Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 457 Ship Material Restrictions


Lu Yongchang frowned and muttered softly.

Then, he sighed deeply.

Ever since humans entered secondary civilization, carbyne has become the main material for making starship shells.

Research on new materials has never stopped.

However, until now, carbyne is still the strongest substance that humans can create.

As elements in the same family, silicon and carbon have many similarities.

However, the length of the carbon-carbon bond is shorter than the length of the silicon-silicon bond.

This means that even if there is so-called silicone, the material strength cannot exceed carbyne.

Of course, it’s not that there are stronger substances in the universe.

Materials built from strong interacting forces.

For example, neutron stars.

Under the action of strong gravity, even atoms are completely crushed. Electrons outside the nucleus are pressed into the nucleus and combine with protons to form neutrons.

Therefore, there are no so-called atoms and molecules on neutron stars.

The density and strength of neutron star material built from neutrons have reached their peak.

Did you think this was the end?

Of course not.

As of now, quark stars are still in a theoretical state and have not yet been discovered.

Stronger gravity even crushes neutrons, releasing the quarks in them.

Macroscopic matter directly constructed from quarks far exceeds neutron star matter in strength and density.

Of course, with current human technology, we can only stay away from such mythical and legendary materials.

Not to mention how to completely remove the neutron star material and keep it in its original state, even getting close to the neutron star is something that is impossible for current human civilization.

Lu Yongchang shook his head helplessly and retracted his divergent thoughts.

"Professor, Academician Fang Xu sent a communication request."

Zero's electronic synthesized voice suddenly sounded in the quiet office: "Are you connected?"

Lu Yongchang probably knew Fang Xu's intention.

He pondered for a moment, raised his hand and waved it in the air, "throwing" aside the layers of holographic images above the desk.

Then, he straightened up and said in a deep voice, "Let's get through."

The next moment, a new holographic picture slowly unfolded above the desk, and the robot on the side also "handed" a camera just right.

"Yongchang, what's the starship design plan?"

Sure enough, the moment the communication was connected, words that made Lu Yongchang extremely tangled came from the loudspeaker.

At the same time, Fang Xu's big face appeared in the holographic projection.

As if noticing the bitter expression on Lu Yongchang's face, Fang Xu frowned slightly: "You haven't decided yet?"

Lu Yongchang nodded silently.

Seeing this, Fang Xu frowned even deeper.


"Even if we can't build a 10,000-meter flagship, a 6,000-meter asteroid-class Earth is still a good choice, isn't it?"


After a long time, Lu Yongchang sighed, shook his head and said: "Do you still remember the scale of the comet class [Earth]?"

Fang Xu hesitated for a moment and responded in a low voice: "Five thousand meters?"

"Yes." Lu Yongchang raised his hand and rubbed his face vigorously, "If we follow this drawing, what we create will only be an enhanced version of the comet-class flagship."

"You have also seen the flagship of the Lator civilization."

"Although I later learned that it was a starship from a fourth-level civilization."

"But don't forget!"

"That is not the flagship of a fourth-level civilization!" Lu Yongchang said in a serious tone, "Once you choose to compromise on the highest-end combat power of civilization, human civilization will sooner or later suffer in an interstellar war."

"But..." Fang Xu tried to persuade again, "Yongchang, you also know that in zero's simulation calculations, materials are an insurmountable obstacle."

"We have to settle for the next best thing."

"As for the 10,000-meter-scale's not too late to wait for breakthroughs in material technology before making plans."

Lu Yongchang did not speak, but frowned and looked at the holographic drawing that was "thrown" aside.

"Wait a little longer."

After a moment of silence, Lu Yongchang said softly: "Look again."

"Since ordinary starships of a fourth-level civilization can reach this scale, it means that this kind of material is not scarce."

"It's just that we went into a misunderstanding, or in other words, we lacked a little luck."

Lu Yongchang's eyes moved slightly, and he murmured to himself: "Perhaps, we should set our sights further afield..."


Fang Xu obviously didn't hear Lu Yongchang's soft whisper clearly. He raised his tone a little and asked impatiently: "What other misunderstandings are there?"

"I don't know how many experiments have been done in the laboratory. No matter how many adjustments are made, the materials produced cannot meet the requirements."

Lu Yongchang, who was in front of the camera, ignored Fang Xu's complaints. He stood up from his chair suddenly, stared at the camera handed over by the robot with a serious expression, and said word by word: "Wait a little longer!"

"I feel like I'm almost finding my way!"

"Stop all starship manufacturing projects. No asteroid-class starships shall be built until I say so!"

The picture in the holographic projection seemed to be paused.

Fang Xu stared at Lu Yongchang blankly, his face full of shock and disbelief.

"What did you say?!"

"[Golden Crow], [Taotie]...are these starship manufacturing projects that have already been decided also stopped?!"

"Yes! Stop!" Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed with confidence, "Believe me, give me a little more time, I will find a way out!"

Fang Xu took a deep breath and stabilized his emotions.

He nodded with difficulty: "Okay."

"Who made you the chief scientist?"

"I will arrange the laboratory and the factory."

Lv Yongchang smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, I have a strong premonition."

"After a hundred years, material technology is about to break through!"

Fang Xu shrugged: "I hope so."


After the communication was cut off, Lv Yongchang quickly issued an order.

"Zero, close the door."

"No one is allowed to enter without permission!"


After hearing Zero's response, Lv Yongchang hurriedly closed his eyes.

He skillfully mobilized his consciousness and came to the technology tree space deep in his mind again.

Recently, he entered the technology tree space countless times and tried to analyze a technology located in the middle trunk area of ​​the technology tree.

[Material Technology: Carbonyne Composite Materials]

The words in the cursor are very clear. The material technology that a Level 3 civilization should master is the composite materials constructed with carbonyne.

It was this dim cursor that made Lv Yongchang determined to build a 10,000-meter flagship.

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