The images in the satellite images deeply shocked the hearts of all the personnel in the command center.

Except for some of the new generation born on Proxima Centauri, most of the people present were older generation researchers from Earth.

The scenes on Dawn deeply touched their hearts.


An old man with gray hair trembled slightly, with tears of excitement in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "If humans had such means, so many people would not have died when they fled."

His words made the surrounding researchers fall into silence.

Lv Yongchang clapped his hands gently.

The crisp applause immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Be happy."

"The experiment was a complete success, why are you so upset?"

Lv Yongchang smiled slightly and said in a teasing tone: "At this rate, when you master the technology of planetary transformation in the future, you will have to mourn for the original Earth, right?"

The humorous words instantly diluted the original gloomy atmosphere.

For a moment, the air in the command center was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Ding Dong."

A crisp reminder interrupted everyone's laughter.

Lv Yongchang's eyes moved slightly, and he cast his gaze on the holographic projection beside him.

Zero's virtual image slowly emerged.

"Professor, there is news from the biological shipboard laboratory."

Zero's electronic synthesized voice sounded in the command center: "There is a problem with the Magna heart strengthening hormone experiment."

"At present, a large number of experimental mice have died."

The relaxed smile that had just appeared on Lv Yongchang's face gradually froze.


"I'll be there right away."


"Da Da Da..."

A burst of hurried footsteps came from the aisle of the starship.

Lv Yongchang looked solemn, frowned slightly, and hurried towards the direction of the biological shipboard laboratory.

How could this happen?

His mind was full of confusion.

A few days ago, he also took the time to look at the experimental records of the biological laboratory.

The vital signs of the mice injected with Magna heart-strengthening hormone were so strong.

The beating force of their hearts far exceeded that of normal mice!

Why did these mice start to die in large numbers?

Is it a problem at the genetic level?

Thinking of this, Lv Yongchang's face tightened and he quickened his pace again.

If it was really a problem at the genetic level, then they would probably face a big and thorny problem next!


The hurried footsteps stopped.

Looking at the slowly opening laboratory door in front of him, Lv Yongchang took a deep breath, took another step, and walked inside.


There was chaos in the biological shipboard laboratory.

Almost every researcher was busy with the work in front of them.

Obviously, the inexplicable death of the mice brought them some pressure.


Mao Zhengzhi's voice came from the side.

"What's going on?" Lv Yongchang asked hurriedly as he walked towards the laboratory table not far away.

"We are still dissecting, and the specific cause has not been found yet." Mao Zhengzhi paused, "But..."

"But what?" Lv Yongchang stopped and frowned at Mao Zhengzhi beside him, "If you have something to say, say it quickly, don't hide it."

Mao Zhengzhi smiled bitterly and touched the tip of his nose: "But according to the preliminary test results, these mice have a certain degree of internal bleeding."

"Internal bleeding?"

Lv Yongchang was stunned and realized a problem in an instant: "The heart muscle strength is too high?"

Mao Zhengzhi nodded hesitantly: "I also suspect this is the reason."

"But the dissection results have not come out yet, and there is no sufficient evidence."

Lv Yongchang nodded, without speaking, and walked towards the direction of the experimental table again.

In front of the experimental table is an observation room separated by thick glass.

In the observation room, mice are "imprisoned" in special glass cages.

Among them, most of the glass cages are empty.

No need to ask, these mice in the glass cages are estimated to have sacrificed their lives for the progress of science.

Lv Yongchang looked at the mouse in one of the glass cages with a sullen face.

The mouse lay quietly at the bottom of the glass cage, its mouth slightly open, breathing rapidly.

The holographic projection on the side showed the real-time physical condition of the mouse.

The numbers on the indicators were faintly red.

The heart rate was slightly faster, the blood pressure was slightly higher than the standard, and the respiratory rate was too high...

The next moment.

Without any warning, the mouse's body stiffened, its blood pressure dropped rapidly, and its heart rate began to drop sharply.

It took only a few seconds.

It died.

Under Zero's control, the robot hand skillfully grabbed the mouse in the glass cage and began to clean up.


"The autopsy results are out!"

Mao Zhengzhi's light cry interrupted Lv Yongchang's observation.


"Massive hemorrhage in the aorta..."

Lv Yongchang flipped through the holographic image in front of him, his eyebrows slightly raised: "It seems that the answer is already very obvious."

He could even imagine the scene of the death of these mice.

The powerful heart muscles beat continuously, pumping streams of extremely hot blood into the aorta.

But under the effect of the heart-strengthening hormone, the pulsating force of these hearts obviously exceeded the aorta's tolerance limit.

The surging blood broke through the fragile aortic wall, and the gurgling blood gushed out of the body, quickly taking the life of the little white mouse.

"Yes, it's a heart problem." Mao Zhengzhi's eyes were full of complexity, "The effect of Magna heart-strengthening hormone seems to be beyond our imagination."

"The reason has been found, so the next research direction is very clear."

"We need to weaken the heart-strengthening hormone to a certain extent so that it can be used in the body of the little white mouse."

As soon as Mao Zhengzhi finished speaking, Lu Yongchang shook his head: "Wrong."

"Think about it from another angle."

"This should not be a problem with the little white mouse's heart, or Magna heart-strengthening hormone."

"Ah?" Mao Zhengzhi looked at Lu Yongchang in astonishment.

"It's a problem with the little white mouse's blood vessels." Lu Yongchang said softly, "Magna heart-strengthening hormone gave a perfect performance."

"But this performance is not what the little white mouse's current body can bear."

Mao Zhengzhi's expression became strange.

Although this makes sense and there is nothing wrong with it.

But... it always sounds a bit weird and gangster-like.

"So..." Mao Zhengzhi cast an inquiring look.

"So." Lu Yongchang raised his mouth and said softly, "In my opinion, this experiment not only did not fail, but also achieved considerable success."

"However, we need to make a simple adjustment to the experimental sequence next."

"Prepare all the strengthening hormones first."


"Inject all the hormones at once to strengthen the body of the mouse in all directions!"

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