Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 298 One Hundred Thousand Possibilities

A week flies by.

Apart from getting the necessary food, Su Yutong never saw the door in front of him open.

She gently placed the bag of space food in her hand at the door of the room, stretched out her hand and knocked lightly on the door.

"Professor, it's lunch time."

As usual, there was no response.

Su Yutong didn't have any surprises, shrugged and prepared to leave.

According to her past "feeding" experience, it is estimated that this food will not be brought in for at least another hour or two.

But today's situation seems to be slightly different.

As soon as she turned around, she heard the sound of the office door opening behind her.

Su Yutong was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously turned to look at the door.

I saw Lu Yongchang's face was haggard, but his eyes were shining brightly!

"Teach, professor?"

Su Yutong called in a low voice.

Perhaps it was Su Yutong's voice that woke up Lu Yongchang, who suddenly stopped moving forward.

"Yu Tong..."

Lu Yongchang glanced in the direction of Su Yutong and said in an extremely hoarse voice: "I want to go to the biology laboratory."

With that said, he walked towards the door.

"Be careful!" Su Yutong shouted softly, "Professor your lunch!"

Lu Yongchang's step paused again.

He looked down, and this time, he finally saw the lunch placed at the door.

"Lunch... forget it, let's eat later." Lu Yongchang's eyes flashed with anxiety and excitement, "By the way, Ling, is Mao Zhengzhi in the laboratory? Tell him that I have a solution!"

As he spoke, he tried to bypass the bags of food in front of him.

But soon, he stopped his movements again.

There is no other reason.

He saw Su Yutong's eyes glaring at him.

After struggling for a while, Lu Yongchang chose to follow his heart - he silently bent down and picked up the bag of space food.

"Ahem! I suddenly realized I was a little hungry..." A trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, and he quickly put the packaging bag into his pocket, "I'll take it to the biology laboratory to eat, okay?"

Su Yutong did not speak, but silently moved out of the way.

Outside the biology laboratory.

Mao Zhengzhi ran towards the laboratory door in a hurry.

"How is it possible..."

“It really took just one week to solve it???”

"Are you kidding me?!"

As he hurried on, he whispered something in his mouth.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks.

At the main entrance of the laboratory, a familiar figure caught his eye.

It's just that this image...

Mao Zhengzhi looked at Lu Yongchang in front of him with a strange expression: "Professor, what are you doing?"

"Huh?" Lu Yongchang, with messy hair on his head, holding two space food bags in his hands and a bag of drinking water in his mouth, raised his head and looked at him in confusion.

Seeing Mao Zhengzhi, Lu Yongchang's swallowing movements obviously sped up.



Lu Yongchang's face turned slightly red and he took a sip of drinking water.

"Professor, it's not that serious, it's not that serious, just eat slowly!"

Mao Zhengzhi walked up to Lu Yongchang with a wry smile, stretched out his hand and patted his back gently.


After Lu Yongchang swallowed the last bit of food in his mouth, he breathed a sigh of relief and murmured to himself: "The mission has been completed."

"Mission?" Mao Zhengzhi looked at Lu Yongchang with confusion.

"Ahem! It's nothing!"

"You came just in time. I can confirm that the technology tree of the Proxima Centauri civilization is absolutely crooked. Their biotechnology far exceeds other disciplines..."

As Lu Yongchang spoke, he quietly stuffed several bags in his hands into a special trash can nearby.

Inside the biology laboratory.

Mao Zhengzhi looked at the holographic projection in front of him silently.

In the holographic projection, the familiar human gene sequence is on the left.

On the right is the genetic sequence of Proxima Centauri.

"The genes of Proxima Centauri are very different from our genes. Among them, the biggest obstacle that hinders us is their base pairing principle."

As Lu Yongchang spoke, he stretched out his hand to operate the holographic projection.

"Based on their research data, I found out some basic similarities between the genes on both sides."

"Interoperability?" Mao Zhengzhi was slightly startled.

"That's right." Lu Yongchang shrugged, "For example, like us, they are all creatures that perform aerobic respiration."

"Through these basic genes, and with the help of the research data of the Proxima Centauri civilization, I found a corresponding rule for the genes on both sides."

"And telomerase-like synthetic genes can also be transformed accordingly through this corresponding rule."

As Lu Yongchang finished speaking, the complex gene in the holographic projection changed slightly.

Rotate, disperse, reorganize...

After a series of corresponding changes, a brand new genetic sequence appeared in front of them.

Different from the original, this genetic sequence has a very familiar shape to Mao Zhengzhi.


Before Mao Zhengzhi could be happy, Lu Yongchang's voice sounded again: "Because the genetic structure of Proxima Centauri is somewhat different from ours, many possibilities arise."

"At that time, we may have to make some attempts..."

Mao Zhengzhi breathed a sigh of relief: "Isn't it just luck and trial and error? What's the point?"

"By the way, what are the possibilities?"

"...Probably more than 100,000 species."

As soon as the words fell, the holographic projection instantly enlarged, and more than 100,000 gene sequences were all displayed in front of Mao Zhengzhi's eyes.

Mao Zhengzhi: "..."

You call this some experimentation? !

He swallowed slightly: "I think this task may be a hundred million points difficult..."

Complaints are complaints.

At this point in the experiment, there were millions of possibilities, and they had to bite the bullet and try their luck.

As for the experimental's actually very simple.

Just insert these base pairs into the E. coli gene.

Then, it is to see whether these E. coli can survive.

Only E. coli that can survive normally can enter the next screening process.

Observe whether the inserted base pairs are "functioning" properly—synthesizing that special telomerase-like enzyme.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

More than two months have passed.

They had only completed the first step of the experiment.

This was also done with the help of Zero.

However, there is good news.

At least, the choices they faced have shrunk by 99%.

There were originally more than 100,000 possibilities, but now only more than 1,000 are left.

Lu Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi didn't have time to take a breath, so they started the second step of the experiment.

Over time, one sample after another was eliminated.

In the end, what was left before them was the only possibility.

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Let's start the inspection."

Mao Zhengzhi took out the sample with slightly trembling hands and prepared to start the inspection work.

This is the last sample.

Failure means that more than two months of their time have been wasted!

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