Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 219 Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Device

After returning to the office, Lv Yongchang picked up the pen on the table, pulled out a brand new A4 paper, and began to write and draw.

It didn't take long for a standard sketch to appear on the paper.

The camera on the side turned its angle and carefully "observed" the pattern on the paper.

"Professor, do you want to use a superconducting magnetic energy storage device?"

The moment Lv Yongchang put down his pen, Zero's questioning voice rang out.

Hearing Zero's question, Lv Yongchang's eyes showed a bit of surprise.

This should be the first time that Zero took the initiative to speculate on the content of his drawing.

"Zero, do you know this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lv Yongchang showed a self-deprecating smile on his face.

Yes, how could Zero not know this thing.

At present, almost all the data of all mankind is stored in Zero's place. This energy storage facility that has been proposed for a long time is naturally in its database.

"Yes, professor, there is information about it in the database." Zero didn't know what Lv Yongchang was thinking, and answered in detail.

Superconducting magnetic energy storage device

The so-called superconducting magnetic energy storage device has a very simple principle, which is a coil made of superconducting materials.

The power grid inputs current into it, forming a magnetic field in the coil, thereby storing energy.

Because of the characteristics of the superconducting coil, the current will always exist in the closed coil.

Until it is needed, the current in it will be released.

Such a cycle constitutes a simple energy storage device.

Compared with ordinary energy storage devices, superconducting magnetic energy storage devices have many advantages.

First, it can store energy for a long time without loss.

Second, it is what Lv Yongchang needs, with fast response speed, strong charging and discharging performance!

Combining the above two points, it can be said that this is the perfect electromagnetic gun energy storage device!

As for why the previous electromagnetic gun did not use this device, the reason is naturally very simple.

In the absence of room-temperature superconducting materials, superconducting magnetic energy storage equipment is expensive and consumes a lot of energy, which can be said to be not worth the loss.

Lv Yongchang retracted his thoughts, relaxed his body slightly, lay back on the office chair, and said softly.

"Since you have the information in your database, please help me simulate how large the superconducting magnetic energy storage device can meet the needs of the electromagnetic gun."

"Got it, Professor!"

As soon as Zero's voice fell, the holographic image flickered, illuminating the somewhat dim room.


Half a month later.

Yevgeny, with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, knocked on the door of Lu Yongchang's office.


Yevgeny shouted in an extremely weak voice.


A sound of the door lock twisting was heard, and the door opened automatically.

"Fuck!" Seeing Yevgeny outside the door, Lv Yongchang let out a heart-wrenching sigh, "Professor Yevgeny, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Lv Yongchang's question, Yevgeny pulled his mouth "weakly" and showed a forced smile: "No, nothing."

"It's just half a month of overtime, it's okay..."

"By the way, professor, we have completed the basic structure of the electromagnetic gun as you asked."

Looking at the exaggerated acting, Lv Yongchang's eyes twitched.

Lv Yongchang sighed softly and stood up from his seat with a "concerned" look: "What a pity, I wanted you to go with me to test the performance of the energy storage device, but now it seems that you need a vacation."

"That's it, Professor Yevgeny, you go back and rest first, I will arrange someone to continue the research and development of the second half of the electromagnetic gun."

Yevgeny stood there with a confused look on his face: "???"

This? !

The energy storage device is completed? !

He was completely sent away in just one sentence? !

What a joke!

If he didn't see the scene of this electromagnetic gun firing, he would die with regret!

He quickly stretched out his broad palm and rubbed his cheeks vigorously: "Professor Lu! You misunderstood me!"

"I feel that I am in good spirits now and don't need to rest at all!"

Lv Yongchang's eyes were full of smiles.

Because the research and development progress was perfectly in line with expectations, Lu Yongchang, who was in a good mood, joked to Yevgeny: "Really?"

"Don't care about my opinion, if you are tired..."

"No, no, no!" Yevgeny hurriedly spoke his native language, "Professor, believe me, I am definitely not tired!"

Listening to the rapid tongue-twisting sound, Lu Yongchang laughed and walked out of the office.

Only Yevgeny was left standing blankly at the door, staring blankly at Lu Yongchang's gradually receding back.

"What are you standing there for?" Lv Yongchang's voice came from the front, "Come with me to the test site."

The confusion in Yevgeny's eyes disappeared instantly, and he answered and chased after Lv Yongchang.


"Professor, is this a superconducting magnetic energy storage device?"

When he saw the huge device made of coils on the test site, Yevgeny's eyes showed a bit of astonishment, and he asked in a low voice.

"That's right." Lv Yongchang patiently explained the reason for choosing this device.

"... So that's it!"

Yevgeny suddenly realized: "According to this, with room-temperature superconducting technology, this thing is indeed a perfect energy storage device for electromagnetic guns."

Lv Yongchang nodded gently, without saying any more nonsense, and said directly: "Zero, has the electromagnetic gun simulation calculation been completed?"

"The calculation is completed!"

Zero's voice sounded in the speaker, and then the holographic image listed the calculation results in front of the two.

Looking at the demand for energy and energy storage equipment, Yevgeny smacked his lips lightly.

This exaggerated data... In the past, he dared not even think about it!

But now...

Yevgeny looked at the device in the distance, with a bit of expectation in his eyes.

Maybe, he can see the scene of the giant ship and cannon in his dream!

"Zero, start the first charge and discharge test!"

Lv Yongchang, who saw the data, raised his eyebrows lightly and spoke directly.

The next moment, the lights in the venue dimmed for a moment.

Not only the lights in the test site, but also the lights in the entire Mars City dimmed a little at that moment!

That was the performance of the superconducting magnetic energy storage device charging!

Obviously, the power of the fusion reactor in Mars City is not enough, otherwise this situation would not have occurred.

There is no way.

When it was originally designed, the power of the fusion reactor in Mars City was not even as good as the fusion reactor inside the Luanniao starship.

"Professor, charging is completed!" Zero said in a flat voice, "The energy storage goal has been achieved!"

This is just the first step.

For electromagnetic guns, the most challenging factor in the performance of energy storage equipment is actually the power of energy release!

"Zero, start releasing energy!"

The moment the words fell, the curve in the holographic image instantly jumped up, and then quickly fell back.

A sharp peak pierced the sky on the smooth curve!

"Professor, the energy release has been completed."

"The instantaneous power has reached the standard!"

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