt for the other Proxima people.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "According to the current situation, interstellar migration may be our only way to survive."

"Interstellar migration?"

Rex narrowed his eyes slightly: "Our technological level should not be able to lead all Proxima people away, right?"

Lyle responded in a matter-of-fact tone: "Of course."

"To be precise, we can only take away 100,000 Proxima people."

After the voice fell, there was a commotion in the hall.

One hundred thousand Proxima people.

What does this mean?

It means that more than 99% of Proxima people will face the gradually extinguished stars in their life course.

This process is very tormenting and painful.

As the energy released by the main star gradually decreases, the surface temperature of Proxima b will become lower and lower.

Even if the dense atmosphere can retain heat to the maximum extent, the surface temperature will quickly drop below zero in a few decades.

By then, there will be no liquid water on the surface of Proxima b.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the ecosystem of Proxima b.

With the energy generated by the fusion reactor, the Proxima people left behind can still live in buildings, or in underground cities.

But this is just an appetizer for the whole disaster.

As time goes by, after 150 years, the surface temperature will drop to a critical point.

That is the temperature at which most gases in the atmosphere liquefy or solidify.

By then, Proxima b will have no atmosphere.

The Proxima people will also completely lose the right to survive on the surface.

Once the situation develops to this point, the hope of survival for the Proxima people left on Proxima b will be very slim.

Although the fusion reactor can maintain the temperature in the underground city, the raw materials of the fusion reactor are limited.

Especially after meeting the needs of the long-distance fleet, the helium-3 resources on Proxima Centauri are only enough for the entire civilization to consume for decades.

Although there is a gas planet inside the Proxima Centauri system, which contains extremely rich helium-3 resources.

But according to the current productivity of Proxima Centauri, it is nothing but a pipe dream to obtain helium-3 resources from that gas planet.

A few minutes later, Rex, who was wearing a gray coat, opened his breathing hole and took a deep breath.

"In this case, let's prepare the interstellar immigration plan as you said."

"Just... Respected Lyle, where are you going to choose the target?"

Lyle did not speak, but silently looked towards the direction of Atoka's execution.

"You mean, the solar system?!" The smooth skin on the top of Rex's thinking organ instantly showed huge and dense pimples.

Even as a royal family, he was used to seeing big storms, but he was frightened by Lyle's idea.

His breathing rate suddenly quickened a bit, and a sharp voice rang out: "This is courting death!"

Seeing Lyle's slightly indifferent eyes looking at him, Rex felt a chill in his heart and quickly lowered his posture: "Sir Lyle, forgive my unreasonableness."

"It's just that our genetic data..."

Lyle shook his head lightly.

"Rex, I know what you mean."

"But this is the only way for the Proxima civilization to survive."

"Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B are the closest to us. Although these two stars form a relatively stable binary star system, there are no planets for us to live there."

(Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B, and Proxima Centauri form Alpha Centauri, a triple star system, but Proxima Centauri is far away from the other two stars and has a smaller mass. Therefore, it does not form a so-called three-body structure. The orbits of Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B are more inclined to a stable binary star system.)

Rex's eyes dimmed a little.

He was naturally clear about this.


"Why not choose Barnard's Star? Like Proxima, it is also a red dwarf." Rex continued to ask, "According to our observations, the structure of the Barnard star system is similar to that of the Proxima star system, and both have a gas planet and a solid planet."

Lyle was silent for a while.

"Rex, do you know how far Barnard's Star is from us?" Lyle's voice became sharp again, "6.55 light years! Damn, that's 6.55 light years!"

Lyle's emotions suddenly became intense.

He angrily kicked some decorations around him to the ground.

The harsh sound echoed in the disc-shaped building.

All the Proxima people present had more or less fear in their thinking organs.

In their impression, Lyle would never show such a misbehaving look.

"We are only 4.22 light years away from the solar system!" Lyle continued hysterically.

"It's a full 55% increase in the journey. Tell me, how are we going to get there?!"

Rex lowered his thinking organ and whispered back, "Perhaps, we can choose to bring fewer Proxima Centauri."

Lyle's breathing hole opened slightly, and he let out a series of rapid and high-pitched screams.

He walked to Rex angrily, stretched out his sturdy forelimbs, and grabbed Rex's gray coat: "If we go to Barnard's Star, we can only carry 10,000 Proxima people!"

"Do you know how many people are needed to maintain the current level of technology? At least 100 million Proxima people!"

"One hundred thousand Proxima people, even if these 100,000 people are all elites, our technology level will still experience an unprecedented setback."

"Ten thousand Proxima people, do you want us to go back to the Stone Age?!"

Rex did not answer Lyle's question, but just lowered his head and looked at the dark ground.

At this moment, deep despair emerged in his thinking organ.

A creepy idea gradually emerged.

If the object that entered Proxima was intended to destroy the Proxima civilization, then it has obviously completed its mission.

One hundred thousand Proxima people can never support an interstellar civilization.

Even if they managed to escape, they would fall into a death spiral of technological decline.

In other words, unless a miracle happens, the Proxima civilization has entered a countdown to extinction.

Lyle loosened his forelimbs, and the breathing holes on his body opened and closed rapidly.

He gradually calmed down.

"So." He glanced at everyone with a fierce look and said in a deep voice, "Get ready for war, everyone!"

"I'm not kidding, this is the only way for the Proxima civilization to survive!"

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