A long silence.

Lv Yongchang narrowed his eyes again and carefully observed the virtual image in front of him.

It was the underlying code again.

He still couldn't figure out the working principle of the underlying code.

Not to mention understanding the content of the underlying code.

However, there was good news.

At least from this incident, the underlying code was on his side.

In addition to limiting Zero's emotions and becoming the so-called "super artificial intelligence", it can also protect the creator's life as much as possible in an emergency.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Zero did not deceive himself.

"Zero, will you deceive?"

Lv Yongchang asked suddenly.

"I will not deceive the creator." Zero answered in a serious tone, "According to the underlying logic, I cannot conceal and deceive the creator to any extent."

He quickly realized the meaning behind this sentence.

"What about others?"

"On the premise that it is beneficial to the creator, I will conceal and deceive to a certain extent."

Lv Yongchang nodded thoughtfully.

Although it was unclear whether this was true or not, since Zero said so, he could only choose to believe it even though he could not understand the underlying code.

He took another step forward, and the closed door of the biological laboratory slowly opened at this moment.


One week later.

Outside the city of Dawn Star No. 1, a figure sat quietly on top of the giant dam surrounding the city.

The camera slowly zoomed in.

Because of the space suit and exoskeleton, the figure looked particularly strong from behind.

The camera rotated and cut to the front.

Inside the slightly reflective glass mask was a familiar face.

As usual, Hope sat on the edge of the giant dam, quietly looking at the vast ocean under his feet.

However, it was different from a few years ago.

The ocean at this time was not azure blue.

The sea surface covered by countless Atmosphere Transformers No. 1 showed a strange green color.

Under the breeze, the sea surface was covered with layers of waves.

Occasionally, some snow-white waves rose from the bottom and hit the giant dam.

Today is a day off.

Hope has been sitting here for a whole day.

He stared at the sea in front of him, with countless fragments of memories flashing in his mind like a marquee.

"Ding Dong."

A crisp reminder sounded in his ears, drowning out the subtle sound of waves from the helmet radio.

Unlike a few years ago, Hope has learned his lesson now - he did not turn off the message alert sound.

Although this would disturb his interest in watching the sea, and nothing major has happened in the Human Union in the past few years, who knows what will happen in the next second?

Hope retracted his scattered thoughts, raised his wrist, and skillfully turned on the small holographic projection function equipped with the watch.

A holographic image with a blue background appeared in front of him.

Looking at the text in the holographic projection, Hope's eyes, which were originally slightly narrowed, gradually became "round".

"Fuck, fuck..."

His heart was pounding, and a large amount of hot blood was pumped into his blood vessels.

Then, a strange redness brought by excitement appeared on Hope's face.

Opportunity! This is the opportunity he has dreamed of!

He subconsciously stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips fiercely.

The next second, he pushed hard with both hands.

With the help of the exoskeleton armor, he quickly stood up from the embankment.

He subconsciously turned around and ran towards City No. 1, but after running a few steps, he suddenly stopped his steps.


He came out on a mineral exploration ship.

He raised his hand and tapped his helmet lightly.

The crisp sound from the helmet cooled his overheated brain a little.

"By the way! Hansent!" Hope turned around and ran towards the mineral exploration ship, muttering to himself and turning on the communication function.

A few minutes later.

A mineral exploration ship with a little dust on its surface rose from the embankment and headed straight for the open port of City No. 1!


"What's going on?"

Hansent stood at the door of his house, frowning and looking at Hope, who was panting in front of him.

"Ha! This time, this time it's you who's behind!" Hope said while panting heavily, "Didn't you see the latest news from the Academy of Sciences?"

Hansent frowned even deeper.

"Are you talking about the information about recruiting volunteers?"

Hope nodded repeatedly and looked at Hansent in front of him with expectant eyes.

"You..." Facing Hope's eyes, Hansent had a bad idea in his mind. He stretched out his hand and pulled Hope, who was standing at the door, into the room.

Then he lowered his voice and shouted: "Are you crazy?!"

"Do you know what the volunteer does?!"

Hope struggled to break free from Hansent's hand that was pulling his arm, and responded angrily: "Of course I know!"

"Isn't it just to explore a larger planet?"

Hansent couldn't help but laugh at Hope's words.

"Bigger planets?"

"Those are ice giants! Not terrestrial planets!"

"Do you know Uranus and Neptune? They are ice giants!" Hansent shouted, "Wake up! Those are areas that humans have never set foot on!"

Hope fell silent.

He is naturally aware of the risks involved.

Unlike terrestrial planets, ice giant planets are closer to gas giant planets.

It's just that the scale is not comparable to the gas giant planets.

As for the environment, I'm afraid it's not much different from the gas giant planets, which are forbidden areas for carbon-based life.

For example, Neptune in the solar system is a typical ice giant planet.

The mass reaches 17.147 Earth masses, and the atmospheric components are mainly hydrogen and helium.

The wind speed on its surface even reached 2400km/h.

For a landing spacecraft, this is simply a hell-like existence!

It is no exaggeration to say that even with humanity's current technology, landing on an ice giant planet is equivalent to half stepping into the gate of hell.


"But this is the only chance..."

There was a hint of vibrato in Hope's words.

Hearing this, Hansent also fell silent.

Having been teammates for decades, Hansent naturally knew Hope’s wish since childhood—to enter the Academy of Sciences and contribute to the People’s Federation.

"Become a volunteer and explore the ice giant planets, and you can become a member of the Academy of Sciences!"

Hope murmured to himself: "The scope of volunteers we are looking for is mineral prospectors with more than fifty years of work experience. This is simply an opportunity tailor-made for me!"

"I absolutely can't miss this opportunity!"

Hansent looked heavy and tried to persuade again.

"Actually, you are already a member of the Academy of Sciences."

"No! I'm not!" Hope roared a little excitedly, "It's a subordinate organization of the Science Academy. Is this also a member of the Academy of Sciences?!"

Faced with Hope's questioning, Hansent was speechless.

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