Earth calendar: 2146.6.7

Outskirts of the Proxima Centauri galaxy.

It is 0.01 light years away from Proxima Centauri.

A fleet floated towards Proxima Centauri like a ghost.

This is a human fleet that spans 4.22 light years and comes from afar.

As early as five years ago, the human fleet completed the steering and deceleration work under the control of Zero, and shut down all Hall propulsion devices and high-power radio facilities.

After a series of cool maneuvers, the entire fleet made a small circle, changed direction, and relied on inertia to drift toward its destination.

This is the traveling mode designed by Lu Yongchang himself.

When it is unclear whether the Proxima Centauri civilization has observed the movements of its own fleet, this method of travel is undoubtedly the safest.

It is also the most insidious.

The war has begun the moment the human fleet shuts down its engines.

Just as Lu Yongchang expected, Proxima Centauri was in chaos at this time.

The reason... is naturally very simple.

"On the eve of the war, I lost the position of the enemy ship"

five years ago.

"Tell me, why did that solar system fleet disappear under our noses?!"

The elderly August shouted angrily at several observers.

"I, we don't know either." An observer took courage and whispered, "We were still targeting them some time ago."

"It happened very suddenly. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared from our detection equipment."

"Some time ago?!" August's anger became stronger. He opened his breathing holes vigorously and breathed in the air. "How long ago was it? Tell me clearly!"

"...A month ago." The observer kept saying, "Just a month ago, our radio telescope could still receive their radio signals."

"A month ago?" Augustus couldn't help but froze when he heard this.

"Then why are you saying it now?"

As he spoke, he raised his short and thick forelimbs, preparing to hit the observer in front of him.

"I, we reported the relevant situation at the time, but... you only found out today." The observer subconsciously closed his eyes and explained loudly.

Hearing this, August took a deep breath.

What is this?

For the first time, he experienced the work efficiency problem of the Academy of Sciences.

Thinking that in the past month, the Solar System Fleet had quietly changed its position, an unprecedented sense of dizziness instantly rushed into his thinking organ.

"Turn on all the detection equipment and scan the area where the fleet disappeared!" Augustus gritted his teeth and said, "You must find that solar system fleet for me!"

Although he said this, his heart was already half cold.

As Chief Lyle, he knows very well that with their technology, they will never find a fleet in the universe that deliberately hides itself!

Outskirts of Proxima Centauri.

As the fleet arrived at the predetermined location, countless lights suddenly lit up inside the [Earth]!

[The destination has been reached]

[Executing wake-up procedure]

[Homeship No. 1, starting to wake up...]


A series of Chinese characters flashed across the giant holographic image in the command center.

The wake-up procedure has begun!

His heavy eyelids were suddenly opened by something.

A bright white light lit up in front of my eyes.

‘A robotic arm? Where am I? So sleepy...'

Slightly confused thoughts emerged in my mind.

An obvious sense of mental stagnation hindered his thinking.

"The pupil light reflex is in good condition."

"Captain Zhao Zijie, can you hear me?"

A familiar call sounded in my ears.

Hearing his name, Zhao Zijie struggled to open his heavy eyelids.

"here it is……"

The extremely hoarse voice startled him.

He couldn't believe it was his own voice.

As soon as the words were spoken, an extremely sour feeling came from the trachea and lungs.

"Cough cough cough!"

While coughing hard, he asked the question that was lingering in his heart: "I, where am I?"

Zero's avatar appeared in front of him instantly.

"Captain Zhao Zijie, congratulations on your successful awakening."

"It is now 2146.6.7 in the Earth's calendar, and we are located 0.01 light-years away from Proxima Centauri."

Zhao Zijie subconsciously held his breath.

2146... Proxima Centauri...

Word after word struck his brain, which had been slow to react due to long periods of hibernation.

"I-we're here?!"

After he stopped coughing, he turned around and looked.

The familiar hibernation cabin, the familiar starship cabin, and the familiar coughing sound.

There were many people around him who looked as confused as him.

He took a cursory glance and found that most of them were familiar companions.

Zhao Zijie struggled hard and tried to climb out of the hibernation cabin.

"Captain Zhao Zijie, please wait a moment." Zero's avatar said again.

"Long-term hibernation causes your body to become weaker, which is normal."

As he spoke, a robot placed a packaging bag in front of him.

"Is this?" Zhao Zijie's eyes showed some doubts.

"Nutritional solution can help you quickly recover your physical strength. You should use it." Zero quickly explained.


A strong feeling of hunger came from the abdomen.

Zhao Zijie grabbed the package in front of him with trembling hands, opened the seal with force, and sucked it with the help of the straw structure on the bag.


The effect of the high-concentration nutrient solution was immediate.

Zhao Zijie, who originally felt very weak, had the strength to climb out of the hibernation cabin in just a few minutes.

Floating in the air, Zhao Zijie looked at the familiar cabin in front of him, and his eyes showed a little confusion for a while.

What should he do now?

"Captain Zhao Zijie, please follow me." The robot next to him made a slight reminder.

At the same time, a holographic picture appeared in front of him.

"This is your schedule for the next week."

"In order for you to recover your physical strength as soon as possible and cope with the next war, you need to undergo a week of rehabilitation training..."

Looking at the dense schedule in front of him, and listening to the explanation of the robot around him, Zhao Zijie suddenly became excited!


The war is about to begin!

Proxima civilization, here we come!

Just as Zhao Zijie was shouting in his heart, the voice of the robot pulled him out of his turbulent inner world.

"Captain Zhao Zijie, please follow me."

"Next, you need to take a shower and change clothes."

"I will take you for a physical examination in thirty minutes."

"One hour later..."

Zhao Zijie: "..."

Similar scenes occurred in every corner of Homeland No. 1!

In order to cope with the next war, Zero awakened all scientists and starship pilots according to the preset program!

In the command center of [Earth], Lv Yongchang silently looked at the faintly glowing star in front of him.

Proxima Centauri 0.01 light years (632AU) away

The war has begun!

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