After discovering that the exploration ship could no longer provide food, the giant fish quickly lost their curiosity.

As time went by, the giant fish around the exploration ship gradually dispersed.

In the end, there was only one giant fish left in this sea area, which was the leader of the giant fish that appeared at the beginning.

Compared with other giant fish, its size is particularly large.

Under the observation of the camera, the cracked skin on the surface of its body also appears to be extremely thick.

Compared with other giant fish, it has the most important difference-its curiosity is particularly strong.

In other words, it is more playful.

Although the exploration ship has not fed it cesium chloride and rubidium chloride, it has still persisted in the past three days and has been "accompanying" the exploration ship.

Then he kept hitting the abandoned exploration ship with his body and tail.

Once, twice...

Persistence, rain or shine.

This spirit can be called a model worker representative of Juyu.

Lu Yongchang was naturally happy to do so.

He even occasionally turns on the active sonar device to add a little fun to this "one-bone" giant fish.

Then, the dark liquid ammonia seawater was filled with waves of ultrasonic waves, which probably wasn't a good thing.

But it provides a large amount of audio data for human research processes.

Although at present, these data are no different from noise.

But this spirit still deeply moved Lu Yongchang.

Therefore, Lu Yongchang once again shortened the activation interval of the active sonar device.

He really made me cry to death.

After setting up the program, Lu Yongchang no longer paid attention to the strange "habits" of the giant fish. At this time, all their attention was focused on the sound wave spectrum in front of them.

Looking at the dense spectrum in front of him, Lu Yongchang shook his head helplessly.

Still haven't found any patterns, and so far, they haven't found any repeated fragments.

Of course, there are many similar clips.

But only the frequency and length of the ultrasound are similar. If you really look into it carefully, the difference between these fragments is actually quite large.

At least, in the eyes of Lu Yongchang and Mao Zhengzhi, the two are not the same sentence at all.

After going through the initial "finding similarities" phase, a flash of inspiration flashed in Lu Yongchang's mind.

"Tell me, are these audios encrypted?"

Lu Yongchang caught a flash of inspiration and excitedly proposed a possibility to Mao Zhengzhi:

"The brains of these giant fish can automatically encrypt and decrypt this audio information, so the audio data looks very confusing to us."

The two hit it off immediately.


Over the next few days, they tried various methods.

Including but not limited to converting these audio information into various carry data, and using zero huge computing power to conduct unified induction and find patterns.

But what we got in the end were all random and garbled codes.

"I really don't know what these giant fish are shouting about..."

After experiencing another failure, Mao Zhengzhi's somewhat annoyed voice came from the side: "By the way, is there any news from Meng Lu?"

"Not yet." Lu Yongchang shook his head again, his eyes filled with helplessness, "It's probably the same as us."

"The language system of these giant fish is quite different from that of earth creatures. It is normal to encounter difficulties in the deciphering process."

Lu Yongchang patted Mao Zhengzhi on the shoulder, comforting Mao Zhengzhi and at the same time comforting himself.

"Professor, [Taotie] has successfully entered the predetermined orbit." Zero's voice sounded from the side, "[Poseidon] cockpit has successfully received."

"Wake-up procedure in progress."

When Lu Yongchang heard this, his eyes lit up slightly.

"Old Mao, here comes the work!"

As he spoke, Lu Yongchang rubbed his face vigorously to dispel the remaining fatigue on his face: "Put the matter of deciphering the language aside for now. Let's take a look at the skin sample first!"

Mao Zhengzhi also showed a bit of expectation in his eyes.

Rather than analyzing language, as a biologist, he is naturally more willing to focus on analyzing organisms, especially this special life form that he has never heard of!

other side.

Like Lu Yongchang and others, Meng Lu frowned and looked at the holographic image in front of her.

However, unlike Lu Yongchang and others, Meng Lu gave up analyzing individual sound clips after going through the same "finding similarities" process.

Under normal circumstances, finding the same or extremely similar fragments is of great help to the study of the entire language system.

The reason is also very simple.

The three basic elements of language: pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

No matter how complex a language system is, the foundation upon which it is built is fixed.

That is, phonemes and syllables.

Basic phonemes and syllables build up vocabulary, and vocabulary is then built into sentences based on grammar.

So language was born.

It is precisely for this reason that finding highly similar sound clips has become everyone's primary goal.


Wasn't this not found?

So, while Lu Yongchang and the two found another path, Meng Lu also chose another path.

Having been immersed in the field of language for hundreds of years, she had some vague guesses in her mind after observing more than 100,000 samples.

Perhaps, from the beginning, their research direction was biased.

The study of a single sound fragment may not be meaningful to these alien life forms.

This is also normal. After all, these giant fish are not even carbon-based creatures.

From the root, they are extremely different from humans or earth creatures.

After thinking of this, Meng Lu began to change her mind.

She no longer dwelled on the differences between each sound fragment, but divided similar sound fragments into the same area.

As for the similarity judgment criteria, it was very simple and crude.

It only mattered if the duration was close.

The other little details were not important.

With the help of Zero, data processing was not difficult.

In just a few seconds, countless complicated data were arranged and combined according to Meng Lu's thoughts.

She stepped back a few steps, then raised her head and took in the entire holographic image.

Although the various data were still a bit messy, she still found some superficial rules.

"Zero, mark the frequency changes of these sound fragments."

Meng Lu quickly stepped forward, raised her hand excitedly, gestured on the holographic projection, and said in a hoarse voice.

The image in the holographic projection changed rapidly.

"So that's it... So that's it!"

"We were wrong in the direction of our research at the beginning!"

"They don't communicate by ultrasound at all!" Meng Lu's lips trembled slightly, and because she was too excited, an abnormal blush appeared on her face, "No, that's not accurate..."

"Where's the professor?" She suddenly came back to her senses and shouted, "Zero, tell Professor Lu, I understand! I have cracked the language system of the giant fish!!"

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