Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 438 Is it possible that there is something wrong with my exploration ship?

The number one city on the surface of Dawn Star.

The familiar road distribution and familiar street trees made Hope feel in a trance.

If it weren't for the exoskeleton armor he was wearing and the slight swelling feeling in his abdomen, he would have thought he was still living in Ross 154.

He followed his memory and found the house that belonged to him.

Standing at the door of the room, he took a deep breath and reached out to hold the door handle.

A holographic image quickly unfolded.

"Biometric authentication in progress..."

"Palmprint, confirmed."

"Iris, confirmed."

"Face recognition, confirmed."

"Welcome home, Mr. Hope."

The familiar gentle electronically synthesized female voice made Hope feel her heart tremble slightly.

That's his home smart butler.

Like Yi, they both belong to weak artificial intelligence and are under the jurisdiction of Zero.

"Is this built by Zero?" he asked with a slightly trembling voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, he came back to his senses.

What are you talking about?

Who else could have built this city but Zero?

He quickly changed his words and said: "I mean...the layout of Dawn Star City 1 seems to be similar to Ross 154 City 1?"

"Yes, Mr. Hope." The home smart butler responded quickly.

“For the sake of convenience and to give people a better sense of belonging, the drawings of Ross 154 were directly used when building this city.”

"Only the Academy of Sciences and some important places were redesigned."

Hope suddenly realized.


The main thing is to save trouble.

That's right, having just arrived in his new home and faced with the heavy construction tasks, Zero's computing power must be very tight.

"Hey! Hope!"

Just as Hope was standing at the gate thinking wildly, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts.

He turned around sharply and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a blond man standing not far away, smiling and waving to him.


"Your boy is here too!"

Hope was surprised and happy to see his old friend, and he hurriedly waved and shouted loudly.

Obviously, the man named Hansant was not very satisfied with Hope's reaction.

He immediately turned down his face and pretended to be angry: "Say, Hope, are you treating an old comrade you haven't seen in a hundred years like this?"

"What do you mean I'm here too?"

"In terms of contribution value, I'm not lower than you. Why can't I be among the first to wake up?"

Listening to this familiar accent, Hope suddenly showed a smile on his face.

He apologized repeatedly: "Sorry, sorry, it was just an accident."

Then, he waved to Hanssen: "Come to my house and have a chat. Strictly speaking, we haven't seen each other for a hundred years."

"Are there many people in City No. 1 now?"

Hope reached out to take the teacup handed over by the robot and asked softly: "It seems like how many days have it been since you arrived?"

Hearing this, Hansent raised his head and nodded with dignity: "Of course, I have passed a series of tests on the exoskeleton armor."

"Probably, we entered City No. 1 a week ago."

Hope smiled and nodded in agreement with Hansent.

As an old comrade who has been with him for decades, Hope naturally knows Hansent's character very well.

Although his personality is a bit flamboyant, he is still reliable when encountering big problems.

"As for people..." After showing off, Hansen returned to the topic and shrugged helplessly, "Actually, there aren't many people."

"You should have realized when you came here just now that there were almost no people on the street."

"After all, only a small number of people have been revived now."

"Besides... there are still many awakened personnel who have not passed the test of exoskeleton armor."

Hope nodded, not much surprised by the answer.

"Don't worry, cities two and three are already under construction." He patted Hansent on the shoulder and comforted softly, "When the second and third batches of people wake up, the city will become lively. "

Hanssen shrugged nonchalantly, as if he didn't seem to care much about the city's population.

The next moment, he put his head next to Hope, his face full of encouragement, and whispered: "Let's not talk about the problem of urban population."

"How about it, are you interested in going out for a walk?"

"You should have seen it when you came, right?"

"There are many active volcanoes on this planet."

"While there are not many people around now, let's strike first and try to cover the surrounding area!"

Hearing this, Hope felt his heart skip a beat.

Seemingly seeing the agitated expression on Hope's face, Hansent moved closer again: "This opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back again."

"Don't forget, this is a brand new planet!"

"Do you want to waste your precious time on deserted streets?!"


Hope reached out and slapped the coffee table in front of her: "Stop talking!"

"I'll go!"


"Tomorrow." The corner of Hansent's mouth rose quickly, and he knew that, like him, Hope was not easy-going.

As he spoke, he opened his watch and clicked a few times on the small holographic projection: "I have already declared it to the city management center."

"It is now 10:21 in the morning, and the results are expected to be available this afternoon."

"I've thought about it. Our first stop is to go to the crater."

Thinking of the huge crater he saw on Xuannv II, Hope gradually became excited.

He quickly turned on his watch and skillfully submitted an application to the city management center to leave the city.

The reason, of course, was to go out to explore minerals.

As grassroots employees of grassroots institutions under the Academy of Sciences, the city management center generally would not reject their applications.

"By the way." Hansen suddenly thought of something and asked casually.

"Your mineral exploration ship should still be there, right?"

"I heard that when the human fleet was heading to the Gliese 555 star system, it encountered a pirate civilization. A great war broke out at that time, and many starships suffered from it."

The smile on Hope's face instantly became stiff.

It seems...


His starship is one of them?

"Hey, hey, hey! Brother, is it true?!"

Seeing Hope's expression, Hansen was a little panicked.

"Calm down, don't you still have yours?" Hope's mouth twitched, and he waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "I'll take your mineral exploration ship tomorrow."

"...Is there a possibility that my exploration ship also has problems?"

Hansent said in a faint tone: "Otherwise, why do you think I stayed here for a whole week?"

Hope: "..."

"Mr. Hope." The voice of the family smart housekeeper broke the slightly stiff atmosphere between the two.

"The Human Alliance Starship Manufacturing Factory sent a message."

"Your Type VI mineral exploration ship has arrived at Dock No. 6 of City No. 1 on Dawn Star. Please go and check it."

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