"Aminolife, right?"

Lu Yongchang said softly.

The excited expression on Mao Zhengzhi's face gradually stiffened, and he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"Teach, professor... you have already thought of it?"

Lu Yongchang still stared at the holographic projection in front of him, waved his hand casually and said, "Same as you, I just thought of it."

Mao Zhengzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and the stiff expression on his face relaxed a little.

"Amide, a compound in which a acyl group is connected to a nitrogen atom, is an organic compound formed by replacing the hydroxyl group in a carboxylic acid with an amino group." Lu Yongchang's eyes were full of surprise, "I didn't expect that it could replace basic amino acids to form a polypeptide chain... "

Unlike Lu Yongchang, Mao Zhengzhi's eyes were full of excitement at this time.

As a biology academician, this brand new life form attracts his attention like a magnet!

Although so far, only polypeptide chains and protein-like chains have been discovered, the emergence of this organic matter directly proves the possibility of the existence of amino life!

"Professor, where were these substances found?"

Mao Zhengzhi asked: "I mean, where was the liquid ammonia found in the ocean?"

Lu Yongchang pointed to the huge holographic projection in the distance: "The pressure below the sea surface is about 23,344 standard atmospheres."

"What the hell?" Mao Zhengzhi was visibly stunned when he heard this.

This data is too terrifying for humans, or carbon-based life on earth!

But soon, Mao Zhengzhi came back to his senses and began to think.

"If there really is amino life in ice giants..."

"In such an environment, their physical strength should be extremely exaggerated, right?"

he muttered.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Lu Yongchang's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the huge holographic image in the distance.


"Zero! Control [Poseidon] and surface immediately!!!"

But obviously, it was too late.

"[Poseidon] Call the command center!" Hope's voice came from the speaker at the same time, "We have encountered an unknown situation!!!"

Ice giant, liquid ammonia ocean.

More than ten minutes ago.

Hope and Hansent silently looked at the deep ocean outside the porthole and sighed in unison.

The two people who noticed this looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces.

"I don't know when we can go back..." Hansent stretched hard, "This exploration mission is really not done by humans."

Hope nodded knowingly.

Thinking of the 263km of liquid ammonia above his head, he felt his scalp numb.

He turned to look at the playing cards placed aside and smacked his lips slightly: "Just wait a little longer."

"When the research results from the Dawn Star come out, we can relax more when we continue the dive mission."

Hansent nodded noncommittally and once again looked at the holographic projection ahead.

In holographic projection, the images of the outside world are returned by each camera.

Looking at the dark, borderless scene, Hansent shuddered slightly.

"I always feel like something is watching us... Do you feel this way?"

Hope was stunned for a moment, and after reacting he couldn't help but curse.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Perhaps because he was startled by Hansent's words, Hope reached out and rubbed the goosebumps on his arms vigorously, and said angrily: "What the hell could be in the 263km deep liquid ammonia ocean? Aliens?"

Hansent also felt that his words were a bit outrageous. He scratched his head with a smile and apologized repeatedly: "My, my, my."

"It's just...I really feel that way."

"Maybe it's because I've been in this small space for a long time. When the mission is over, I have to go back and do a good job..."

As he spoke, Hansent's voice became smaller and smaller until it stopped.

"Huh?" Hope hadn't noticed the problem at this time and asked subconsciously, "What are you going to do when you go back?"

"I won't stay at home again..."

"Shh!" Hansent hissed hard, interrupting Hope's words, "Hope, you, look carefully at this camera picture, I seem to see some light..."

"Bright light?" Hope frowned, turned to look in the direction of Hansent's finger, and said suspiciously, "I said, are you hallucinating due to too much pressure?"

"I remember there is medicine in the warehouse. I will give it to you later..."

Hope's voice suddenly paused, and then he raised his hand and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

That’s right.

In the image returned by the camera, there is a flickering orange-red light in the endless darkness.

"It seems...there's really light?" he said with some uncertainty.

The next moment, he came back to his senses, his face changed slightly, and he shouted to Hansent who was in a daze next to him: "What are you doing standing there?!"

"Hurry up and turn on the sonar to see what that thing is!"

As he spoke, he pressed a few buttons on the holographic projection.

"[Poseidon] Call the command center!"

"We have encountered an unknown situation! Repeat! We have encountered an unknown situation!"

There was almost no waiting, and Lu Yongchang's serious voice came from the loudspeaker.

"What's going on?"

Hansent on the side was currently turning on the sonar system that had just been shut down for active detection.

"We, we found a light source." Hope swallowed his saliva, stared at the camera screen in the holographic projection, and whispered.

"Light source?"

"Yes, the camera on the abdomen of [Poseidon] saw the orange-red flickering light, the flickering interval is about ten seconds, the light source position... should be below us." Hope reported in a hurried tone.

The moment the voice fell, Zero had already called up all the camera screens on the exploration ship.

Lu Yongchang frowned slightly.

He did not see the so-called light source in it.

"Wait, where is the light source?"

"Professor, the light source disappeared!"

"Hansent, is the sonar turned on?"

Hansent's voice sounded: "It's on, it's already on!"

Hope continued: "Professor, we turned on the active detection sonar..."


"What the hell is this?!"

A chaotic sound came from the communication channel.

Lv Yongchang's uneasiness became more and more intense. He didn't have time to ask Hope, but directly gave an order to Zero: "Zero! Pull out the sonar data!"

Looking at the huge, streamlined gray shadow like a reef under the exploration ship in the holographic projection, all the researchers present swallowed their saliva subconsciously.

"Reef?" Hope raised his voice, "Professor, is this a reef?"

"..."Looking at the gray shadow, Lv Yongchang squeezed out a sentence from his mouth with difficulty.

"Obviously, there will be no reefs in the liquid ammonia ocean of the ice giant."

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