Shen Siwen looked at Lv Yongchang's back, opened his mouth, and couldn't say a word.

Since the Earth era, he has devoted his life to the study of artificial biosphere.

In recent decades, in order to better regulate the surface urban agglomeration, he has led his researchers to study the urban climate model.

Therefore, he is very clear that the so-called planetary climate chaos model and the urban climate model are completely different things.

If you have to compare, it's like the relationship between basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and advanced mathematics.

In the personal office of the No. 1 shipborne laboratory, Lv Yongchang looked at the slowly rotating projection of the Dawn Star in front of him and fell into deep thought.

In the "overclocking" process just now, he had a deeper understanding of the planetary climate chaos model.

Chaotic system has many characteristics.

Nonlinear, quasi-random, irregular, extremely sensitive to initial values...

Therefore, the chaotic behavior in the chaotic system seems to be irregular, but it hides its unique laws.

The chaotic behavior in the chaotic system follows several principles.

First, energy will always follow the path of least resistance.

Second, there is always a fundamental structure that is usually invisible, and this structure determines the path of least resistance.

Third, this fundamental structure that always exists and is usually invisible can not only be discovered, but also can be changed.

These three principles are constantly influencing chaotic behavior and affecting the final output of the chaotic system.

The so-called butterfly effect is the most straightforward explanation of the chaotic system.

The butterfly effect roughly means that on Earth, a butterfly living in the Amazon rainforest occasionally flaps its wings, causing the air system around it to change accordingly and generating weak airflow.

And these weak airflows will cause changes in the air around it.

So the cycle expands...

Finally, a hurricane is formed somewhere thousands of miles away.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it accurately describes the chaotic model of planetary climate.

Perhaps a butterfly does not have such great power, but endless "butterflies", that is, the planetary climate control satellite network they are about to create, do have such capabilities.

By manipulating the atmosphere of certain specific areas of Dawn Star, the temperature can be raised, lowered, or exploded, thus causing climate change on the entire planet.

Above the desk in front of him, several huge vortex-shaped clouds have formed on the reddish-brown Dawn Star.

From the connection of the vortex, it can be seen that the two giant storms on the A1 Plain and the A2 Plain, which are the source of the Dawn Star storm, have begun to merge.

As for the result after the fusion of the two storms...

According to the original model calculation, there is a 96.1% probability of strengthening.

Lv Yongchang reached out and gently moved the Dawn Star projection in front of him, and cast his eyes to other areas.

Under the influence of the storms in the A1 and A2 areas, other areas on Dawn Star also had more or less abnormal conditions.

The real-time satellite images in front of him constantly confirmed the inspiration Lv Yongchang gained during the "overclocking" process.

His brows were frowned and stretched.

As time passed, the confusion in Lv Yongchang's eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a clear and bright scene.

He waved his hand to close the Dawn Star projection, stretched out his hand to open a brand new holographic image, and waved his hand to type out a few big words.

"Planetary Climate Chaos Model"


At the same time.

Next to the office, in Laboratory No. 1.

Shen Siwen looked at the holographic projection in front of him, his face full of shock.

"Draft of the Planetary Climate Control Satellite Network"

Just looking at the title, it seems that there is nothing wrong.

But when he opened the document and read it carefully, he realized what a crazy plan this was.

First, they need to deploy a satellite network surrounding the entire planet in the synchronous orbit of Dawn Star.

Most of the satellite networks are made up of various weapon systems.

Hydrogen bombs, laser cannons, plasma bombs...

At first glance, Shen Siwen even thought that Lu Yongchang had sent the wrong document.

Isn't this the planetary space-based defense network that the Proxima civilization played?

Then, after a closer look.

Shen Siwen said that he was directly numb.

The muzzles of these weapons are all aimed at Dawn Star!

Professor Lu... Is his brain going crazy?

This thought suddenly flashed through Shen Siwen's mind.

To control the climate, some appropriate measures must be taken.

Shen Siwen certainly knows this.

But is there any such measure? !

Shen Siwen calmed down and swiped the holographic projection in front of him again.

Behind it, there was a series of rough construction plans.

The plan was very rough, but Shen Siwen still saw the power of this climate control system.

The simplest use is naturally to drop giant hydrogen bombs of varying equivalents in areas where storms or various extreme weather occur.

With the help of the powerful shock wave caused by the hydrogen bomb, the original storm is "torn apart".

Of course, such a simple and crude approach is very likely to cause other consequences. As for whether it is serious or not... it depends on luck.

A more sophisticated approach is to use laser weapons and liquid nitrogen to force the atmosphere in the corresponding area to heat up or cool down for a short time.

This approach can also reduce the power of the storm to a certain extent, or even completely eliminate the storm.

For example.

The formation of a typhoon requires a lot of heat and water vapor.

Then, when the typhoon is moving or on the way, a large amount of liquid nitrogen is put near the typhoon to cool the atmosphere locally for a short time. In this way, the power of the typhoon can be greatly reduced, or even the typhoon can be strangled in the cradle.

Compared with the previous method, this method is milder, but it does not mean that it has no disadvantages.

The climate of the entire planet is a perfect and self-consistent chaotic system.

The practice of curbing the storm is equivalent to adding an artificial variable to this chaotic system.

You may not feel anything once or twice.

But continuous and repeated containment actions will inevitably cause a counterattack of the chaotic system, that is, a more violent disaster.

Once the threshold of human control is exceeded, it will inevitably cause extremely serious consequences.

Finally, it is the best way.

With the help of various equipment, the atmosphere of the entire planet is "fine-tuned".

By manipulating the entire chaotic system, the original results are appropriately changed.

For example.

With the help of lasers and ultra-long-distance microwave heating devices, the atmosphere of area A is heated quickly or slowly.

Then, a small amount of liquid nitrogen is used to appropriately reduce the atmospheric temperature in area B.

Finally, the shock wave caused by the large-yield hydrogen bomb is used as a trigger, and through the action of the planetary atmosphere, it is continuously amplified to form a storm in the designated area, releasing the excess energy in the planetary atmosphere.

Compared with the previous two, this method is not blindly "blocking", but more inclined to "draining".

For the Dawn Star, which has periodic global storms, this method is the most needed.


in order to use the planetary climate control system to accomplish such a feat, it is necessary to thoroughly control the operating laws of the chaotic system of planetary climate.

This is precisely the difficulty.

Thinking of this, Shen Siwen turned his head and cast a worried look in the direction of Lu Yongchang's office.

Although he is full of confidence in Professor Lu's scientific research ability.

But wanting one person to single-handedly overcome such a difficult problem...

is it a bit too difficult?

But he didn't know.

At this time, the holographic projection in front of Lu Yongchang was already filled with dense formulas.

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