Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 480 Successfully Obtained Sample

Under Zero's precise control, the third bait exploded successfully beside the giant fish.

Accompanied by the increasingly frequent ultrasonic waves in the sea water, [Poseidon] continued to quietly "touch" the giant fish.

Unlike before, this time, Hope deliberately avoided the area flashing orange-red light.

Looking through the porthole, looking at the cracked skin getting closer and closer, Hope and Hansent subconsciously slowed down their breathing.

The cockpit was extremely quiet. In addition to the sound of instrument control, the two could even hear the beating of their hearts in their chests.

"Try to use the mechanical arm to sample."

Lv Yongchang's voice came from the speaker.

Hope only felt his heart tremble slightly.

Mechanical arm sampling?

What's the difference between this and dancing in front of the King of Hell? !

"Don't worry." Perhaps sensing the fear in the hearts of the two pilots, Mao Zhengzhi on the side said, "Combining various situations, its skin is very thick, and the surface sampling work should not attract its attention."

"...Should?" Hope felt his body numb.

"Ah! Definitely! Definitely!" Mao Zhengzhi seemed to have remembered something, looked at Lv Yongchang with a strange look, and quickly opened his mouth to correct it.

Lv Yongchang saw this, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "..."


In the pitch-dark liquid ammonia ocean, a giant fish with a body length of more than 200 meters was excitedly swallowing the surrounding seawater.

And beside the giant fish, a spherical detector with a bumpy surface was waving its side manipulator, slowly approaching the deep-sea giant fish immersed in the food.

The bright beam of light penetrated the slightly turbid sea water and shone directly on the back of the giant fish, clearly reflecting the lines on the back of the giant fish.

Like a dry riverbed, there are deep or shallow cracks everywhere.

Pieces of irregular shells stacked on each other, wrapping this deep-sea giant fish with a thick layer of armor.

Thanks to this, it can hit the [Poseidon] exploration ship recklessly without worrying about whether its body will be damaged.

The manipulator carefully approached the carapace on its back.

The high-frequency vibration cutter popped out from the fingers of the manipulator and gently touched the dark brown carapace.

The cutter was bounced off.

Obviously, the hardness and toughness of this dark brown carapace far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Zero quickly adjusted the strength of the manipulator and the vibration frequency of the cutter, trying to cut off a tiny fragment from the tough carapace.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The swallowing action of the giant fish gradually slowed down, and the ultrasonic waves received by the sonar device became much gentler.

There seemed to be not much cesium chloride and rubidium chloride dissolved in the seawater.

"Are there any more baits?"

Hope asked loudly.

Hansen, who was standing by, reached out and pressed a few times on the holographic interface on the console: "Not much, the reserves of cesium chloride and rubidium chloride in the [Poseidon] warehouse are not much, and it is estimated that there are only three uses left!"

Outside the porthole, the high-frequency vibration cutter has been immersed in the dark brown carapace.

They need time!

Without any hesitation, Hope shouted, "Quick! Keep firing bait!"

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Hansen hurriedly manipulated another mechanical arm and threw the fourth bait to the giant fish.

After a short wait, the bait was turned on remotely.

The cesium chloride and rubidium chloride in it quickly dissolved in the surrounding liquid ammonia seawater.

But the reaction of the giant fish was not as intense as before.

Perhaps in the spirit of shameful waste, the giant fish symbolically swallowed the seawater and swallowed as much seawater dissolved with cesium chloride and rubidium chloride as possible.

"No way..." Hope looked at the slow-moving giant fish outside the porthole, and a deep fear flashed in his eyes.

"Has it eaten enough?!!"

"The cutting is complete." Zero's electronic synthesized voice sounded just right.

Before Hope could be happy, the electronic synthesized voice sounded again.


"Abnormality detected!"

"Hope!" At the same time, Hansen's anxious and fearful roar came from the side, "Quick, retract the mechanical arm!"

"Prepare to escape!! Its companions are coming!!!"


Dawn Star.

The command center was silent.

The huge holographic projection in front of everyone showed the images from the belly camera of the [Poseidon] exploration ship.

Three orange-red light circles that flickered in the dark deep sea were faintly visible.

Mao Zhengzhi swallowed his saliva gently and turned his head to look at the data sent back by the sonar device.

The ultrasonic waves continued to propagate in the liquid ammonia seawater.

"It's like a greeting..." Mao Zhengzhi muttered to himself.

"They definitely have their own language system!"

In the holographic projection on the side, the number of samples of ultrasonic fragments is increasing rapidly.

But so far, there is still no repeated fragment.

"How could this happen..." Mao Zhengzhi's eyes were getting more and more confused.

Lu Yongchang on the side had no energy to pay attention to Mao Zhengzhi's muttering.

At this time, his attention was on the [Poseidon] exploration ship.

Three new giant fish, plus the original one, a total of four deep-sea giant fish!

If this is curious about the exploration ship...

The picture is too beautiful to imagine.

"Hope, Hansent, stop the exploration mission and prepare to evacuate!"

"Zero, take over the control of [Poseidon], and launch a bait immediately!" Lu Yongchang's steady voice sounded in the command center.

"Retract the manipulator and the sample, and float up immediately!"



Inside the [Poseidon] exploration ship.

Hope and Hansent sat on the chairs with pale faces, and both of them held the safety belts in front of them tightly.

Since the abnormal situation was discovered, the entire exploration ship has been taken over by Zero.

Under Zero's control, the right manipulator slowly retracted into the cabin.

At the same time, the left manipulator threw a bait into the distance.

After a short wait, the bait was remotely opened.

The three new giant fish soon noticed the abnormality of the surrounding seawater.

They quickly moved away and chased in the direction of the bait.

Like the first giant fish, cesium chloride and rubidium chloride have a fatal attraction to them.

At this moment, the exploration ship discharged the liquid ammonia seawater sucked into the cabin and started the floating procedure!

The tail propeller also started, quickly pushing the exploration ship away from this troubled place!


Looking at the orange-red flashing light that was constantly moving away from the porthole, Hansent breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally safe..." Hansent muttered to himself, "I swear, I don't want to come to this damn place in my life!!"

Hope didn't respond, but just frowned and looked at the porthole in front of him.

"What's wrong?" Hansent noticed Hope's abnormality and asked, "With that bait, these giant fish shouldn't catch up, right?"

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