Ren Feng's voice echoed in Lv Yongchang's office through the loudspeaker.

Unlike the Earth era, humans now have more powerful lethal weapons.

If a civil war breaks out, the damage caused by these weapons will be far greater than that of the Earth era.

What's more, both the Proxima humans and the human fleet now live in closed cities on the surface.

Once the outer wall of a city is destroyed, the external environment is enough to kill all humans in a city without any weapons.


Even Lv Yongchang held his breath at this moment.

"What is the result of the war?"

He looked at Ren Feng and Zhang Zhengqing in the holographic picture: "Did the natural man win?"

Ren Feng nodded and shook his head.

"The entire war lasted for more than ten years."

"At the beginning, both natural people and public-sponsored people retained their last bit of rationality."

"There were only some minor frictions on both sides."

"The Parliament and the Academy of Sciences are also trying their best to promote reconciliation between the two groups."

"After all, the human civilization of Proxima cannot withstand a civil war."

"Natural people and public-sponsored people have therefore maintained a strange balance."

"Until the eve of a full-scale war."


Earth calendar year 2353.

Proxima City No. 3.

This is a city composed of public-sponsored people.

At the same time, it is also the "capital" in the minds of public-sponsored people.

The reason is very simple.

The first public-sponsored person councillor was born in this city.

And this war was also promoted by this public-sponsored person councillor.

In the eyes of all public-sponsored people, he is a little light in the endless night.

But, obviously, the natural person group does not see him that way.

Zhuang Wenxing walked on the busy street, looking at the busy people around him, and breathed a sigh of relief.

More than a decade later, he got his dream job as he wished.

In the past decade, City No. 3 has not stopped its development because of the declaration of war.

The city nurturing center continuously provides fresh blood for the city.

Compared with more than a decade ago, the total population of City No. 3 has increased several times.

The originally empty city, at this moment, seems to have restored its appearance hundreds of years ago.

That was the "pastoral era" when the human fleet had not yet left.

Yes, in everyone's mind, the era when the human fleet had not yet left Proxima Centauri has become a pastoral era in various works of art.

People at that time had no disputes, no worries about food and clothing...

And now City No. 3, with the population growing year by year, has also vaguely had such a "flavor".

At least, people come and go on the streets, and the smell of city fireworks is gradually becoming stronger.

However, compared with the "pastoral era", the human touch of City No. 3 at this time is not maintained by blood relations.

But the so-called "birth batch".

When passing by a snack bar, Zhuang Wenxing's ears moved slightly.

"Hey! Boss, which batch were you born in?"

"Me? Good morning! Batch 3A231610, which batch were you born in, brother?"

"Hey! Fellow countryman! I'm from batch 3A231612! Maybe we met when we were little!"

"Hahaha! What a coincidence!"

"It's quite a coincidence, how about a cheaper price?"

"Okay, okay..."

"Hey! That's not right! Why didn't I remember you saying that last time in the store next door?"

"Well? Brother, you must have remembered it wrong. No matter what, I was born in batch 3A231612!"


Listening to the familiar conversation, Zhuang Wenxing smiled faintly.

3A231610 and 3A231612, the meanings of these two numbers are actually very simple.

The first digit is actually the city number.

City No. 3 is 3, and City No. 5 is 5.

As for A, it refers to Area A of the City Nursing Center.

The city nurturing center is very large, divided into more than ten areas, distinguished by letters.

After that, it is the time of birth.

231610, which means that he was born in October 2316 of the Earth calendar.

This kind of light human touch is not as reliable as blood ties, but to some extent, it is more suitable for today's human beings.

At least, compared with decades ago, corruption in City No. 3 has basically disappeared.

Although, there was no such phenomenon in the "Pastoral Era".

But that was an environment under Zero's strong supervision, and now it is a good environment formed spontaneously.

Therefore, since the declaration of war, every public nurturing city has started a rapid development mode after a short period of adaptation pain.

To some extent, this just proves the correctness of the social public nurturing system!

In contrast, the total population growth rate of natural person cities is not fast because the nurturing center has been closed. Even under the looming threat of war, there is a trend of slowing down year by year.

As one group gained strength while the other lost, the gap in strength between the public-funded group and the natural-funded group widened rapidly.

Perhaps, under ideal conditions, the public-funded people only need to wait for a while, and they will naturally declare victory in this "war".


A familiar female voice came from the front.

Zhuang Wenxing retracted his thoughts that were drifting randomly and cast his eyes in the direction where the voice came from.

It was his wife, Gong Shanshan.

"Shanshan." Zhuang Wenxing smiled faintly and walked towards the woman quickly, "Let's go home."

In the group of people who are supported by the government, the concept of fertility has been almost reduced to zero.

But this does not mean that the impulse of genes can be suppressed.

For the sake of stability, the council of City No. 3 chose to continue the original marriage system.

However, marriage at this time is more like a cooperative and mutual assistance relationship.

Walking on the way home, Gong Shanshan beside him suddenly sighed softly.

"What's wrong?"

Zhuang Wenxing asked softly.

"When do you think this war will end?"

Facing Gong Shanshan's inquiry, Zhuang Wenxing thought for a while and muttered to himself: "Soon."

Although they hardly felt the urgency brought by the war, every time they heard about the dispute between natural persons and people who were supported by the government, they would have some slight worries in their hearts.

"What will the war be like?" Gong Shanshan asked again.

Zhuang Wenxing's expression was slightly choked.

He shook his head: "I don't know."

This question, let alone him.

I think even the council chairman of City No. 3 is not sure about the answer.

Compared with the natural person group, the public foster people's understanding of war is almost zero.

They have no experience.

All their knowledge comes from the teaching materials of the nurturing center.

But that teaching material was originally written by natural people.

That's why.

The public foster people group has a procrastinating attitude towards the development of the war.

As long as I can outlast you all, I can win.

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