Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 257 Human Fleet, Advancing Four

In the following time, the atmosphere in the fleet seemed particularly depressing.

Lu Yongchang had no good solution for this situation.

Not to mention ordinary scientific researchers and starship pilots, even he himself found it difficult to accept this reality.

The entire solar system was so easily destroyed at the hands of an advanced civilization that had never been seen before.

A few days later.

A group of scientists started a discussion about the attitude of this unknown advanced civilization towards human beings.

Needless to say, the process of discussion highlights a confusion.

Some scientists believe that the purpose of this advanced civilization is only energy, and that human civilization just has bad luck.

There are also many people who hold objections.

The reason is very simple.

There are countless stars in the Milky Way, so there is no need for people to come to this remote corner to target a small yellow dwarf star.

The two groups of people argued fiercely until Lu Yongchang revealed his previous suspicion.

Conjectures about Voyager.

"You mean... it was the Voyager that exposed human information, which led to targeted strikes by higher civilizations?"

Fang Xu frowned, shook his head and said, "But why did they choose this method to attack us?"

"Doesn't this give us a chance to escape?"

Lu Yongchang looked at Fang Xu with a strange expression: "Are you sure?"

"At our original development rate, is it possible for us to escape?"

The moment the words fell, the conference room fell into silence.

"In other words, can human civilization continue to exist when only a few thousand or tens of thousands of people escape?"

Lu Yongchang stood up from his seat and glanced around at the faces of everyone with different expressions.

"I think that the unknown advanced civilization must have malicious intentions towards us."

"And the blow we receive must be targeted."

The moment the words fell, there was a burst of noisy discussion in the conference room.

Lu Yongchang coughed hard and spoke again: "It's just that, perhaps to save resources or to recover costs, higher civilizations chose this inconspicuous means of attack."

"Of course, even then, it's not something we can afford."

"Then will we still be hit?" A voice sounded from the corner of the conference room.

Lu Yongchang turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

He is a scientific researcher with little sense of existence.

Lu Yongchang was silent for a while and slowly shook his head: "I don't know, but I think it won't happen."

"That energy harvesting device has left, proving that according to its logic, it is impossible for humans to escape this disaster."

Speaking of this, Lu Yongchang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I believe that these advanced civilizations are not so free and will stare at us little ants."

"So, guys, cheer up."

"Don't worry about the advanced civilization we have never met before. Our primary target now is the Proxima Centauri civilization next door."

A month passed by in a flash.

The human fleet has officially entered the Kuiper Belt.

[Luan bird signal detected]

In the holographic screen in front of the command center, a line of inspiring Chinese characters jumped out.

"Zero, go to the source of the signal!"

"Let's go take them home!"

Lu Yongchang, who was standing on the podium, shouted loudly with excitement in his eyes!

Somewhere in the Kuiper Belt.

1,251 starships slowly slowed down.

Right in front of these starships, 380 Luanniao starships stay quietly in the deep space!

"Zero, how is the condition of the Luanniao starship?" As the distance to the Luanniao starship group became closer and closer, Lu Yongchang's mood gradually became agitated.

He asked repeatedly: "What is the physical condition of the 3.8 billion human beings? Are any of the hibernating cabins damaged?"

As for Zero, he was naturally one-five-ten, patiently answering Lu Yongchang's questions.

"Professor, the overall condition of the Luanniao Starship is good. Among them, the total fuel remaining is 58%, and the number of removable and recyclable parts is..."

Lu Yongchang: "...Forget it, you should talk about the hibernation cabin and the situation of 3.8 billion humans."

Zero's report stopped abruptly.

"Okay, Professor."

"The overall condition of the hibernation cabin is good. Within ten years, the hibernation cabin failure rate is 0.78%. However, thanks to the maintenance work of Yihe Robot, so far, there have been only 16,936 deaths among 3.8 billion humans..."

Following Zero's announcement, all the statistical data in recent years appeared in front of him.

Looking at the cases of death due to various reasons in front of him, Lu Yongchang shook his head helplessly.

For such a weak artificial intelligence, it is pretty good to be able to control the mortality rate to this level.

"Start the reception work." Lu Yongchang waved his hand, trying to turn off the holographic image in front of him, "When everyone transfers to the [Home] ship, we can prepare to set off."

The holographic projection did not disappear as usual.


"Professor." Zero's avatar appeared in front of Lu Yongchang, "Helium flash has occurred."

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang couldn't help but fell into silence.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked toward the porthole.

"Professor, you can't see the helium flash happening yet." Zero reminded softly.

"I know."

Lu Yongchang sighed softly.

At this moment, his mood was extremely complicated.

There was a sense of sadness, a sense of relief, and a sense of relief.

"Let's do it. In addition to transferring the hibernation capsule, remember to take away all the useful resources inside the 380 Luanniao."

"We don't have much time to waste."

The holographic projection quietly dissipated.

Outside the porthole, an extremely short and extremely bright light came from the direction of the sun.


Earth calendar 2046.1.1

The human fleet slowly sailed towards the outer edge of the Kuiper belt.

And the 380 Luanniao starships seemed to have turned into a piece of space junk, floating in the empty space.

Inside [Earth].

Lv Yongchang stood in front of his hibernation capsule and turned his head to look at the porthole beside him again.

Goodbye, solar system.

After saying hello in his heart, he turned his head and entered the hibernation capsule without hesitation.

'Zero, speed up at full speed and head towards Proxima Centauri! '

Through the brain wave reading device, Lv Yongchang issued his last order.

A slight tingling sensation came from his arm.

His eyelids gradually became heavy.

He slowly closed his eyes, and a final thought flashed through his mind.

I don’t know what kind of challenges human civilization will face when he wakes up again...

[Hibernation Successful]

A line of Chinese characters flashed on the holographic projection outside the hibernation cabin.

[Human Fleet, Forward Four! ]

The extremely powerful thrust came from the Hall thruster, pushing the fleet out of the solar system!

Under continuous acceleration, the fleet’s maximum speed will reach 10% of the speed of light.

Counting the acceleration and deceleration time...

Estimated time to arrive at Proxima Centauri: Earth calendar 2146

Solar System Chapter, END

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