Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 462 Ammonia Ice Cloud and Liquid Ammonia Ocean

"Biological laboratory?"

Hope asked Hansen in a low voice with some surprise: "Why is it a biological laboratory?"

"Aren't we going to explore the ice giant planet? How can it be related to the biological laboratory?"

"You ask me? Who should I ask?" Hansen replied unhappily, "Since Zero said so, we just do it."

As he said, Hansen took a step and followed the holographic arrow in the air.

And Hope, after hesitating for a moment, also followed Hansen's footsteps.


As grassroots employees under the Academy of Sciences, Hope and Hansen have the opportunity to enter and exit some important areas of the Resource Management Bureau.

Therefore, unlike normal human citizens, they have also seen some "high-tech products".

Even so, they were deeply shocked by the scene in the Academy of Sciences!

Robots of various shapes shuttled in an orderly manner in the extremely simple corridor.

Taking advantage of the gap when the robots entered the laboratory, they could see the busy researchers in various laboratories.

Unknown experimental equipment, serious and tense experimental atmosphere...

Everything made Hope and Hansent anxious.

Just when the two were extremely nervous, the holographic arrowhead turned into countless tiny particles and slowly dissipated in the air.

At the same time, Zero's electronic synthesized voice also sounded.

"Mr. Hope, Mr. Hansent, we have arrived at the biological laboratory."

The moment the voice fell, the door of the laboratory on the side opened!

The scene in the laboratory fell into the eyes of the two people at a glance.


"Professor." The electronic synthesized voice interrupted Lu Yongchang's action of checking the data, "The registrants have arrived."

Lu Yongchang raised his head and turned to look at the door of the laboratory.

Sure enough.

Two tall and strong men stood at the door with a reserved look.

Lu Yongchang had a gentle smile on his face and waved to the two gently.

"Why are you standing there? Come here."

"Relax, I don't eat people."

Hearing Lu Yongchang's words, the reserved look on a man's face dissipated a lot.

But the other man, like before, had a bit of fanaticism in his eyes.

"Lv, Professor Lu!" The man with fanatic eyes heard Lv Yongchang's voice and took a step forward, "I..."

Before he finished speaking, the robot standing by the door suddenly took a step forward.

The emotionless cold electronic eyes stared at the fanatic man.

Obviously, this scene scared the two.

The two volunteers subconsciously took a step back, their eyes filled with deep fear.

"Zero, relax." Lv Yongchang's gentle voice came from the front, "I don't think he has any ill intentions."

The moment the voice fell, the robot blocking the two took a step back slightly.

"You are..." Lv Yongchang glanced at the holographic image that appeared beside him, "Hope, right?"

"Why are you so excited?"

Hearing Lv Yongchang's question, Hope glanced at the robot that took a step back, took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said carefully: "Yes, I am Hope."

"Professor Lv, I, I am your fan!" Hope's face flushed slightly, and he squeezed out a sentence with difficulty.

Lv Yongchang was stunned for a moment, then smiled dumbly and waved his hand.

The robot standing by the door took another step back, and the red light flashing in the electronic eyes slowly went out.

"Come here." Lv Yongchang waved to the two again, "I will give you a brief introduction to this operation first, and then you can consider whether to participate."


"The target of this operation is the ninth planet in the Gliese 555 star system."

"It is an ice giant planet, similar to Neptune in the solar system."

As Lv Yongchang's voice sounded, a holographic image appeared in front of everyone.

In the projection, it was a planet with most of the area showing blue.

Slightly different from the azure blue Neptune, the surface of this azure blue ice giant planet is also accompanied by some reddish-brown areas.

"The gravity is about 1.5g, not large, even less than that of Aurora."

"But we must not let our guard down because of this."

"The real threat is not gravity, but its atmosphere."

"The latest data sent back by the probe shows that the atmosphere of this ice giant planet is mainly composed of hydrogen and nitrogen."

"In addition to these basic gases, there are also a large amount of ammonia and nitrogen oxides."

"Look, those reddish-brown color bands are caused by nitrogen oxides." Lv Yongchang stretched out his hand and clicked on the holographic projection in front of him.

Seeing the two nodding to show their understanding, Lv Yongchang changed his gesture and enlarged the image of this ice giant planet.

"Now, let me give you a simple simulation of the landing process."

"First, the special exploration ship will come into contact with its upper atmosphere."

"There are large storms on the surface of this ice giant planet all year round."

"Although the wind speed is not as fast as Neptune, it has reached a high speed of 600km/h."

"This is the first test you will encounter."

"But don't worry too much."

"This kind of storm usually occurs in the upper atmosphere, where the atmosphere is thin. Although the wind speed is high, the lethality is not great."

Hope and Hansent looked at each other after hearing this.

Both saw some worry in each other's eyes.

Without any pause, Lv Yongchang continued: "Next, you will pass through the ice cloud formed by solid ammonia."

"As the altitude continues to drop, the air pressure will gradually increase, and the surrounding temperature will gradually rise."

"According to the data sent back by the detector, when you descend to a certain altitude, you will encounter an ocean."


Hope's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and he subconsciously asked back.

"Yes, the ocean, an ocean made of liquid ammonia." Lv Yongchang said in an affirmative tone, "At 60 atmospheres of pressure, the boiling point of ammonia can reach 98 degrees Celsius."

"This lays the foundation for the formation of the ocean."

"And what you have to do is to enter this liquid ammonia ocean for mineral exploration."

"In an environment that is completely different from that of terrestrial planets, there may be some special minerals."

"This is what the Academy of Sciences needs."

ps: I'm a little stuck, so I'll sort out the plot and update it today

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