"Yes, the probability is not low."

Fang Xu sighed from the side: "I didn't expect that the sun could leave a legacy to Jupiter when it was dying. Perhaps countless years later, the solar system could become a binary star system!"

"Binary star system..." Lv Yongchang frowned the moment he heard this term.

He stared at the huge holographic image in front of him.

"No, that's not right!"

Looking at the huge red fireball in the center of the holographic projection, a flash of inspiration flashed through Lv Yongchang's mind.

"We overlooked something!" He suddenly shouted loudly!

"Huh? What?" Fang Xu cast a puzzled look at Lv Yongchang.

"The mass lost by the sun itself during the red giant process!"

Lv Yongchang's voice was a little excited, and he suddenly realized that he might be able to grasp the real reason for the sun's abnormality!

"According to our previous model, the sun will lose about 50% of its mass in the process of becoming a white dwarf."

"These ejected materials will exist in the form of nebulae around it."

"But now, the changes in the sun are obviously inconsistent with this model."

NGC 5307 planetary nebula, with a white dwarf at its center

Speaking of this, Lv Yongchang's eyes revealed a complicated look.

Not only does it not conform, it is completely different!

Not to mention the time problem of the red giant process, even the expansion amplitude is not right!

In the normal prediction model, the red giant formed by the expansion of the sun will reach the orbit of Mars.

But both the new model and the experience of the previous life told Lv Yongchang that the red giant formed by the sun did not even reach the orbit of the earth before the helium flash occurred!

The huge difference in the middle means the disappearance of a large amount of mass or energy!

"Zero, based on the current situation of the sun, calculate how much matter will the sun throw out during the entire red giant process?"

Ignoring Fang Xu and the puzzled eyes of everyone, Lv Yongchang directly gave an order to Zero.

"Professor, according to the current trend, the sun will eventually throw out about 20% of its original mass." Zero quickly answered Lv Yongchang's question.

For it, this question is not complicated.

Lv Yongchang's face sank.

Sure enough!

A full 30% of the mass disappeared into the universe out of thin air!

Like Lv Yongchang, the faces of the researchers present also changed drastically.

30% of the sun's mass, this is an incredible data!

Before the law of conservation of matter was overturned, there were only two situations that would lead to this phenomenon!

First, calculation error.


"Yongchang, what do you mean..." Fang Xu swallowed his saliva and asked in a low voice, "Is there something inside the sun absorbing matter?"

Lv Yongchang nodded silently: "Or, it is absorbing the sun's energy."

Although he had a similar conjecture in his mind for a long time, this was the first time he had obtained direct evidence of this conjecture!

"What is this?!"

"Oh my God..."

There was a burst of discussion in the command hall.

Although everyone present had sufficient psychological expectations for the abnormality of the sun, many people still exclaimed when they heard the news.

Directly extracting solar energy to cause it to enter old age early, such technical means are no different from gods in the eyes of current humans!

"Everyone, calm down."

Hearing the discussions around him, Lu Yongchang gently tapped the table in front of him.

"No matter why the sun has become like this, it has nothing to do with us now."

"At least, the civilization that can tamper with the sun is not something we can afford to offend."

"What we have to do is to stay away from this place of trouble as much as possible."

The command center was instantly quiet.

Although it was a little difficult to accept, there was really nothing wrong with what he said.

After a moment of silence, Lu Yongchang changed the subject.

"Zero, simulate Jupiter again."

"This time, take into account the matter thrown out by the sun."

Perhaps because there were more variables, Zero calculated for more than ten minutes this time.

"Professor, according to the latest calculations, Jupiter will take away most of the nebula material after its mass increases, and its final mass will reach about 10%-15% of the sun."


A sound of people gasping for air came from the command center.

"10%-15% of the sun's mass, this is going to become a red dwarf!"

Fang Xu's exclamation came from the side.

A little surprise flashed in Lv Yongchang's eyes.

Even he didn't expect Jupiter to be so powerful that it could inherit most of the mass thrown out by the sun!

Amid everyone's amazement, the holographic projection in front of them began to play a simulated image of the solar system.

With the helium flash of the sun, the red giant process also came to an end, and the sun began to shrink until it became a super-solid white dwarf.

This white dwarf inherited 50% of the sun's mass and stayed quietly in the center of the solar system.

And the large amount of matter thrown out during the sun's red giant process was gradually captured by the huge Jupiter during the continuous drifting process.

As time went on, as the mass of Jupiter increased, a dark red light appeared on its surface.

Its mass reached the critical point, and the flames of deuterium fusion ignited within it!

At this moment, Jupiter was promoted from a gas giant to a brown dwarf.

When most of the nebula matter in the solar system was absorbed by Jupiter, the color of its surface gradually brightened!

It became a red dwarf!

Although it is the weakest star, it also has the power to compete with white dwarfs!

In the simulation, the gravitational system of the entire solar system is in chaos.

Various celestial bodies are flying around under the gravitational tug-of-war between the two.

Time flies, and a stable binary star system consisting of red dwarfs and white dwarfs gradually appears in front of everyone.


"Saturn and Uranus have become satellites of Jupiter!"

"Neptune is still a satellite of the sun..."


The simulation scene in front of them made everyone exclaim.

"How long will this be?" Lv Yongchang stared at the screen and asked softly.

"Professor, probably in 50,000 to 100,000 years."

Lv Yongchang shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Well, it seems that we will not be able to see this amazing scene."


Ten days later.

A piercing alarm sounded in the command center of [Earth].


"The solar storm is expected to reach Jupiter's orbit in 30 minutes!"

In the command center, everyone's face became serious.

Although there is Jupiter as a shelter, facing this kind of star-level natural disaster, human beings are still as fragile as babies in swaddling clothes. If they are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and people will die.

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