Observation room.

Augustus looked at the monitor in front of him, and his three pairs of eyes were filled with incredible colors.

The monitor showed real-time images from the Proxima optical detector.

The flagship and supply ships that were originally gathered together had now dispersed their formations.

Behind the huge flagship, a building with a length of 5,000 meters was quietly parked in the silent space.

From the supply ships docked next to the building, it can be seen that Lyle was right.

That damn solar system civilization actually built a large factory in space!

And all this was completed in just one month!

Augustus took a few steps back and muttered to himself: "This, this is impossible!"

"How did they do it..."

Watching the supply ships leave the space factory and head straight for the battleships on the other side, a sense of crisis arose in his heart!

"Quick! Prepare for defense..."

Before he finished speaking, another shrill alarm sounded!

"Sir Augustus! Those invaders' warships are heading towards us!"

The observer's sharp shout resounded throughout the observation room.


[30,000 km]

The tails of 120 [Golden Crow] battleships glowed with blue light!

In the dark universe, it was as if 120 small suns rose!

The extremely huge thrust pushed the [Golden Crow] battleships towards Proxima b!

At the same time, the steel torrent composed of countless electromagnetic cannon projectiles appeared again.

Unlike the previous period, there were no micro-nuclear bombs inside the electromagnetic cannon projectiles this time.

Even so, these projectiles, relying on their extremely high speed, also have extremely powerful destructive power!

Without the interference of those small Proxima starships, the flames of explosions continued to appear in the planetary defense network.

The planetary defense network of the Proxima civilization is disintegrating at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Proxima b.

Underground city of the Central Academy of Sciences.

Augustus's breathing hole opened slightly, and his rapid breathing showed his inner panic.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

He paced back and forth in the observation room, turning his head from time to time to look at the battle situation on the monitor beside him.

Every time he turned his head, his mood would get worse.

"Sir Augustus..."

The observer's voice was full of fear: "The planetary defense network... is gone."

Augusus's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he turned his head to look at the screen again.

The mesh structure that originally wrapped around Proxima b no longer exists, and instead there is a huge gap!

The gap is shrinking at an extremely slow speed.

That is the orbital guns in other areas urgently changing their orbits.

However, in the face of the continuous steel torrent attack of the human fleet, such a move is undoubtedly a last resort!

A hint of madness flashed in Augustus' eyes: "Wait a little longer!"

"Wait until they are within 20,000 kilometers, and then use our land-based laser weapons!"

"This time, I will destroy all their warships within 20,000 kilometers!"


[25,000 kilometers]

The [Golden Crow] battleship only advanced 5,000 kilometers, and the originally airtight ring planet defense network was torn open with a huge hole!

[Attention everyone, prepare to launch smoke bombs! ]

The order from Lu Yongchang appeared in front of all the captains.

The [Golden Crow]'s speed gradually slowed down.

At least, before the smoke bombs took effect, they would never cross the 20,000-kilometer threshold of life and death.

After stopping, these [Golden Crow] battleships simultaneously cracked on the top.

One by one, the temporarily installed gun barrels slowly stretched out from them.

It is different from the gun barrel of the electromagnetic gun.

It is not even a tube.

But two rails with a length of more than ten meters.

Under the electromagnetic effect, the huge interstellar smoke bomb will accelerate along the rail to a speed of 1000 kilometers per second.

The speed is not fast, but it is more than enough for the current battlefield!

As the launch order was issued, the Plus version of the projectile slowly accelerated along the rail and rushed straight to the front of the fleet!

The first round of salvo.

120 huge smoke bombs swayed towards Proxima b.

A few seconds later, these smoke bombs entered the range of Proxima's land-based laser weapons-20,000 kilometers.

The Proxima civilization, which was determined to maintain stability, did not let these smoke bombs continue to move forward.

When they found that the ring planet defense network was no longer effective, they directly used land-based laser weapons!

The beam flashed several times, and the flames of the explosion appeared in the interstellar space.

Every smoke bomb explosion will spread countless carefully prepared asteroid dust around!

In just a moment, a muddy yellow smoke barrier appeared between the [Golden Crow] battleship and Proxima b!

In order to facilitate identification, Lv Yongchang specially added some dye to the asteroid dust.

That's why the dust is muddy yellow.

[All Jinwu battleships, keep moving forward! ]

The moment the smoke barrier appeared, Lv Yongchang once again issued the order to move forward.

The second round of salvos was fired at the same time!

Perhaps the scene that just happened was a little unexpected to the Proxima Centauri. This time, these projectiles were not blocked.

But this did not affect the final outcome.

When this batch of smoke bombs arrived at the designated location, the micro-nuclear bombs inside were detonated by remote control!

In just a moment, the high temperature and high pressure generated by the nuclear bomb explosion caused the outer layer of deuterium and tritium to fusion!

The second muddy yellow dust barrier appeared!

120 [Golden Crow] battleships calmly entered within 20,000 kilometers.

The light of the land-based laser cannon flashed again, passing through the dust and shining directly on the leading [Golden Crow] battleship!

The original scene of explosion did not appear.


A slight burning appeared at the laser beam.

But such power is like tickling for the heavy armor of the [Golden Crow] battleship!

The third round of salvos!

The fourth round of salvos!

Each round of salvos will form a muddy yellow smoke barrier in front of the fleet.

The number of barriers is increasing, and the power of the high-energy laser beam is getting weaker and weaker.

The [Golden Crow] battleships slowly advance the front line along these barriers, occasionally firing a few electromagnetic cannons to deal with the ring planet defense facilities that have changed their orbits.

The moment they found that the land-based laser cannons were ineffective, the Proxima civilization, which had been sitting on the Diaoyutai, began to panic.

For a time, high-energy laser beams flashed wildly in interstellar space.

But facing the unprecedented haze attack, the offensive of these high-energy laser beams seemed extremely weak.

More and more smoke bombs were fired, and a 20,000-kilometer-long, stratified yellow smoke belt gradually appeared outside Proxima b.

When the [Golden Crow] battleship approached Proxima b, smoke bombs fell into the atmosphere of Proxima b like dumplings!

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