Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 482 It's a pity, Professor, it's a pity

Mao Zhengzhi looked thoughtfully at the holographic projection in front of him.

Similar to Lu Yongchang's view, he also holds the same view.

"That's good news." Mao Zhengzhi breathed a sigh of relief, "If they are really highly intelligent creatures, they may cause us a lot of trouble."

Lu Yongchang nodded noncommittally.

If they have advanced intelligence, they will definitely significantly interfere with the Academy of Sciences' next mineral exploration mission.

After all, no living thing would watch its territory being invaded by alien species.

The mineral exploration mission, as a precursor to the asteroid-class warship project, is currently the highest priority mission of the People's Federation.

Therefore, once the above situation occurs, war is inevitable.

But here's the problem.

Even though humans have now entered the third level of civilization, there are still not many restrictions on the giant fish inside the ice giant.

On the one hand, the ice giant's liquid ammonia ocean range is extremely vast. These giant fish can completely adopt guerrilla warfare strategies, which will greatly affect the progress of human projects.

On the other hand, the environment inside the ice giant is not particularly friendly to the human fleet.

Lu Yongchang doesn’t want to waste too much time on these giant fish!

Thinking of this, he turned to look at the holographic projection aside.

He raised his hand, supported his chin, and looked thoughtfully at the tens of thousands of audio samples in the holographic projection.

Perhaps, if you want to solve the interference of these giant fish, you must first decipher their language system.

But this is clearly not the top priority right now.

"Professor..." Hansen's weak voice came from the communication device, "Let's not talk about wisdom or not..."

"What about us? What should we do?!"

More than ten minutes later.

After some discussions between Lu Yongchang, Mao Zhengzhi and others, a new escape plan was placed in front of Hope and Hansent.

"It's a pity."

While Hope and Hansent were looking at the plan carefully, Lu Yongchang shrugged and said with some helplessness, "Currently, [Poseidon]'s outer shell has been severely damaged and cannot undertake deeper exploration tasks. "

"Coupled with the interference of these giant deep-sea fish."

"I declare that this exploration plan will be terminated early."

Upon hearing this, Hope and Hansent raised the corners of their mouths slightly, and their eyes shone with surprise.

I can finally get off work early!

Whoever wants to come to this damn ghost place can come!

At least, they won't be able to come to this miserable place again!

Whoever comes is the dog.jpg

The two of them swore silently in their hearts.

Although I think so in my heart, I definitely can't say it with my mouth.

"Ah this..."

At this moment, Hansent went through all the most uncomfortable things in his life in his mind.

"What a shame, Professor, what a shame."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and sighed in frustration.

"Regret?" In the video communication screen, Lu Yongchang looked at the two people with an annoyed look on his face, "Why are you regretful?"

"The construction of the [Poseidon II] exploration ship has begun, and we will soon interpret and decipher the language system of these giant fish."

"In order to provide better material assistance, the [Taotie] material reserve ship has set off for Ice Giant."

"You just need to wait in the ice giant orbit for a while before you can start your exploration mission again."

Their expressions froze.

At this moment, they finally no longer had to look depressed.



"Now let me introduce the escape plan to you in detail..."

Without giving the two of them time to talk, Lu Yongchang directly changed the subject with a serious face.

Hope and Hansent looked at each other again and could only reluctantly accept this established fact.

The escape plan is simple.

Simply put, it means "abandoning ship".

Aren’t these giant fish planning to use the exploration ship as a buffet supply point?

Then simply give them this exploration ship!

The waste can be reused. With the help of this exploration vessel and the various sensors built into it, we can explore the details of this magical species in more detail and prepare for the next "meeting".

Of course, before that, the skin sample that was obtained after all the hard work was sealed in a special container and sent to a corner of the cockpit.

Outside the porthole window, the orange-red light still stayed in place quietly.

Through those cameras that are still fully functional, it can be clearly seen that three orange-red circles are slowly spinning around the exploration ship.

These four giant fish formed a simple surrounding net, enveloping the exploration ship.

Before they launched an attack, Hope and Hansent hurriedly unbuckled their seat belts.

Then, they got into the deep sea cabin behind them.

The light yellow deep-sea liquid slowly rose, gradually immersing the two of them completely.

In the next operation, the cockpit will separate from the exploration ship and rush to the sea at extremely high acceleration.

Only in the deep-sea cabin will they not be "crushed" by acceleration.

"First, we need to attract the attention of these giant fish, especially the leader."

Seeing that both deep-sea cabins had entered normal working condition, Lu Yongchang said softly: "First, start the separation process."

A slight vibration came from all around.

The cockpit and the exploration ship quickly completed the separation procedure.

At this time, Hope and Hansent had lost control of the exploration ship.

All operations were performed by Zero remote control.

"Then, start the active sonar device and power system."

As soon as the voice fell, the active sonar device and propeller started at the same time, and a burst of "noise" suddenly sounded in the surrounding sea water.

A few seconds later.

The sound wave finally reached the first deep-sea giant fish.

The "noise" that had never been heard of immediately stimulated the giant fish.

It swung its strong and powerful tail frantically, roaring loudly, as if trying to break free from the surrounding noise pollution.

Soon, the second, third, fourth...

The 261km deep in the liquid ammonia ocean has become a complete mess!

The sound of the propeller stirring the liquid ammonia seawater, the ultrasonic "noise" generated by the sonar device, and the "dirty words" of the four deep-sea giant fish, the three mixed together and filled this sea area!


One giant fish couldn't help it.

It swung its body and rushed towards the Poseidon exploration ship hovering in the center, trying to solve the "buffet supply point" that made a harsh noise from a physical level.

If there is one, there will be two.

After a short wait, the four giant fish, including the intelligent giant fish leader, could not suppress their anger and rushed straight towards the exploration ship.


When seeing the last giant fish rushing towards the exploration ship, Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed and he shouted loudly.

"Start the escape procedure!"

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