"Professor, we are here."

A familiar electronic synthesized voice came from the outside world.

The voice seemed extremely far away.

Lv Yongchang's consciousness gradually returned, and an unprecedented sense of heaviness and lag came from all parts of his body.

It was as if he was in a slow-motion movie.

The brain issued an order, but the body's execution was several beats slower.

After some effort, Lv Yongchang slowly opened his eyes in Zero's soft call.

Seeing a piece of light yellow liquid in front of him, Lv Yongchang's heart flashed a trace of panic.

But he quickly reacted to the environment he was in.

Deep-sea cabin.

In order to save as much supplies as possible, Lv Yongchang chose to hibernate after entering the deep-sea cabin and issuing the departure order.

Lv Yongchang's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly issued an order in his mind.

The brain wave reading device obtained the information.

The next moment, the light yellow deep-sea liquid in front of him began to drop.

An extremely slight suction feeling came from the lungs.

It was the lung tube composed of nanorobots sucking the deep-sea liquid filling the lungs.

After a few minutes of waiting, several lines of holographic text appeared on the hatch of the deep-sea cabin in front of him.

[Deep-sea fluid recovery completed]

[Lung tube recovery completed]

[Professor Lu, welcome to Mars]

[The hatch is about to open...]

The sound of the hydraulic device operating reached Lu Yongchang's ears.

Looking at the slowly opening hatch, Lu Yongchang's eyes showed some excitement.


He will soon be able to set foot on a planet outside the earth!

For Lu Yongchang, this scene was like a scene in a dream!

His hands trembled slightly, and he untied the brain wave reader on his head, and then took off the mask covering his mouth and nose.

"Cough cough cough!"

He subconsciously took a deep breath.

The deep-sea fluid remaining in his lungs gave him an extremely bad experience.

While wiping the deep-sea fluid overflowing from his mouth and nose, Lu Yongchang staggered out of the deep-sea cabin.

Under Zero's guidance, Lu Yongchang soon came to the bathroom.

At this time, the Earth starship was still in the synchronous orbit of Mars.

Therefore... the bathroom in zero gravity caused him a lot of trouble.

After a lot of trouble, he finished cleaning his body with difficulty and changed into a clean tight space suit.


Earth Starship Command Hall.

"Yongchang, we are here."

As soon as he entered the command hall, Lv Yongchang saw the councillor standing quietly by the porthole, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Lv Yongchang walked quickly towards the councillor.

Through the round porthole, a planet with a red glow all over came into his sight.

"Yes, we are finally here." Lv Yongchang's eyes were full of emotion, "This is our home for the next five years."

"Where are the others?"

Councillor Li retracted his gaze and looked in one direction of the Earth Starship: "Most of them are still hibernating."

"After we go down, the second batch of landing personnel will wake up."

Lv Yongchang nodded gently.

That's right.

It is obviously an unrealistic idea to let 500 million people land on Mars at one time.

Zero's holographic image quietly appeared beside him.

"Chairman, Professor Lu, the Earth starship is about to enter the Mars Port."

"Please return to your seat immediately."

Lv Yongchang turned his head to look at the porthole on the right.

Outside the porthole, a disc-shaped building with a similar structure to the [Jianmu] spaceport floated quietly in the deep space.

Mars Port.

The place where humans will build starships in the future.

Under the Mars Port, there is also a straight and slender ribbon.

The ribbon stretches straight to the ground.

That is the space elevator [Xunmu] set up in the center of Mars City.

(Xunmu, a mythical big tree, comes from "Shan Hai Jing·Overseas North Classic")


[Xunmu] space elevator.

Lv Yongchang supported the chairman of the senator and slowly walked into the space elevator.

He silently scanned the crowd.

Perhaps because they were about to step on the soil of an alien planet, every researcher's face was filled with excitement and anticipation.

Infected, a smile gradually appeared on Lv Yongchang's face.

The haze of being forced to flee the earth also dissipated at this moment.

He found his seat and the seat of the president of the parliament, fastened his seat belt, and then Lv Yongchang took a deep breath and issued a landing order.

"Zero, start [Xunmu]!"

"Received!" Zero's voice sounded quickly.

At the same time, there was a slight buzzing sound!

Unlike [Jianmu] and [Tower of Babel], [Xunmu] was built on Mars.

Thanks to the smaller mass and gravity of Mars, the length of [Xunmu] is less than half of the former two.

35,000 kilometers.

Therefore, this journey to Mars is much shorter.

After the space elevator was started, a holographic projection slowly unfolded in front of everyone.

A simple video of the Mars City began to play on it.

"The Mars City consists of five parts, which can accommodate a total of 500 million people living at the same time."

As Zero's electronic synthesized sound sounded, a high-altitude shot appeared in front of everyone.

Five huge white hemispherical buildings.

The arrangement is similar to the shape of a Chinese character for return.

Such a split structure is also to better distinguish functional modules.

The entire Martian city is divided into four parts functionally.

Cities 1 and 2 are mainly responsible for scientific research, City 3 is the so-called living area, and City 4 is divided into a storage area.

As for City 5 in the center, it is an important functional area connected to the space elevator and responsible for material transportation.

"In order to facilitate construction, the main structure of Mars City is a steel frame and skin structure." Zero's voice sounded again. "Although it is a skin structure, everyone can fully believe in the solidity of Mars City."

As soon as the voice fell, a slight shaking feeling came from the soles of the feet.

Then, there was an obvious sense of deceleration.

The space elevator automatically triggered the emergency mechanism, and the operating speed began to decrease rapidly.

A slight commotion came from all over the cabin.

Lu Yongchang turned his head and looked out the porthole beside him.

A piece of red.

The boundless Martian dust covered the entire sky, and even swallowed the space elevator between heaven and earth.

Continuous slight tremors came from the soles of the feet.

"Yongchang?" The chairman of the council beside him asked softly with a bit of worry in his eyes, "What's going on?"

Lv Yongchang retracted his gaze, shrugged, and said helplessly: "Chairman, our luck doesn't seem to be very good."

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Lv Yongchang's words, the uneasiness on the old man's face became more intense.

This is a space elevator!

If there is any accident...

The old man didn't even dare to think about what would happen next.

"Chairman, it's a Martian dust storm." Before Lv Yongchang could speak, Ling took the initiative to speak.

After Ling's voice fell, the discussion in the elevator cabin became more obvious.

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