Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 451 Climate Control Satellite Demonstrates Power

Different from the cheers in the six surface cities, the headquarters of the People's Academy of Sciences was filled with a tense atmosphere at this time.

Every scientific researcher pays close attention to the holographic interface in front of them, for fear of missing any data.

The reason is simple.

After the explosion of a super-large nuclear bomb, Nero produced extremely large fragments.

Smaller pieces do not require too much attention.

As they fall, they melt naturally.

What needs attention are the larger fragments.

Although after rigorous calculations, the Academy of Sciences has chosen the relatively safest blasting method.

However, the first explosion still produced thousands of medium and large comet fragments that were enough to threaten the surface of Dawn Star.

Among them are five extremely large fragments with a diameter of more than fifty kilometers!

Moreover, under the impact of the hydrogen bomb, the landing trajectory of these fragments changed greatly!

Therefore, for the "Noah's Ark Project", the real test has just begun!

"Zero, report the blasting results immediately." Lu Yongchang gave the order seriously.

"The blasting was successfully completed."

Zero's tone was very calm: "A total of 1,372 medium and large fragments were produced, which is consistent with the calculation results."

"The location of medium and large debris has been locked."

Accompanied by Zero's electronically synthesized sound, large or small bright green boxes quickly appeared in the huge holographic screen in front of him.

In the bright green box are pieces of comet fragments of various sizes!

Lu Yongchang glanced at the data in the holographic projection and said in a deep voice.

"A network of circumplanetary climate control satellites, operating at full power!"

"Go ahead as planned!"


There is hardly any lag.

The circumplanetary climate control satellite network located in the upper orbit of Dawn Star started to move at this moment!

The first to be dispatched was the small space-based electromagnetic gun.

Electromagnetic gun pellets carrying micro hydrogen bombs quickly rushed towards 1372 targets!

After a few seconds of waiting time.

As the electromagnetic gun projectile successfully hit the target, dense "fireworks" rose in the upper atmosphere of Dawn Star.

Under the bombardment of micro hydrogen bombs and electromagnetic gun pellets, large fragments that may have affected the ground were fragmented again.

The moment the explosion ended, a high-energy laser beam appeared.

At such a "close" distance, the laser beam hit those "die-hards" with almost no delay.

The combination of electromagnetic gun and high-energy laser beam produces extremely remarkable effects!

Under the gaze of everyone in the Academy of Sciences, the number of bright green boxes in the giant holographic projection decreased rapidly.

This means that the number of comet fragments that threaten the surface of Dawn Star is declining sharply!

But all this is just the beginning.

So far, Nero fragments are mostly concentrated in the same area.

Once they turn to liquid and fall to the ground...

There is a high probability that a real "apocalyptic flood" will occur in the corresponding area.

To use an analogy.

If all water resources on the earth were extracted, including air, oceans, glaciers, underground...

Then, combine it into a water ball.

Then the diameter of this water polo is almost 1384 kilometers.

If only fresh water resources are considered.

Then the diameter of this water polo will be only 400 kilometers.

This ratio is small compared to Earth.

It seems incredible, after all, 71% of the earth's surface is covered by water.

This situation occurs because the earth's surface is relatively smooth.

Even ocean trenches that are tens of thousands of meters high or mountains that are more than 8,000 meters high are just a layer of texture on the surface of the entire earth.

It is precisely because of this that such a small amount of water resources can cover 70% of the earth's area.

Return to Dawn Star.

Nero has a diameter of 600 kilometers, 90% of which is solid ice.

In other words, once these solid ices are completely liquefied, a water sphere with a diameter of about 560 kilometers will be formed!

Such a volume of water resources is concentrated in one area...

I am afraid that the great flood in the Bible could not reach such a scale!

Naturally, the Academy of Sciences will not allow such a disaster to happen!

Thus, the real purpose of circumplanetary climate control satellites emerged.

Liquid nitrogen, high-energy laser beam, ultra-long-distance microwave heating...

With all devices running at full power, the atmosphere of Dawn Star quickly changed.

The wind picked up.

The A1 plain, which had been silent for a long time, once again ushered in the long-lost strong wind!

Spurred on by circumplanetary climate control satellites, the storm spread rapidly!

In just ten minutes, a "gentle wind" with a wind speed of 20 kilometers/hour appeared on the surface of Dawn Star.

The falling speed of debris from Nero is greatly reduced by gentle winds.

Wind speed continues to rise.

Gentle breeze, fresh breeze, strong wind...

In just one hour, a global storm once again broke out across the Dawn Star.

Under the influence of the storm, these ice crystal fragments were quickly swept across the Dawn Star, whether melted or not.

"Tick tock."

A splash of water appeared on the lens of a high-definition camera placed on the embankment.

"It's raining!" Hope excitedly turned around and grabbed Hansent's arm beside him, and said repeatedly, "The plan was successful!"

"After a while, there will be a real ocean on Dawn!"

Hansent did not speak, but stared blankly at the holographic screen in front of him.

He swallowed hard: "Are you sure... it's raining?"

Hope was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the holographic projection in front of him.


He sighed subconsciously.

"This is just... just like a shower room."

Hansent swallowed again and added in a low voice: "This shower room probably uses a high-pressure water gun..."

Under the influence of the storm, every drop of rain was like a bullet, bombarding the gravel-covered surface of Dawn, smashing out one tiny pit after another!

Hope was silent for a moment, and squeezed out a sentence with difficulty.

"The quality of this camera is really good."

Hansent: "..."

In this kind of scene, you actually told me that the quality of the camera is good? !

But the next moment, after seeing the weathered stone that was broken next to the camera, he nodded silently.

"Yes, the quality is really good."


A few minutes later

Hope's eyes widened suddenly.


"Hansen, did you see that?"

"What?" Hansen, who was immersed in the large shower room scene, responded impatiently.

Hope's voice was full of fear!

"Water, the water in the nearby waters is flooding up!!"

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