Hearing the questions coming from beside him, Lu Yongchang sighed deeply.

The worst outcome came out.

The unusual activity of the sun was indeed pushed back two months!

In addition, the sun is aging significantly faster than in the previous life!

According to Lu Yongchang's calculations, in about 15 years, the sun will erupt again with a helium flash.

The corners of Lu Yongchang's eyes twitched slightly.

It actually shortened the time by five years!

"Professor Lu?"

Ye Nangeng's urging came from the side.

Lu Yongchang struggled to pull the corners of his mouth and showed an ugly smile: "Taiyang, something happened."

Half an hour later.

Ye Nangeng stared blankly at Lu Yongchang in front of him.

"Impossible...how is this possible?!"

"So far, the sun has only existed for 4.6 billion years. According to models, it can exist for at least 10 billion years!"

"It, how could it enter the aging stage like this?!"

Ye Nangeng's face turned red and his gray beard trembled slightly. He shouted loudly: "This is absolutely impossible!"

"Your calculation method is definitely wrong! There is no way the sun will enter the red giant stage in just over ten years!"

Facing the emotional Ye Nangeng, Lu Yongchang showed a trace of pity deep in his eyes.

In the last life, countless scientists collapsed when they learned this incredible news!

No highly educated person believes this conclusion!

However, the facts are before mankind!

The astrophysics edifice that mankind has spent countless time and energy building has been overthrown so easily!

"Mr. Ye, calm down." Lu Yongchang said softly, "The calculation process is all here. I have just explained to you in detail all the steps that you can't understand."

"Do you think there are loopholes?"

Mr. Ye's expression suddenly suffocated.

It was precisely because he knew that Lu Yongchang's calculation formulas could not find any loopholes that he found it difficult to accept all this!

Mathematics doesn't lie.

In mathematical models, the sun ages at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Even, in the near future, the sun will enter the red giant stage!

He tremblingly raised his wrinkled hand and pulled off a strand of his beard.


Mr. Ye took a breath and murmured to himself: "This, this is true..."

The next moment, Mr. Ye suddenly turned his head to look at Lu Yongchang who was standing aside, and grabbed his arm with his skinny right hand: "Professor Lu! Then... what should we do now?!"

Lu Yongchang looked serious and said word by word: "Go to the Council Chairman!"

Beijing, within the First Ring Road.

In the office of the Speaker.

"Yongchang?" The moment he saw Lu Yongchang, Congressman Li showed a faint smile on his face, "What? If you don't study your task of miniaturizing the fusion reactor, why did you come to me when you have time?"

Lu Yongchang's face was full of bitterness. He shook his head slowly and said in a deep voice: "President, I have something very important to report to you!"

Seeing the serious look on Lu Yongchang's face, Councilor Li's expression gradually became serious.

He put down the pen in his hand and said to Lu Yongchang solemnly: "Go ahead."

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath and said slowly: "Senior Councilor, the sun has entered a stage of rapid aging!"

"According to predictions, it will enter the red giant stage within ten years and explode with a helium flash within fifteen years!"

"By then, human civilization will cease to exist!"


As Lu Yongchang finished speaking, the office of the Speaker fell into silence.

After a long time, the chairman took a deep breath.


He frowned tightly and tapped the knuckles of his right hand on the desk unconsciously...

"Yongchang, these words you just said... are you sure they are all true?"

Seeing the strong suspicion in the chairman's eyes, Lu Yongchang nodded helplessly: "Senator, if you don't believe it, you can find some astronomy experts to verify my speculation."

Councilor Li smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Yongchang, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that you... are a little too outrageous."

Lu Yongchang fell into silence.

The Speaker is right.

To be honest, if he hadn't been reborn and witnessed the helium flash explosion, he wouldn't have believed what he said!

The sun in its prime will enter the red giant stage within ten years and erupt into a helium flash within fifteen years?

To put it bluntly, the Speaker of Parliament treated him well by not kicking him out directly!

"Senior Councilor, Mr. Ye from the Xiaguo Observatory is right outside the door. How about... I call him in and you ask him for his opinion?"

Seeing the chairman of the council nodding, Lu Yongchang quickly opened the door and pulled Ye Nangeng in.

The chairman frowned and looked at Ye Nangeng, who was standing next to Lu Yongchang: "Mr. Ye, do you think Yongchang's prediction is likely?"

Facing the Speaker's question, Ye Nangeng nodded bitterly: "President, I...I didn't find any loopholes."

Although he had expected Ye Nangeng's answer, when the chairman heard this sentence, his pupils shrank to the size of a pinhead in an instant!

"Da... da... da..."

The sound of knuckles tapping on the solid wood desk filled the entire office.

Even though Lu Yongchang was very anxious, he still waited honestly for the chairman of the parliament to make a decision.

After all, facing this level of disaster, without the help of Xiaguo, he would not be able to "turn the tables" anyway!

"Since both of you say so, I will believe you once."

The chairman of the parliament said solemnly: "I will immediately hold a meeting to verify this situation. If the situation is true..."

"We may have to start considering a way out."

After speaking, the chairman leaned back on the chair and sighed again.

Lv Yongchang's eyes moved slightly.

"Chairman, according to my speculation, tonight, extremely strong auroras will erupt over all parts of the world!"

"This is a sign that the sun has completely entered aging."

The chairman of the parliament's eyes moved slightly.

As the chairman of the parliament, he naturally knows some basic common sense. Auroras generally only appear over the South Pole or the North Pole.

As for the global eruption of auroras...

The last time it happened was in 1958, when solar activity erupted violently!

The current solar activity is obviously not enough to support the eruption of such a grand scene!

Therefore, he nodded gently: "Okay, I understand."

"If there is a global aurora, I think... your inference will be more convincing!"

Then the chairman of the parliament looked at Lu Yongchang meaningfully.


That night.

In the Great Hall of Xia State, an emergency meeting that invited most of Xia State's astronomers and physicists kicked off.

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