Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 235: Minimalist plasma weapons

"Hey! Just treat this plan as a joke."

Facing Wilson's strange eyes, Lv Yongchang said with a wry smile.

Let's not talk about whether the current material strength can support the so-called planetary fortress.

Even the extremely large weight and volume are destined to be an unrealistic idea.

At least, for low-level civilizations, this is a plan that can never be completed.

"The test is over, and we should go." As he said, Lv Yongchang untied the magnetic buckle between the space suit and the chair.

Wilson naturally followed Lv Yongchang's footsteps.

"By the way." Walking to the space elevator, Lv Yongchang suddenly said, "You reminded me."

"Since this is a war of range, perhaps we can take out some old stuff."

Wilson cast a puzzled look at Lv Yongchang.


Mars City No. 2.

In an office.

The door of the office slowly opened, and a young voice came from the door.

"Mr. Qian, are you looking for me?"

The old man behind the desk took off his glasses and slowly raised his head to look at the door of the office.

After seeing who was coming, a kind smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

"Qiao Sheng, come in and talk."

The young man standing at the door walked into the office without hesitation and sat down in the chair in front of the desk respectfully.

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

Qian Zhengyang didn't say anything, just looked at the young man in front of him silently.

A few minutes later, Qiao Sheng asked again tentatively: "Teacher?"

Qian Zhengyang slowly let out a long breath and said softly: "Qiao Sheng, in the future, you will go to Mars City No. 1 and work for Academician Cao Liangcai."

"Teacher?!" Qiao Sheng looked panicked and exclaimed, "Did I do something wrong?"

Qian Zhengyang's smile became softer, and he slowly shook his head: "No, you didn't do anything wrong."

"On the contrary, you did a good job."

"Even if you stay in our deserted department, you can still calm down and do research."

"In the past few years, you should be the best student I have ever taught."

"Then, why..." Qiao Sheng's eyes were full of confusion and puzzlement.

Qian Zhengyang sighed again, waved his hand, and turned the holographic image in front of him to Qiao Sheng.

"Look at this, you should understand."

In the holographic image, it was the result of the weapon test just now!

"This..." Looking at the powerful weapon in the picture, Qiao Sheng couldn't help but stand there.

"See?" Qian Zhengyang shook his head helplessly, "Times have changed, and missiles are outdated."

Qiao Sheng didn't speak, but just stared blankly at the scattered fragments of the Luanniao starship in the picture.

"Then, what about you?" Qiao Sheng asked subconsciously.


Qian Zhengyang shrugged with a smile: "I'm an old man, what else can I do?"

"It's just right, I can also enjoy my retirement life in advance."

"You are different, you are still young, and you can change direction."

"Don't worry, I will write you a letter of recommendation. Lao Cao and I have a good relationship. When you get there..."

Although Qian Lao's face was full of smiles, Qiao Sheng saw the bitterness hidden under the smile.

Qiao Sheng slightly opened his dry lips, but he didn't know what to say.

"Academician Qian Zhengyang, there is a communication from the spaceport. Do you want to connect?" Ling's voice sounded at the side, interrupting Qian Lao's chatter.

Qian Lao was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked back: "Spaceport?"

"Yes, it's a communication request from Professor Lu." Ling explained softly.

The astonishment on Qian Lao's face became more and more intense: "Professor Lu?! Quick, help me connect!"


In the holographic screen, Lu Yongchang greeted Qian Zhengyang with a smile.

"Hello, Professor Lu." Qian Zhengyang's eyes showed some respect, and he said repeatedly, "I don't know if you are looking for me..."

Lu Yongchang's gentle voice came from the loudspeaker beside him.

"Mr. Qian, this is it."

"Considering that the new weapon has a short range and can only threaten enemy ships within 50,000 kilometers, I am going to start the missile research and development project again."


Qian Zhengyang stared blankly at the holographic image in front of him.

For a moment, he felt a little dazed.

The project was revived?

The missile was not outdated?

Can he continue to study missiles? !

Questions flashed through his mind.

"Mr. Qian? Mr. Qian?" Lv Yongchang's voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Professor, I'm here." Qian Zhengyang responded quickly.

Seeing Mr. Qian's expression, Lv Yongchang also guessed the general reason.

He chuckled and continued, "Mr. Qian, let me tell you again."

"In order to adapt to interstellar wars, we need to increase the cruise range and cruise speed of missiles. The cruise range must be at least 300,000 kilometers, and the cruise speed must be above 1,000 kilometers per second."

"Unlike those new weapons, missiles are mainly used for sneak attacks in interstellar wars because of speed restrictions, so the concealment of missiles is more important."

"Are you confident about these?"

Mr. Qian stood up from his chair without any hesitation, and said solemnly, "Professor Lu, rest assured, I will do my best to complete this task!"

Lv Yongchang nodded gently, "If you have any difficulties, feel free to ask."

"Oh, there's one more thing."

"The power of the missile also needs to be further strengthened. I personally prefer EMP attacks and directional nuclear weapons."

There was some confusion in Qian Lao's eyes.

He knew EMP, but what was the directional nuclear weapon behind it?

Lv Yongchang paused and continued to explain.

"I won't say much about EMP. You must understand it."

"The main principle of directional nuclear weapons is to constrain the explosion direction of nuclear weapons through external equipment. Through nuclear explosions, the intermediate material that has turned into plasma is sprayed towards the enemy ship to cause huge damage."

This is also the solution that Lu Yongchang just thought of.

Although he couldn't solve the conventional plasma weapons, he could take shortcuts!

It is also ultra-high temperature plasma. As long as it is properly operated, directional nuclear weapons can fully demonstrate the power of secondary civilization weapons at a very close distance!

This kind of weapon that transcends the civilization level can even be used as a trump card of human civilization!

Qian Lao behind the desk was stunned.

"Mr. Qian, I'm sorry to bother you with this matter." Lv Yongchang said with a serious expression, "Especially the directed nuclear weapons, which will be a trump card of human civilization, so we must pay attention to it."

Qian Zhengyang's expression was stern, and he nodded slowly and firmly.

The holographic image was turned off, and the communication was interrupted.

Qian Zhengyang turned his head to look at Qiao Sheng in front of the desk, laughed and said, "Why are you standing there? Why don't you go to the laboratory?"

Qiao Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he responded and ran out of the office!

"Don't forget to contact the researchers in the original laboratory!"

Behind him, Mr. Qian shouted.

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