Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 214: Attacking the Main Control Room

Rex's hoarse voice echoed in the main control room.

The faces of the Proxima people on the side changed drastically when they heard the word rebellion!


These two words have not been heard in the history of Proxima Centauri for at least thousands of years!

Since the unification of Proxima Centauri and the establishment of today's class system, rebellion has become a term that can only be seen in history books.

The Proxima Centauri person in charge of communication picked up the communication equipment nearby with trembling forelimbs and pressed several buttons in sequence.

Perhaps it was because of the late night that the communication was not connected for a long time.

"What's going on?!" Rex shouted angrily at the Proxima Centauri man.

Facing the scolding, the limbs of the Proxima man who controlled the communication equipment trembled even more.

"Rui, Lord Rex, it may be too late. From the royal family and the Academy of Sciences..."

Just as Rex was going crazy, the communication was suddenly connected.

"Incubation center? Is there anything we can't talk about tomorrow?" A long exhalation came from the communication device. Apparently, the Proxima Centauri who picked up the communication had just woken up from his sleep.

Rex roughly pushed the Proxima aside and picked up the communication device himself.

"I'm Norris, there's a rebellion at the incubation center!"

"I need support!"

There was silence in the communication equipment, obviously frightened by his words.

A few seconds later, a panicked voice came: "Norris... Lord Ricks, I'm going to invite Lord Lyle right now!"


Norris turned his head to look at the monitoring equipment that had returned to normal, and the look of panic in his eyes became more intense.

In just a few minutes, these lowly Proxima people have occupied the entire first floor of the incubation center!

Inside the entire incubation center, the explosions of small explosives and the sounds of old-fashioned gunpowder firearms were heard one after another.

A few minutes later, a burst of slow footsteps came from the communication device.

"Norris, long time no see~"

A familiar voice came from the other side.

The moment he heard the sound, Norris looked happy.

That was a Lyle with whom he had a good relationship!

"Lord Lyle, there is a rebellion in the incubation center!"

"There are many rebels, and they have captured the first floor of the incubation center!!"

Norris didn't have time to say hello, so he shouted directly into the communication device.

"... Calm down Norris." Lyle's voice was a little weird, "Rebellion? Are you sure it's a rebellion?"

"Our civilization hasn't had a rebellion in thousands of years."

"If it's just some Marus who resist, you can just kill them. Why bother calling the Academy of Sciences?"

Norris' expression froze: "Lord Lyle, no, it's not Malus, it's a Proxima person! It's an orthodox Proxima person!!"

As he spoke, a violent explosion came from the first floor of the incubation center!

At the same time that the loud explosion was transmitted to Norris's ears, it was also transmitted to Lyle's ears on the other side of the communication device.

"What's going on?" Lyle also realized the problem at this time, and his tone suddenly became serious, "Turn on the permission, I want to see your real-time surveillance screen!"

Norris responded and hurriedly operated on the console.

Tens of seconds later, an exclamation came from the communication device!

"Norris, support from the royal family and the Academy of Sciences will arrive soon!" Lyle's urgent voice came, "Hang on!!"

At the same time, the rioting Proxima Centauri people had already rushed to the second floor of the incubation center.

At the beginning of the head-on conflict, the white flashing warning lights overhead were shot to pieces with firearms.

The interior of the hall was dark, with only a few faint emergency lights on.


The flames from the explosion of a small explosive illuminated the side of Levi's face.

His face was stained with some blue blood, whether it was the enemy's or his own.

"Brother Levi!" A cry came from the side, "What should we do?! Many of our brothers have been injured!"

Levi reached out and wiped the blue blood, opened his breathing hole and took a deep breath, forcing down the fear in his heart.

Yes, it is fear.

When have the Proxima people, who have been at peace for thousands of years, ever seen such a battle? !

When explosives and firearms made loud noises, almost every Proxima person present was startled.

Fortunately, the people on the other side were just as timid as they were.

Levi looked at the other side through the firelight splashing everywhere.

They are located right at the junction of the first and second floors.

Due to its geographical location, this area is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The other side successfully blocked them here with just a few dozen Proxima Centauri people.

Levi gritted his teeth bitterly.

Still not enough firepower!

If they had powerful weapons...

"Continue!" He shouted loudly with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes, "We have no way out!"

"Either rush over before reinforcements arrive, or die here!"

As he spoke, Levi grabbed an old-fashioned gunpowder firearm with his thick and short forelimbs and rushed out of the corner!


"Follow me, let's rush again!"

As Levi spoke, he held the old-fashioned firearm in front of him and fired wildly at the opposite side!

Seeing this scene, the Proxima Centauri, who was a little timid at first, once again ignited a flame in his heart!

"Come on!"


The sound of small bombs echoed inside the incubation center again.

Every flash of fire meant the death of several “rebels”.

Under the third charge of the Proxima Centauri, the barrier on the second floor of the incubation center was finally taken down.

The price was the corpses all over the floor.

Most of them were Proxima Centauri who resisted.

Levi stretched out his hand and wiped the blue blood on the surface of his thinking organ, and cast his angry eyes to the top of his head.

Over there, there was a monitoring device.

He did not speak, but quietly made a threatening gesture towards it.

Then, he raised the old-fashioned gun in his hand and shot down the monitoring device with one shot!


Levi looked solemnly at the Proxima Centauri standing in front of him, and pointed his finger to the top of his head.

“We are only half a step away from success!”

It may be because he was shocked by the momentum of Levi and others, or it may be because all the Proxima Centauri in the incubation center were eliminated.

The next section of the journey seemed particularly easy.

Levi and his group arrived at the main control room door without even encountering any obstacles.

Looking at the closed door in front of him, Levi tightened the old-fashioned gun in his hand and kicked the door hard.


A dull sound, and a few slight screams came from inside.

The door did not move at all.

It was normal, after all, this was the main control room door.

Levi turned his head and looked behind him, and winked at a Proxima Centauri.

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