
Hope and Hanssen shouted in unison.

In the picture, an unusually large giant fish is quietly suspended directly in front of the exploration ship.

The orange-red ring of light on the abdomen flickers on and off, reflecting the dark and deep liquid ammonia seawater around it.

Different from ordinary giant fish, under the illumination of searchlights, this giant fish has strange patches on its body surface.

The colors of the patches are divided into two categories. One is the dark brown armor seen last time.

The other type is an "unidentified object" with a silvery white luster.

The screen slowly zooms in, and the images inside gradually become clearer.

"This...this seems to be the remains of our [Poseidon] exploration ship, right?" Hansent looked at the scene in front of him and murmured, "If I'm not mistaken, the one next to its tail should be Is it [Poseidon]’s propeller?”

Hope swallowed slightly: "It's not just the propeller, there are other parts..."

The two looked at each other and said in unison again:

"Are we... meeting an old acquaintance?!"

"No, no, no." Hope shook her head and quickly corrected her wrong statement, "It should be a familiar fish."


The giant amino fish directly in front of the [Poseidon II type exploration ship] is the leader of the giant fish who has a special liking for the wreckage of the exploration ship!

Half a moon has gone missing, and it has obviously completed its own unique "evolution" - it smashed the abandoned [Poseidon] exploration ship into pieces, and used these pieces to weave half a new set of armor for itself!

The reunion after a long absence brought Hope and Hansent not joy, but heartfelt fear.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Hansent swallowed slightly and murmured to himself: "Don't mess with me... It shouldn't recognize our exploration ship, right?"

Before Hope could speak, Lu Yongchang's voice came out.

"Theoretically, this should not happen."

"The [Poseidon II] exploration ship has canceled the propeller propulsion device and improved the sonar system. To these giant fish, you should be more like a similar species with weird behavior."

"Professor, are you sure?" Hope looked at the giant fish that was obviously becoming anxious in the picture, and swallowed hard, "Why do I have a bad feeling?"

The words just fell.

The giant fish in the camera swung its tail violently, and its huge body rushed forward, directly hitting the [Poseidon II] exploration ship!

It's a familiar feeling again.

Hope and Hansent subconsciously tightened their body muscles, holding on to the seat belts with both hands.

"I see!!"

Meng Lu's voice came from the communication device: "Quick, stop the ultrasonic generating device!"

Although he didn't know what was wrong, Hope raised his hand with difficulty and directly turned off the ultrasonic generating device that was still transmitting signals.

The ultrasonic signal slowly dissipated.

The movements of the giant fish also slowed down.

The [Poseidon II] exploration ship also gradually regained its balance.

"What's going on?" Lu Yongchang asked Hope and Hansent their doubts.

"There is a problem with the translation program." Meng Lu smiled bitterly and shook her head helplessly, "No, to be precise, it is not a problem with the translation program."

"There's something wrong with the choice of words."

"Although they are all expressions of joy, the third and seventh words chosen by Hope just now are the tone of voice spoken by superiors to subordinates."

"Unfortunately...these terms all come from the giant fish in front of me."

"There's a problem."

"From the perspective of this giant fish, we may be parodying its words, so..."

Lu Yongchang suddenly understood and took over Meng Lu's words.

"It's okay to be angry."

Hearing Lu Yongchang's concise and concise summary, Meng Lu's mouth twitched sharply: "If you insist on saying it like this, it's okay."

"So...what do we do?"

After experiencing a round of violent turbulence, Hope and Hanssen asked feebly: "How many words are there that cannot be used here?"

Meng Lu was silent for a while.

Then he smiled awkwardly, lowered his voice and said, "Our thesaurus basically comes from it."

"So... about 50% of the vocabulary cannot be used."

Hope: "..."

Hansent: "..."

What is this?

Did you find the genuine owner of a counterfeit product?

"It's not a big problem." Perhaps sensing something from Hope and Hansent's silence, Meng Lu quickly spoke to save her, "Next, I will operate the translation program remotely. Theoretically speaking..."

"Stop!" Hearing this somewhat familiar sentence pattern, Hope trembled suddenly and immediately stopped Meng Lu's words, "Researcher Meng, you can just control the translation program directly."

Meng Lu: "???"

Although her heart was full of doubts and confusion, she still silently operated on the holographic projection in front of her.

While the ultrasonic generating device was paused, the giant fish with black and white patches on its body slowly swam to the front of the exploration vessel.

Under the horrified gazes of Hope and Hansant, it opened its toothless mouth wide, and its streamlined body twitched violently.

Frequent ultrasonic waves came one after another.

Hope and Hansent subconsciously looked at the translation program.

But no Chinese characters appear on it.

"This is a completely new sentence structure and vocabulary." Meng Lu, who was far away on the Dawn Star, lowered his head to operate the translation program on the holographic interface, and explained, "Based on comprehensive judgment, it should be a deterrent behavior."

"It may think that it has encountered the leader of a giant fish in another area."

"We can't remain silent for too long." Mao Zhengzhi's voice also came, "It has begun to show hostility. If it doesn't get a response, it is very likely to launch an attack again."

ps: Add one more chapter...

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