Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 278 Charge! Hand-to-hand combat

The order was issued.

The 50 [Golden Crow] battleships no longer hid themselves.

They directly entered the [Forward Four] state and rushed towards Proxima b!

At the same time, the ion cannons that had been fully charged launched the first round of salvos!

With almost no delay, a large ball of exploding fire appeared in the center of the Proxima fleet!

As the secondary flagships of the Proxima civilization, the two starships with a diameter of more than 800 meters received special attention.

A full 30 rounds of ion cannons were fired at them!

That is why the two secondary flagships immediately followed the footsteps of the Proxima flagship - turning into a brilliant firework.

The remaining twenty explosions occurred on those slightly smaller starships.

Although they were not as big as the secondary flagships, it can be seen that they were also the main force of the Proxima fleet.

With just one ion cannon salvo, the combat effectiveness of the Proxima fleet dropped a level!

These fifty [Golden Crow] battleships also exposed their positions!

Just a few seconds later, hundreds of small starships broke away from the original array and flew straight towards the [Golden Crow] battleships that were attacking without honor!


Zhao Zijie's face darkened slightly when he saw the changes in the battlefield situation in the holographic projection.

He didn't expect that in order to deal with these 50 [Golden Crow] battleships, Proxima actually dispatched more than 500 small starships!

Are they crazy? !

The battlefield situation was unpredictable, and he thought for a while before issuing his own orders!

Escape, there is definitely no time to escape.

The maneuverability of the starships on the opposite side is too strong, and once they escape, they can only be used as live targets!

‘Everyone, attack freely! ’

‘Prepare for hand-to-hand combat! ’

‘Charge! ’

The moment the voice fell, a burst of rapid charge horns rang in everyone's ears!

The military horn engraved into the bone marrow aroused everyone's emotions in an instant!

Charge! ! Charge! ! !

Proxima b.

Levi looked out the porthole with bloodshot eyes, that was the flames of the crash of the secondary flagship.

The destruction of the cutting-edge combat power means that Proxima is at a great disadvantage in this battle!

Looking at the giant flagship with a length of 3,000 meters in the solar system fleet, Levi felt cold hands and feet!

It's over!

Proxima civilization is over!

In despair, endless anger rose in his three pairs of eyes!

"Go to the invaders!" He roared, and pulled the joystick in front of him with his sturdy forelimbs, controlling his starship to rush towards the culprit not far away!

At the same time, he turned on the communication equipment on the side!

"Fellow compatriots!"

"For Proxima civilization!"



The brave wins when they meet on a narrow road!

The moment the charge was blown, there was no way back!

50 [Golden Crow] battleships also rushed towards the Proxima small fleet.

The third and fourth fleets, which were in the rear and providing fire support, also entered the [Forward Four] state!

While they were pouring endless electromagnetic cannons at the enemy, they were pushing forward the line of the human fleet!

Under the volley of artillery fire, bursts of fire appeared in the Proxima fleet.

The original 500 starships lost hundreds of ships before they approached the [Golden Crow] fleet!

But such exaggerated losses did not affect the Proxima people's willingness to charge!

One hundred ships crashed, then another hundred ships!

One by one, small starships broke away from the original array and quickly caught up with the charging team, rushing towards the 50 [Golden Crow] battleships at the forefront of the battlefield!

The distance between the two was rapidly shortened!

The hand-to-hand combat began!

Unlike the hand-to-hand combat on the surface, the interstellar hand-to-hand combat is more cruel and more dangerous!

The enemy is not just on one plane.

Above, below, below the side, above the side, the danger comes from every unexpected direction!

At the moment the hand-to-hand combat began, the CPU usage rate of the quantum supercomputing center inside the Earth instantly soared to 99.9%!

However, even if it is zero, it is impossible to achieve 100% defense in such a chaotic battle!

A Jinwu battleship smashed a disc-shaped starship with a diameter of more than 50 meters with a series of electromagnetic cannons. At the same time, the belly of the starship was hit by countless electromagnetic cannons and high-energy laser beams from the enemy!

The Jinwu battleship, which had no time to dodge and defend, could only choose to take this set of damage!

A huge gap appeared at the bottom of the starship.

[Warning! The reactor is damaged! ]

[Warning! Insufficient power! ]


A series of bright red warnings appeared in front of the captain of this Jinwu battleship!

‘TMD, fight! ’

Under the captain's order, the Hall thruster of the Jinwu battleship, which was billowing with thick smoke, emitted the last light.

It rushed straight into the densely populated area of ​​enemy ships!

It exploded with a bang!

The flames of the explosion illuminated every starship in the hand-to-hand combat!

But no one cared.

It was not the first [Golden Crow] battleship to choose to self-destruct, nor was it the first Proxima starship to choose to self-destruct!

The ants can kill the elephant.

Under the fearless charge of the Proxima fleet, the number of [Golden Crow] fleets at the forefront of the battlefield continued to decrease!

The battlefield meat grinder was completely started!

Since the two fleets came into contact, in just a few minutes, only 20 of the 50 [Golden Crow] battleships were left!

According to Zero's statistics, the sacrifice of these 30 [Golden Crow] battleships saved the lives of at least 500 starships of the Proxima civilization!


In [Earth].

Looking at the increasing number of casualties in front of him, Zhao Zijie's cheeks kept twitching.

They are all human elites!

They are all his subordinates!

'Professor, I apply for the flagship to enter the field! '

Zhao Zijie's eyes were red, and he sent a request to Lu Yongchang through brain waves.

He believed that with the unparalleled firepower of the flagship, a large amount of losses would be reduced!


Two faint Chinese characters appeared in front of him.

'Why? ! '

Zhao Zijie raised his doubts.

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath of deep sea liquid, suppressed the pain in his heart, and responded slightly indifferently.

'We don't know if the Proxima civilization has other means, wait a little longer! ’

Although the flagship Earth did not enter the battlefield, the fire support from the third and fourth fleets arrived at the scene.

The steel torrent directly tore through the enemy ship’s support route!

Just one round of salvos, no less than a hundred small starships were eliminated!

As the distance continued to close, the elusive ion cannons also began to play a role.

Every time the energy was completed, it meant the crash of an enemy ship!

The fire support from the third and fourth fleets reduced the pressure on the 20 Golden Crows in the front.

With the increasingly urgent charge, they tore through the opposite side’s defense line and rushed straight to Proxima b!

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