Hearing Lv Yongchang's words, Fang Xu couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head.

That's right.

If the genetic weapons don't work, then they can only choose the most time-consuming and laborious method to implement the genocide plan.

Even if these Proxima people have locked themselves underground.

For the time being, they are not a threat to humans.

But the old saying is right.

How can you let others sleep soundly beside your bed!

Not to mention, humans have just robbed their territory. If they don't implement the genocide plan at this time, are they waiting for them to seek revenge in the future?

It is precisely for these reasons that no one present opposes the extinction plan proposed by Lv Yongchang.

Looking at the gradually clear surface images of Proxima b in the holographic projection, the atmosphere in the command center gradually became solemn.

[Landing countdown: 5 minutes]


The Xuannv II, lined up in a neat formation, passed over the ground.

Compared with more than a month ago, Proxima b now looks even more dilapidated.

Strong nuclear radiation not only did not inhibit the growth of plants, but on the contrary, it even promoted the growth of plants on Proxima b that have strong radiation resistance.

In addition, there is no activity of Proxima Centauri, so the vegetation on the surface of Proxima b is extremely lush.

Unlike the earth, most of the plants on Proxima b are dark-colored.

In addition to black, there is a deep purple that is extremely close to black.

This is because Proxima Centauri belongs to the M-type star in the stellar spectrum type. Proxima b, which is extremely close to the main star, has a large amount of infrared light. Therefore, these plants have a wider choice between visible light and infrared light.

These dark-colored plants covered the dilapidated buildings in just one month.

The two have extremely close colors.

That is why, at first glance, there is no obvious trace of civilization on the surface of Proxima b.

Only one area looks particularly abrupt.

The originally flat land is dotted with dense, deep or shallow craters.

There are few plants in the craters, so they retain the unique yellow-brown color of the soil.

In the yellow-brown background, a bit of black stands out.

The height of Xuannv II gradually dropped, and the picture from the camera became clearer.

It was a black cabin.

This was the destination of these Xuannv IIs - the elevator entrance and exit of the Proxima Underground City.


The fully armed robot army stepped out of Xuannv II.

A bright red high-energy laser beam shone directly at the door of the black cabin.

In front of the high-power laser beam, the tightly closed door was forced to give way after only a few seconds.

Several robots entered the cabin with heavy steps, carrying several cables supported by carbon nanotubes.

The scene inside the cabin was almost the same as a month ago.

The only difference was the concentration of vegetation on the wall.

The area covered by those moss-like plants was much larger than a month ago.

The dim orange light shone through these plants, reflecting on the silver-white body of the robot, adding a touch of strange warmth to this scene full of disharmony.

Lv Yongchang, who was far away in the Earth, looked at this scene, and his eyes became more solemn.

"The energy of the underground city has not been cut off."

"Zero, prepare for a counterattack."

As soon as the voice fell, several robots in the camera had raised their Gauss rifles.

The principle is the same as that of the electromagnetic gun, and the only difference between the two is the power.

Even though the power of the Gauss rifle is far inferior to that of the ship-borne electromagnetic gun, its power is still not something that ordinary carbon-based creatures can resist.

Under Zero's control, the cooperation between these robots is amazing!

Or guard, or build...

All robots have their own responsibilities, and there is no conflict between their routes of action and work content.

The orderly behavior gave Lv Yongchang and other remote viewers a sense of comfort from the heart.

In just over ten minutes, a simple elevator was built.

Dozens of robots boarded the elevator, and under Zero's control, the elevator slowly descended.


The landing time was not long.

A few minutes later, a touch of orange light from the bottom appeared in the camera.

As the distance got closer, everyone gradually saw the object emitting orange light.

An open door.

The door was buried by some huge rocks and metal blocks, and the orange light was coming out from the gaps between these objects.

Lv Yongchang remembered it very clearly.

The last time the nanorobots came, this door was closed!

Could it be... that the genetic data sent by Proxima was really wrong?

Is this a trap set by the Proxima people?

Have they set an ambush?

In an instant, countless suspicions flashed through Lv Yongchang's mind.


He said in a hurried tone.

Almost at the same time, the speed of the elevator's descent was reduced to zero, and it stopped steadily in place.

At the same time, dozens of robots on the simple elevator picked up Gauss rifles, walked quickly to the edge of the elevator, and pointed the muzzles at the open door.

The command center was quiet, and Lv Yongchang held his breath and focused on the holographic projection in front of him.

He could even hear his violent heartbeat.

After waiting for a long time, he opened his mouth slightly and let out a long breath.

Nothing moved.

"Keep going down." He said concisely, "Slow down, stay alert, and fire without warning if you find any abnormal situation."

Zero silently executed Lu Yongchang's order.

The picture in the holographic projection moved again.


A dull sound came, and many people on the scene trembled violently.

The elevator hit the bottom.

Due to these large pieces of rock and metal, the robots were still about one meter away from the open door.

Lv Yongchang waited for a moment, and after confirming that there was no abnormal situation, he gave an order.

"Zero, clear a path."

"Got it, professor." Zero responded quickly.


In the holographic picture, high-energy laser beams and various cutting devices were put into action together!

Half an hour later, a path leading to the gate was successfully cleared.

The path was extremely narrow and only allowed one robot to pass through.

Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment and said, "Zero, send a robot in to check it out."

"Got it."

After the words fell, the holographic projection quietly switched.

The camera angle slowly lowered.

It was obvious that the robot was passing through a narrow path.

It didn't take much time to walk through the one-meter-long passage.

Soon, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up, and the scene at the gate came into view.


"Hiss... So disgusting..."

Sighs came from all around.

Lv Yongchang also frowned and looked at the picture in the holographic projection.

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