"Titan Outpost Project"

Eight big characters floated in front of everyone.

"This is the specific situation." Lu Yongchang stood in front of the conference table and said with a shrug.

"Because of the consumption of hydrocarbons, we need to go to Titan to collect various hydrocarbons."

"Everyone, do you have any comments?"

As he spoke, he glanced around the conference table.

After a few seconds.

"Very good. It seems that everyone has no objections. This matter has been settled."

"Zero, which pilot is available in Mars City right now?"

A holographic image opened in front of Lu Yongchang.

"Zhao Zijie...it's just him."

"Inform him to pack his luggage now." Lu Yongchang immediately said, "Zero, send a Luanniao I starship."

One day later.

Zhao Zijie and Gao Yang dragged two large suitcases and boarded the [Xunmu] space elevator in confusion.

"Zijie, are we going to Saturn?" Until now, Gao Yang still didn't react.

"Titan, to be precise."

Zhao Zijie had a helpless and tired smile on his face.

Three days ago, the two of them had just been brought back from the asteroid and were ready to enjoy a week-long vacation.

As a result, all plans were shattered by a holographic image.

"God...the Titan outpost plan, the current plan is getting more and more crazy." Gao Yang murmured to himself.

Zhao Zijie dragged the suitcase to him and said, "It's probably another project proposed by Professor Lu."

"By the way, have you packed your luggage?"

"I guess it will take at least a few weeks for us to come back."

Gao Yang patted the suitcase beside him vigorously.

"rest assured!"

The next second, he leaned close to Zhao Zijie's ear and whispered: "Enough snacks!"

Zhao Zijie's eyes lit up and he nodded with satisfaction.

Interstellar travel is an extremely boring time.


Just as Zhao Zijie and Gao Yang were playing guessing games to decide who would own the last pack of spicy strips, a clear reminder sounded in Luanniao's cockpit.

Zhao Zijie quickly turned his head and looked at the holographic image in front of the console.

[About to reach the destination, the Luan Bird I is about to start decelerating, please enter the deep sea cabin immediately]

He subconsciously glanced at the surrounding portholes.

A planet glowing yellow with a wide ring around it came into view.

That's Saturn.

"Cough cough cough!"

As the deep-sea cabin door opened, Zhao Zijie coughed and looked up at the porthole.

A small orange planet comes into view.

The picture shows a pseudo-color image of Titan (actually orange) based on the detection data returned by Cassini.

"Ahem! Is this Titan?" Gao Yang's voice came from the side.

Like Zhao Zijie, he was also struggling to cough up some deep sea fluid remaining in his trachea.

Although these deep-sea fluids can be absorbed by the human body, the feeling of them sticking to the trachea is hard to describe.

Therefore, every starship pilot has developed the habit of "coughing when leaving the cabin".

Zhao Zijie stared at the small satellite through the porthole and nodded slightly.

"If the navigation is correct, that should be it."

"What are these yellow things?" Gao Yang took a closer look and said with a frown, "Why do they look similar to smog?"

"Isn't it said that most of Titan's atmosphere is nitrogen and hydrocarbons?"

Faced with Gao Yang's question, Zhao Zijie shrugged.

"I heard it's an organic sediment called tholin, which is similar to tar."

"Tolin? What is this?" Gao Yang's eyes became more confused.

Zhao Zijie looked back at his teammates helplessly: "How many exams have you taken in astrochemistry?"

"...just passed."

"No wonder you don't know." Zhao Zijie looked relieved.

"Tolin, a substance that exists on cold stars far away from its parent star."

"A mixture of simple organic compounds such as methane and ethane formed when exposed to ultraviolet light."

"It's usually light red or brown, and there should be a small amount of tholin in Titan, so that's why it appears this way."

Gao Yang nodded with confusion.

At this moment, three ultimate questions of life flashed through his mind.

who I am? Where does it come from? Where to go?

"Okay, I won't talk to you about this anymore." Zhao Zijie turned and walked towards the locker room, "Get ready, we are about to land."

Titan's upper orbit.

The 800-meter-long Luanniao starship sailed slowly past.

"Land directly?" Gao Yang looked back at Zhao Zijie, who was sitting in the captain's seat, worriedly, "The Luan Bird has never landed on the surface of a planet."

"Don't worry." Zhao Zijie stared at the holographic image in front of him, adjusting each parameter.

Without Zero's participation, the entire landing process is a bit more risky.

Although weak artificial intelligence exists, if we encounter extreme situations, weak artificial intelligence will never be able to solve the problem.

"Zero did a simulation before coming here."

"Titan is different from planets like Mars and Earth. It is just a satellite after all."

"According to testing, its gravity is about the same as that of the moon."

"Coupled with the dense atmosphere, landing is much easier."

As he spoke, Zhao Zijie entered the last parameter into the onboard computer: "Okay! It's time for us to land!"

The moment the voice fell, the nose of the Luanniao starship sank slightly, and a sense of deceleration came instantly.

The Luanniao starship, which was transformed into a streamlined fuselage, slowly descended in height.

At the moment it touched the atmosphere, a violent tremor came from the fuselage.

Weak artificial intelligence 1 strictly followed the program and quickly adjusted the power of each Hall thruster to keep the starship balanced as much as possible.

As the altitude continued to drop, the orange outside the porthole became more and more intense.

When the starship was more than 10,000 meters away from the ground, the hull gradually returned to stability.

Driven by the Hall thrusters, the Luanniao starship, which was 800 meters in size, used its streamlined body to tear through the dense atmosphere and slid smoothly at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

"Fuck..." Gao Yang looked at the picture from the camera and muttered to himself, "This is not much different from the structure of the earth!"

The holographic image shows the surface image and various parameters of Titan.

Surface temperature: -179.15 degrees Celsius.

Countless lakes of all sizes, winding rivers, and land with not-so-obvious ups and downs...

"Where are we landing?" Gao Yang asked in a low voice, looking at the scenery of the other world in front of him with amazement.


As Zhao Zijie's voice sounded, the power of the Hall thruster increased slightly, and a sense of pushing back came from the seat.

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